HERBAL TREATMENT जड़ी-बूटियों से इलाज
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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Quick Weed :: Extract of leaves with salt is given in fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. Leaves of this plant, along with those of Ageratum conyzoides, Drymaria cordata, ginger are made into a paste and applied as a remedy for snake-bite.
Patthar Suva :: Its decoction of the plant as febrifuge. A paste of the fresh Pithari plant is applied to promote healing of sores and wounds. It has a bitter taste and fennel like odour. Its also used in culinary-cooking purposes.
Madras Carpet :: Its leaves are regarded as a valuable stomachic possessing deobstruent and antispasmodic properties, and are prescribed as an infusion and an electuary in cases of obstructed menses and hysteria.
Hill Gynura (कुसुंबी, Kusimbi) :: The juice of its stem and leaves are applied to fresh wounds for stopping bleeding and fast healing in traditional medicines. The leaf paste is also applied to forehead to relive headache and used as sedative drug by the local people.
Stem Clasping Ligularia :: The stems, leaves and flowers are used in Tibetan medicine, they have an astringent taste and a cooling potency. Digestive and emetic, they are used in the treatment of vomiting from indigestion.
Chamomilla, Roghan babunah, Gul-babunah :: It is a popular ingredient in topical health and beauty products tor its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects on skin.
Rasna, Phaar, फर, Chithramoolak, चित्रमूलक, रसना, इलापर्णी, Elaparni, सुगंधा, Sugandha, सुरभी Surabhi, Yukta, युक्ता) :: It is used for the inflammations and bronchitis, psoriasis, cough and piles. It is also used as antipyretic, analgesic, laxative and nervine tonic. The decoction of plant is used to prevent the swellings of joint in arthritis, rheumatism and neurological diseases. The roots are antipyretic, bitter, laxative and thermogenic and are used for allaying the pain caused by the sting of scorpions.
Costus, Kuth, कुठ :: It is widely used in several indigenous systems of medicine for the treatment of various ailments, like asthma, inflammatory diseases, ulcer and stomach problems.
Kasturi Kamal, कस्तूरी कमल :: The wool of this herb is applied to cuts, where it sticks compactly, seals the wound and stops the bleeding.
Kaliziri, Murang, मुरंग, Batula :: Leaf paste with mustard oil is rubbed on leucoderma and wounds. Root extract is taken for fever and colic. The seeds are carminative and used for horse-bites.
Brahm Kamal ब्रह्म कमल :: The flowers are used as offering in the hill temples, like the shrines of Badri Nath. The thick curved root of the plant is applied to bruises and cuts, as part of local medicine.
Snow Lotus :: It is used as a tonic for weakness, a therapy for menstrual disorders and a remedy for arthritis.
Lechhkuri, Gobariya लछ्कुरि गोबरिया :: The juice of the fresh herb is used as a dressing for wounds, over which, as it dries, it leaves a varnishing coating. A decoction of the leaves and young shoots is used as a lotion for ulcers and parasitic skin diseases.
Dudhi, दूधी :: It is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indigestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax.
Gorakhmundi, गोरखमुंडी :: It is hot, laxative, digestible, tonic, fattening, alterative, anthelmintic and alexipharmic. It is used in insanity, tuberculosis, indigestion, bronchitis, spleen diseases, elephantiasis, anaemia, pain in uterus and vagina, piles, asthma, leukoderma, dysentery, vomiting, hemicrania, etc.
Wild quinine, Feverfew :: It has been used for reducing fever, for treating headaches, arthritis and digestive problems. It is hypothesised that by inhibiting the release of serotonin and prostaglandins, both of which are believed to aid the onset of migraines, feverfew limits the inflammation of blood vessels in the head.
Kanak gol, कनकगोल :: Its flower-heads are used for treating-healing wounds and bruises.
Watpan, वातपन :: It has been used medicinally as a cough suppressant. It has been used to treat lung ailments such as asthma as well as various coughs by way of smoking. Crushed flowers supposedly cured skin conditions and the plant has been consumed as a food product.
Pilabhangara, Pitabhrng, पीतभ्रंग पीला भंगरा :: The leaves are used in dyeing grey hair and in promoting the growth of hair. They are considered tonic, alternative and useful in coughs, cephalalgia, skin diseases and alopecia. The juice of the leaves is much used as a snuff in cephalalgia. The seeds and flowers, as well as the leaves, are used in decoction, in the quantity of half of teacupful twice daily, as a deobstruent. In decoction, the plant is used in uterine haemorrhage and menorrhagia.
Wedelia :: It is used to treat hepatitis, infections and to clear the placenta after birth.
East Himalayan Balsam :: The flowers are used medicinally for dissolving clots, promoting diuresis and treating abdominal pain, postpartum blood stasis, carbuncles and difficulty in urination.
Chinese Balsam :: The whole plant is used medicinally for relieving fever and pain, removing toxic materials, promoting blood circulation, treating diarrhoea, curing urinary infections, and healing carbuncles. The plant is used externally in burns and taken internally with milk in gonorrhoea.
Chitra, चित्रा :: Its a bitter tonic antiperiodic and diaphoretic. An infusion is used in the treatment of malaria, eye complaints, skin diseases, menorrhagia, diarrhoea and jaundice.
Indian Barberry, इशकीन, Ishkeen :: Its roots are used as remedy for swollen and sore eyes, broken bones, wounds, gonorrhea, curative piles, unhealthy ulcers, acute conjunctive and in chronic opthalmia, also used as bitter tonic astringent, diaphoretic and febrifuge. Its leaves are used in treating jaundice.
Berberine :: It is present in rhizomes of Berberis species, has marked antibacterial effects. It helps in the recovery of canker sores to urinary tract infections. It boosts the immune system, as an anti-oxidant and even help ward off cancer. It helps in soothing digestive tract problems, staph infections, in AIDS therapy, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels and in battling Alzheimer’s disease. It has demonstrated significant antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, viruses and Chlamydia. Its most important attributes is its ability to counteract diarrhoea and combat (e Coli) toxins. It reduces cholesterol in patients being treated for diarrhoea, associated with diabetes.
Nepal Mahonia, Indian barberry :: The fruits are diuretic and demulcent. They are used in the treatment of dysentery.
Calabash tree :: Its fruit pulp is used for respiratory problems such as asthma.
Katsagon मरॊड़फली, Marodphali :: Its used as an ingredient in message oils, to ease muscular tension.
Sausage Tree, बलम खीरा, Balam khira :: Its used for the treatments of skin afflictions, intestinal worms. Some steroid chemicals found in the sausage tree are added to shampoos and facial creams.
Roheda, रोहेड़ा, Chalachhada, छलछड़ :: The bark obtained from the stem is used as a remedy for syphilis. It is also used in curing urinary disorders, enlargement of spleen, gonorrhoea, leucoderma and liver diseases. Seeds are used against abscess.
Comfrey :: The herb contains allantoin, a cell proliferant that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells. It has been used to treat bronchial problems, broken bones, sprains, arthritis, gastric and varicose ulcers, severe burns, acne and other skin conditions. It was reputed to have bone and teeth building properties in children and have value in treating 'many female disorders.
Indian Borage Chhota Kalp छोटा कल्प :: The plant is acrid, bitter in taste. In herbal medicine jargon, it is thermogenic, emollient, alexeteric, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, carminative, constipating, diuretic, depurative, ophthalmic, febrifuge and pectoral. It is also used in arthralgia, inflammations, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery, strangury, skin diseases and dysmenorrhoea.
Shepherd's Purse :: It has been used to stop bleeding from internal organs.
London Rocket, खूबकलाँ, Khubkaln :: It is used to treat coughs and chest congestion, to relieve rheumatism, to detoxify the liver and spleen, and to reduce swelling and clean wounds.
Indian Olibanum, शल्लकी :: It is sued for treating osteoarthritis and joint function, particularly for osteoarthritis of the knee.
Hatchet Cactus :: It is a well known remedy for fevers and rheumatic pains. Extracts have also been shown to have antibiotic activity.
Yellow Nicker, Fever nut, कांटकरंज, Kantkarej :: Its fruits are tonic and antipyretic. Its seeds yield a fatty oil used as a cosmetic and for discharges from the ear. Leaves and bark are febrifuge.
Amaltas, अमलतास :: The sweet blackish pulp of the seedpod is used as a mild laxative.
Coffee Senna, कसुंद, Kasund :: The seed is bitter and has purgative properties. It is also used as a diuretic, liver detoxifier, as a hepato-tonic (balances and strengthens the liver). Further, used in whooping cough and convulsion.
Sita Ashok, Sorrowless tree सीता अशोक :: The juice obtained from boiling the bark is a cure for some ailments of women and a pulp of the blossoms is one of the remedies used for dysentery.
Tanner's Cassia तरवड़, Tarwar :: The root of this plant is used in a decoction for fevers, diabetes, diseases of the urinary system and constipation. The leaves have laxative properties. The dried flower and flower buds are used as substitute.
Sea Mango :: The seed oil in plasters applied to the skin is effective for scabies and prurigo, and applied to the hair kills head-lice. The glycosides extracted from the seeds are active on heart failure. The trunk bark or the leaves are occasionally used as a purgative Laxative, रेचक, दस्त लानेवाली, पेट साफ़ करनेवाली, जुलाब), but strict precautions must be taken because of their high toxicity.
Indr Jao, कडवा इंद्रजव, Karva Indr Jau, कुटज, Kutaj, इंद्रयव, Indr Yav :: It is one of the best drug for Diarrhoea. In chronic diarrhoea & to check blood coming from stool, it should be given with Isobgol, caster oil or Indr Yav. The bark is useful in treatment of piles, skin diseases and biliousness. The bark is used externally in case of skin troubles. The bark is mostly mixed with cow urine and apply it in affected parts. In treatment of urinary troubles, the bark is given with cow milk. The fresh juice of bark is considered good to check the diarrhoea. In Bleeding piles Decoction of Kutaj bark with Sunthi checks mucus & blood. Application of this herb is useful in Rheumatic. Arthritis & Oestioarthritis.
Shrub Vinca :: The chemotherapy agent vincristine is extracted from Vinca rosea (current name Catharanthus roseus) and is used to treat some leukemias, lymphomas, and childhood cancers, as well as several other types of cancer and some non-cancerous conditions.
Sarpagandha सर्पगंधा :: It is a tranquilizer and antipsychotic herb of India for the treatment of paranoia and schizophrenia, as well as a substance that controls hypertension. This It is used for treatments for certain types of mental illness. It is used in preparing tranquillisers.
Wild Snake Root, बडा चन्द्रिका, Barachandrika, Chandr Bhaga, वनसर्पगंधा, Vanasarpagandha :: Its roots yield the drug deserpidine, which is an antihypertensive and tranquilizer.
Nag Chhatri, नाग छतरी :: The cortico-steroid hormone isolated from the plant is used in various preparations like sex hormones, cortisone and allied preparation used in rheumatism, regulation of menstrual flow. It is used in stomach related problems as well.
Stinking Cassia, पंवर, चकुण्ड, चक्रवात, Panwar, Chakunda, Chakvat :: The leaves and seeds are useful in leprosy, ringworm, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, cough, bronchitis, cardiac disorders.
Kashmir Bellflower :: The roots and leaves are used to make a poultice for the treatment of bruises, ulcers and wounds.
Arctic Snow, कुटज:, Kutajah :: The bark possesses anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and therefore the juice extracted from it is administered for mouth sores. The leaves are used in treating several skin disorders, psoriasis, nonspecific dermatitis etc.
Water Jasmine :: It has been traditionally used as a medicinal herb and roots are used to cure skin diseases.
Sweet Indrajao, कपार, दुधी, Kapar, Dudhi :: The leaves are applied as a poultice for mumps and herpes and sometimes, they are also munched to relieve toothache. The dried and powdered roots of Wrightia along with Phyllanthus amarus (keezhanelli) and Vitex negundo (nochi) is mixed with milk and orally administered to women for improving fertility. The bark and seeds are effective against psoriasis and non-specific dermatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-dandruff properties and hence is used in hair oil preparations.
Sabal palm, palmetto palm, cabbage palm :: Its roots are cooling, soothing, restorative. Juice of plant is diuretic, stimulant, antiphlegmatic, useful in dropsy.
Green Milkweed Creeper :: The leaves of this woody climber are used in Indian traditional medicine to cure ulcerous sores.
Gurmar, छॊटा दूधीलता, Chhota-dudhilata, गुढ़मार, Gudmar, गुरमार Gurmar, मॆढ़शिंगी, Medhashingi, Ajaballi, अजगंधिनी, Ajaghandini, कर्णिका, Karnika, Kshinavartta, मधुनसिनी, madhunasini :: Useful to both diabetes and obesity.
Indian Sarsaparilla, अनंतमूल, दूधली, Anantamul, Dudhli :: It is one of the Rasayan-rejuvenating plants as it is anabolic in its effect. It is used for venereal diseases, herpes, skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, epilepsy, insanity, chronic nervous diseases, abdominal distention, intestinal gas, debility, impotence and turbid urine.
Holostemma Creeper, छिरवेल, जीवन्ति, अर्कपुष्पी, Chhirvel, Jivanti, Ark Pushpi :: The roots and the whole plant are used for medicinal purposes. Externally the paste of its leaves and roots alleviate oedema due to vitiation of Pitt Dosh. The herb is beneficial for external use in various skin diseases, wounds and inflammation of the skin.
Pergularia, उतरन, संगोवाणी, एकासन, गडरिया की बेल, जुतक, उत्तमर्णि, कुरुतक:, विसनिका, काकजंघा, Utaran, Sagovani, Aakasan, Gadaria Ki bel, Jutak, Uttamarani, Kurutakah, Visanika, Kakajangha :: It has been used in folk medicine for the treatment of liver disorders.
Indian Ipecac, अंतमूल,जंगली, पिकवम, अर्कपर्णी, लतकसीरी, श्वासघ्नी, Antamul, Jangli Pikvam, Arkaparni, Lataksiri, Shwasaghni :: It is used for the treatment of bronchial asthma, inflammation, bronchitis, allergies, rheumatism and dermatitis.
Garden Asparagus :: It finds vide application in asthenia, anemia, rheumatism, diabetes as well as renal lithiasis. It is firstly a fortifier. From the asparagus offshoots decoction, juice, syrup and tincture are prepared. Very often used is the asparagus juice, a preparation practically accessible to anyone.
Wild Asparagus, सतावरी, satawari, शतावरी, Shatavari, हिरण्यस्रिंगी, Hiranyasringi :: The root of Satavari is used in the form of juice, paste, decoction and powder to treat intrinsic haemorrhage, diarrhoea, piles, hoarseness of voice, cough, arthritis, poisoning, diseases of female genital tract, erysipelas, fever, as aphrodisiac and as rejuvinative.
Krantz Aloe, Tree Aloe, Candelabra Aloe :: It is used as the first treatment for any type of scratch, bite or burn and is used in hospitals as a primary treatment for burns up to the third degree. Its sap can be drunk as a liver and digestive tonic.
Aloe Vera, घीकुमारी, Ghee Kumari :: It contains over 20 minerals, all of which are essential to the human body. The human body requires 22 amino acids for good health-eight of which are called essential because the body cannot fabricate them. It contains all of these eight essential amino acids and 11 of the 14 secondary amino acids. It has Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. It is believed to help in sustaining youth, due to its positive effects on the skin. Hence it is called Ghee Kunwar or Ghee Kumari.
Common Yarrow, भूतकॆशी, Bhut Keshi :: It as a treatment for wounds, such as Achilles. It has been used to stop bleeding by inserting leaves into the nostrils of the wounded person. It is used to ward off spirits as well.
Toothache Plant, अकरकरा, पीपुलक, Akarkar, Pipulka :: The leaves and flower heads contain analgesic, anti fungal, anti helminthic and anti bacterial agents. Some of its basic compounds are destroyed by desiccation or freezing.
Sticky Daisy, जंगली जीरा, Jungli Jeera :: The extract of its leaves is applied to injuries.
Goat weed, जंगली पुदीना, विष डोडी, घाव बूटी, विषमुष्टि:, Jungli Pudina, Visadodi, Ghav Buti, Vish Mushtih :: It is used against epilepsy and wounds and an insect repellent.
Wormwood, green ginger, विलायती अफसंतीन, डामर ईंधन, Vilayati Afsantin, Damar Indhan :: Its a remedy to indigestion and gastric pain, acts as an antiseptic and as a febrifuge. Its used as a tea for helping pregnant women during pain of labor. A dried encapsulated form of the plant is used as an anti helminthic.
Indian Wormwood, नागदोना, नागदमन, दमनक, Nag Dona, Nag Daman, Damanak :: It drives away insects. So the leaves and flowers are put in boxes and cupboards. Its leaves are used to prepare a local hair-care lotion Chinghi. Its used to repel snakes.
Ironweed, काला जीरा, सोमराजी, अटवी जीरक:, अवलगुज, Kala Jeera, Somraji, Atavi Jeerakah, Avalguj :: Its used to treat white leprosy (leuco-derma) and other skin diseases. It is mentioned also as an anti helminthic.
Spanish Needles, चिर्चिट्टा Chirchitta :: Its used to treat eye and ear affections (leaf juice); applied to skin affections in general, as a haemostatic (surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood) on wounds and wrapped around the umbilical cord of babies (rubbed leaves).
Kakronda, जंगली मूली, ककरौंदा, कुक्कुरद्रु, कुकुंदर, म्रदु छड़, ताम्रचूड़ा, Jangli Muli, Kakronda, Kukkuradru, Kukundara, Mridu chhada, Tamrachuda :: It is hot, pungent and bitter; anti pyretic; good for bronchitis, diseases of the blood, fevers, thirst and burning sensations. The root kept in the mouth is said to cure disease of the mouth. It is used to drive away fleas and other insects. It is given in enuresis, neuralgia, headache and cold borne cough.
Safflower, कुसुम, Kusum :: Taken hot, safflower tea produces strong perspiration and has thus been used for colds and related ailments. It has also been used at times for its soothing effect in cases of hysteria, such as that associated with chlorosis. Powdered seeds made into a poultice used to ally inflammation of the womb after child birth. Flowers of this herb is useful for jaundice.
Siam Weed, तीव्र गंधा, Teevr Gandha :: It is used to treat skin wounds after crushing the young leaves and then applying the resulting liquid over the wounds.
Chicory, कासनी, Kasni :: The plant has blood and liver purifying properties.
Wild Cosmos, उलम राजा, Ulam Raja :: The plant is used traditionally for improving blood circulation.
Thick Head :: Its fleshy, mucilaginous leaves and stems are eaten as a vegetable. A lotion of leaves is used as a mild medicine that strengthens the stomach and excites its action.
Little Iron weed, सहदेवी, Sah Devi :: The seeds yield a fatty oil and are used as an anti helminthic and alexipharmic; they are said to be quite effective against round worms and thread worms. They are also given for coughs, flatulence, intestinal colic and dysuria and for leucoderma, psoriasis and other chronic skin-diseases. The seeds are made into a paste with lime juice and used for destroying pediculi-louse.
False Daisy, भ्रिंगराज, केशराज, Bhrang Raj, Kesh Raj :: Bhrang Raj is mainly used in hair oils, but it has been considered a good drug in hepatotoxicity. In hair oils, it may be used alongwith Centela asiatica (Brahmi) and Phyllanthus emblica (Amla). It may be used to prevent habitual abortion and miscarriage and also in cases of post-delivery uterine pain. A decoction of leaves is used in uterine haemorrhage. The juice of the plant with honey is given to infants with castor oil for expulsion of worms. For the relief in piles, fumigation with Eclipt,a alba is considered beneficial. The paste prepared by mincing fresh plants has got an anti-inflammatory effect and may be applied to insect bites, stings, swellings and other skin diseases.
Elephant Foot, बन तम्बाखू, गोजिह्वा, Ban-tambakhu Gojivha :: Roots and leaves are used as emollient for dysuria, diarrhoea, dysentery, swellings and stomach pain. Root is prescribed to prevent vomiting. Powdered with pepper it is applied for tooth-ache. Leaves are used in applications for eczema and ulcers.
Burma Agrimony :: Leaf juice is applied to body in burning sensation. Leaf extract with milk is a remedy for leucorrhea. The extract with honey is given in stomach ulcers.
Musk Mallow, लता कस्तूरी, वेटरीलाई कस्तूरी, Lata kasthuri, Vetrilai Kasthuri :: The fatty oil of the seeds contains phospholipids-a-cephalin and phosphatidylserine. The seeds are antiseptic, stomachic, tonic, carminative, antihyteric and aphrodisiac. It is used in the treatment of male sexual disorders and venereal diseases.
Biotite Calx, अभ्रक भस्म, Abhrak Bhasm :: It is prepared by treating biotite (mica) with the juices of a number of re-constituent plants that make it a powerful cellular re-generator. It is a nervine tonic and is also widely used in respiratory tract infections and anaemia. It contains Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Aluminium in traces.
Jequirity, गूँज, Gunj :: The seed extract is used externally in the treatment of ulcers and skin affections. The seeds are administered internally in the affections of the nervous system, and their paste is applied locally in sciatica, stiffness of shoulder joint and paralysis. They are said to be useful in diarrhoea and dysentery and possess anthelmintic activity.
Country Mallow, अतिबल, Atibal :: It is used as a febrifuge, has anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties and is useful in urinary and uterine discharges, piles and lumbago.
Cutch, खदिर, रति, कुन्दमणि, Khadir, Rati, Kund Mani :: Catechin and catechutannic acid are the major active constituents in the wood extract. Taxifolin present in it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Traditionally, it is used for the treatment of cough and sore throat.
Indian Gum, बाबुल, कीकर, Babul, Kheekar :: Its bark from the branches yields 7-12 per cent tannin and is used for asthma, bronchitis,diabetes, dysentery, diarrhoea and skin diseases. The stem is used as a toothbrush and the gum for burns. The leaves are useful for eye complaints, headache, throat infection, urinary problems and gonorrhea.
Acacia sinuata सप्तल, कोच्ची, रीठा, शिकाकाई, Saptala, Kochi, Ritha :: The pods yield saponins (20.8%) which have been reported to contain acacinin-C, D and E and a homologous series of oligosaccharides. An ointment prepared from the ground pods is good for skin diseases. A decoction of the pods relieves biliousness and acts as a purgative. It is used to remove dandruff and has a detangling effect on the hair, which helps in increasing the hair volume. The pods, known as Shikakai, are extensively used as a detergent and the dry ones are powdered and perfumed and sold in the market as soap nut powder.
Yarrow, बिरंज सिफा, Biranjasiph :: The herb possesses diaphoretic, vulnerary, styphic, astringent, emmenogogue, stimulant, tonic and anti-hemorrhoidal properties. It is useful in influenza and heavy chest colds and also as a blood-purifier. It has carminative, digestive, astringent and anti-spasmodic properties. It is used in the treatment of flatulence, colic and heartburn. It is also used in various hepatic disorders.
Prickly-Chaff Flower, अपामार्ग, चिर-चित्त, नयूरवी, Apamarga, Chir Chitt, Nayuruvi :: It is reported to be pungent, astringent, pectoral and diuretic. It is used as an emmenagogue and in piles and skin eruptions.
Crowfoot, अतिविष, अतिश Ativish, Atish :: In combination with long pepper, it is used to cure pain in the bowels, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Sweet flag, वच, वसुनबु, Vach, Vasambu :: The rhizomes are considered to possess sedative and analgesic properties. They are used for the treatment of epilepsy, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, bronchial catarrh, fever, glandular and abdominal tumours, kidney and liver complaints, rheumatism and eczema. It has been used to improve memory retention and recall. A combination of B. monnieri and A. calamus, significantly increases memory and controls hyperactivity in children.
Bael Tree, बिल्व, बेल, विल्वम, Bilva, Bael, Vilvam :: It is a fruit used in diarrhea, dysentery and cholera due to its digestive and carminative properties. Both ripe and unripe fruit is regraded as an astringent. It helps in the healing of ulcerated intestinal surfaces. It possesses antiviral, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory properties and has appreciable activity against Vibrio cholera and Salmonella.
Barbados Aloe, घृत कुमारी, कन्या, Ghrat Kumari, Kanya :: It contains enzymes, poly saccharides and nutrients which exhibit antibacterial and anti fungal action. It also has a natural sun screen effect that moisturises the skin. The leaf juice forms the main source of the drug. Aloes have long been in use for a host of diseases, particularly those connected with the digestive system; they have also been used for wounds, burns, dermatitis, cutaneous leishmaniasis and other skin troubles. It is used in eye troubles, spleen and liver ailments. It is also known to relieve dysmenorrhoea in young women by expelling uterine debris.
Alternanthera sessilis, मत्स यक्षी, Mats Yakshi :: It is rich in b-Carotene. It shows anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities.
Ammonii chloridum, नव सागर, नवसार, Nav Sagar, Nav Sar :: It is alterative, expectorant, cholagogue and purgative. It is useful in fever, liver and spleen disorders, etc.
Large Cardamom, इलाइची, ऐन्द्री, बृहतेला, Elaichi, Aindri, Brihatela :: The seeds are stimulant, stomachic, alexipharmic and astringent properties and are prescribed for the treatment of indigestion, vomiting, biliousness, abdominal pains and rectal diseases. The oil from the seeds is aromatic, stimulant, anti-inflammatory and it is highly active against growth of keratinophilic fungi.
Creat, भूनिम्ब, किरात, कालमेघ, Bhunimb, Kirat, Kalmegh :: It is a bitter tonic and febrifuge. A decoction of the plant is a blood-purifier. It is used as a cure for torpid liver, and jaundice. It also has hepato protective activity.
Indian Dill, सत्व:, मधुर, Satahv, Madhur :: The dried ripe fruits yield, on distillation, an essential oil. The major constituent of the oil is carvone. It also contains apiol and dill apioll. They are used in medicine mainly as an aromatic carminative, antipyretic and anthelmintic. The oil from the seeds is a well-known remedy for flatulence in children and enters into the preparation of gripe water. The seeds are used as stomachic and the aqueous extract of the seeds showed abortifacient activity in rats.
Celery, अजमोद, Ajamod :: It has antispasmodic, digestive and carminative properties. It is useful in indigestion, abdominal discomfort, colic and hepatobiliary disorders.
Areca Nut, पुग, सुपारी, Pug, supary :: The unripe nuts have laxative properties, but they are said to affect the eyesight. Arecanuts are considered useful as an external application on ulcers, and in skin disorders. They are anthelmintic and are used in veterinary medicine as a vermifuge. A paste of the dry arecanut powder is used as a dentifrice. The dried nuts are said to sweeten the breath, strengthen the gums, and produce a stimulant and exhilarant effect on the system. Arecanut chewed is reportedly a good source of fluoride.
Elephant Creeper, वृद्धारू, Vraddharu :: The root is bitter, aphrodisiac, diuretic and is used in gonorrhea, rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system. It is also used as a tonic. The plant is used along with other ingredients to cure sexual disorders in males.
Asparagus, मूसली, Musali :: The roots are prescribed for diarrhea and dysentery.Its a well known Aphrodite.
Asparagus, शतावरी Shatavari :: The plant is used as a demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, and galactogouge. The root extracts exhibit anti-allergic activity. Along with the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, they are given to diabetic patients.
Thyme-Leaved Gratiola, ब्राह्मी, Brahmi :: The entire plant constitutes the well-known drug Brahmi. The drug is astringent, bitter and cooling and reportedly improves the intellect. It is used for the treatment of asthma, hoarseness, insanity and epilepsy and is also a potent nerve tonic, cardiotonic, aperient and diuretic. It acts as an anti-anxiety agent. It also calms restlessness in children and is used in several mental disorders.
Bauhinia variegata, Buddhist Bauhinia, Mountain Ebony, Orchid Tree, कचनार, कोविद, Kachanar, Kovidar :: The bark is astringent, tonic and anthelmintic. It is useful in scrofula and skin diseases. It is also used for ulcers and leprosy. A decoction of the bark is taken for dysentery. The dried buds are used for diarrhea, dysentery and haemorrhoids.
Ash Gourd, Wax Gourd, White Gourd, White Pumpkin, कुष्माण्ड, Kushmand :: It has acid neutralising property and ulcer healing activities.
Indian Barberry, Tree Turmeric दारू हरिद्रा, Daru Haridra :: The roots possess anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. The drug is used as a cholagogue, stomachic, laxative, diaphoretic, anti pyretic and antiseptic. It is administered externally for painful eye afflictions and haemorrhoids. The root bark is useful in amenorrhea. It has an essential active ingredient, Berberine, which possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of leucorrhea.
Himalayan Silver Birch, Indian Paper Birch, भुर्जपत्र, Bhurj Patr :: Its bark contains betulin, lupeol, oleanolic acid, acetyloheanolic acid, betulitc acid, lupenone, sitosterol, methyle betulonate, methyl betulate and a new triterpenoid, karachic acid. It is aromatic and has antiseptic properties.
Spreading Hogweed, पुनर्नवा, Punarnava :: Its roots are credited with anti-convulsant, analgesic, diuretic, laxative and expectorant properties. It stops intra-uterine-contraceptive-device (IUCD)-induced bleeding. This herb is also known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which are comparable to that of ibuprofen. It has also proved useful as a hematinic (रक्त में हीमोग्लोबिन की मात्रा को बढ़ाने वाली).
Silk Cotton Tree, शाल्मली, Shalmali :: Its bark is given as a demulcent, emetic and tonic. Externally, it is used as a styptic and also for fomenting wounds. The gum is credited with astringent, tonic and demulcent properties and is used for dysentery, hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia.
Butea Gum Tree, पलाश, Palash :: Its gum is a powerful astringent; it is given internally for diarrhea, dysentery, phthisis and haemorrhage of the stomach and bladder.
Teri Pods, उदाकिर्यक, वक्री-मूल, Udakiryaka, Vakeri-mul :: The plant is used for curing senile pruritis with excellent result. It exhibit anti-fatigue effect. The roots have marked astringent and anti-pyretic properties.
Calendula, जरगुल, Zergul :: The ligulate florets constitute the drug which is reported to possess stimulant, bitter, tonic, sudorific, febrifuge, carminative, anti-emetic and anthelmintic properties.
Dead Sea Apple, Milkweed, Sodom Apple, Swallow-wort, अलर्क, Alark :: In small doses, the root bark is diaphoretic and expectorant. It acts as a mild stimulant.
The Caper Bush, हिंस्र, Hinsr :: It is bitter, aperient, diuretic and expectorant. It is given in splenic, renal and hepatic complaints.
Spanish Pepper, कटुवीर, मिर्ची, शिमला मिर्ची, Katuvira, Mirchi, Shimla Mirchi :: It is is a powerful irritant and rubefacient; when applied to the skin, it produces warmth, redness and burning without blistering. In the form of ointment of plasters, it is used externally for the treatment of rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia. Capsicum wool, prepared by dissolving the oleoresin in ether and pouring it on absorbent cotton-wool, is useful in rheumatoid affections. Chilli, in small doses, is a powerful stimulant and carminative. It stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juice and increases peristaltic movements and motility of the stomach. It is an excellent remedy in atonic and flatulent dyspepsia and dipsomania.
Margosa, नीम, निम्ब, Neem, Nimb :: Neem extracts possess anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The tree stem, root and bark possess astringent, tonic and anti-periodic properties. The bark is beneficial in malarial fever and useful in cutaneous diseases. It is used for external applications in skin diseases. It possesses anti dandruff, antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties.
Pellitory, अकरकरा, Akar Kara :: The roots possess stimulant and rubifacient (रक्तिमाकर, खाल पर लाली पैदा करने वाली) properties.
Malabar Nut, श्वेत वस्, वसक, अदतोड़ी, Shwet Vas, Vasak, Adathodai :: Its principle constituents are the several alkaloids which are present in the drug and its chief principle is a quinazoline alkaloid, vasicine. The leaves are rich in Vitamin C and carotene and yield an essential oil. The shrub is the source of the drug, vasaka, well known in indigenous systems of medicine for its beneficial effects, particularly in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are extensively used for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. It acts as a sedative-expectorant, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. The leaf-juice is stated to cure diarrhea, dysentery and glandular tumour, and, is given as an emmenagogue. The powder is reported to be used as a poultice on rheumatic joints, as a counter-irritant on inflammatory swellings, on fresh wounds, urticaria and in neuralgia.
Caraway, कर्वी, कृष्ण जीरक, Karavi, Krashn Jeerak :: It is used as a carminative, mild stomachic, aromatic and diuretic. Both the seeds and the essential oil (caraway oil) are used as carminative and prescribed in flatulent colic and stomach derangements.
For the patients suffering from lumbago and rheumatism, exposing the affected parts to the vapours from the seeds gives relief from the disease. The alcoholic extract of the fruits shows dose-dependent antispasmodic effect. Caraway water finds use as a vehicle for pediatric medicines.
Casearia esculenta, सपरंगी, Saptarangi :: The root and the root bark illustrate hypoglycemic activity. The roots are especially efficacious in milder chronic diabetic cases.
Negro Coffee, कसमर्द, कासोंधि, पे अवरी, Kas Mard, Kasondhi, Pey Avarai :: The seeds and leaves are used externally in skin diseases. The roots are reported to be diuretic, the seeds, roots and leaves are anti-bacterial. It is used in the treatment of flatulence, indigestion and other digestive disturbances in children.
Himalayan Cedar, देवदारु, Devdaru :: It has anti-inflammatory activity and is used for its activity against human pathogenic Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Absidia ramosa and Microsporon gypseum. It has proven effective in a number of dermal diseases.
Staff Tree, ज्योतिष्मती, कंगुनी, वेलवुलुवै, Jyotishmati, Kanguni, Velvuluvai :: The seeds possess emetic, diaphoretic, febrifuge and nervine properties and are used for sharpening the memory and also used to cure sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout. The drug is used in the traditional system of medicine as a sedative. Its therapeutic uses include treating anxiety and beri-beri. Alcoholic extract has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties.
Indian Pennywort, Gotu-kola, मंडूक पर्णी, ब्राह्मी, वल्लाराई, Manduk parani,Brahmi, Vallaarai :: It is used for the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases and also to improve memory, as an antidote to cholera and in bronchitis, asthma, gastric trouble, catarrh, leucorrhea, kidney troubles, urethritis and dropsy. The plant also has tranquillising, anabolic, antiprotozoal and spasmolytic properties. It helps to improve memory, increases concentration and intellectual ability in children.
च्यवन प्राश, Chaywan Prash Ingredients :: Aegle marmelos, Gmelina arborea, Oroxylum indicum, Clerodendrum phlomidis, Stereospermum chelonoides, Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria picta, Solanum indicum, Solanum surattense, Tribulus terrestris, Sida cordifolia, Phaseolus trilobus, Teramnus labialis, Piper longum, Phyllanthus amarus, Vitis vinifera, Inula racemosa, Aquilaria malaccensis, Terminalia chebula, Tinospora cordifolia, Hedychium spicatum, Cyperus rotundus, Boerhaavia diffusa, Elettaria cardamomum, Santalum album, Nymphaea stellata, Pueraria tuberosa, Adhatoda zeylanica, Pentatropsis capensis, Pistacia integerrima, Leptadenia reticulata, Dioscorea bulbifera, Asparagus racemosus, Emblica officinalis. It is a rejuvenative, geriatric and cardiac tonic, and useful in the treatment of cough, asthma and debility.
Bengal Gram, Caravance, Chickpea, Garbanzo Gram, चणक, हरिमंथ, चन्ना, Chanaka, Harimantha, Channa :: It is a potent hypocholesterolemic agent. The anti-stress, anti-hyperlipidemic and stamina building activity of gram may be due to the presence of pangamic acid and a free nucleotide. It is a stimulant, tonic, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, and useful in bronchitis and biliousness. It is also useful in leprosy and other skin diseases. The powdered seed is used for dandruff and also used as a face pack.
Wild Chicory, कासनी, काशनी, Kasani, kashni :: Its seeds have carminative and cordial properties and are useful as a brain tonic and for headache, asthma and bilious vomiting. It is an acclaimed hepatoprotective and, is used in hepatic enlargement, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. It has cholagogue and anti-inflamatory properties.
Camphor, कर्पूर, कपूर, Karpoora, Kapoor :: It acts as a carminative, reflex expectorant and reflex stimulant of the heart, circulation and respiration. Camphor has also been used as a nervine depressant in hysteria, epilepsy, chorea and convulsions and as an aphrodisiac. The oil extract has a peculiar fragrance and acts as an skin stimulant and counter irritant when applied externally.
Chinese Cassia, स्थूल त्वक, दालचीनी, Sthula tvak, dalchini :: Chinese Cassia has been used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic. It is used as a carminative, purgative and astringent. It is also useful as a cardiac stimulant, refrigerant, and diuretic, for stimulation of liver functions, in neuralgia, uterine pains, ascites and edema.
Cinnamon, थवक, दार चीनी, Thwak, dar chini :: It is aromatic, astringent, stimulant, expectorant and carminative. It possesses the property of checking nausea and vomiting. As a stimulant it is beneficial in cramps of the stomach, gastric irritation, and paralysis of the tongue. Ground cinnamon shows lipolytic activity. It is useful in diarrhea and dysentery. Externally, the bark is used in neuralgia, rheumatism and toothache. A decoction of the bark is reported to be used for cancer of the stomach, rectum and uterus. It is a good anti-infective agent and is useful in relieving cough due to its soothing action.
Forbidden Fruit, Pummelo, Shaddock, महानिम्बू, Mahanimbu :: The fruit is considered to be nutritive and refrigerant. It is a rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, which have an effective antioxidant action. The seeds have similar properties and are sometimes given for lumbago.
Lemon, निम्बक, नींबू, Nimbaka :: The juice is a rich source of vitamin C. It protects the skin from oxidative damage and helps in preventing pruritus. Lemon peel is stomachic and carminative. Oil of lemon is stimulant and rubefacient when applied externally. Lemon juice is one of the best remedies for scurvy and serves as a refrigerant in febrile and inflammatory affections, acute rheumatism, dysentery and diarrhea. The juice diluted with water is used as a collyrium. The juice also possesses bactericidal property. Lemonpeel is used in cosmetics, as a hair-rinse and mouth-freshener. It possesses insect repellant property.
Citron, बड़ा नींबू, बीज पुर, तुरंज, Bara nimbu, Bijapura, Turanj :: The fruit juice is refrigerant and astringent. The fruits have potent anti-scorbutic activity.
Coconut, नारिकेल, नारियल, Narikela :: The oil extract is a good emollient, can be used externally for softening the lips and in various cosmetics. It is used in uterine diseases and a polysaccharide factor in the plant is immunomodulator.
Indian Bdellium Tree, गुगुलु, Guggulu :: Its gum resin has astringent, antiseptic and antisuppurative properties and is used in the treatment of haemorrhoids. It is used against obesity. Guggulipid is hypocholesteremic and assists in burning excess body fat.
Coriander, धनिया, धन्यक कुस्तुम्बुरी, Dhaniya, Dhanyaka, Kustumburi :: The aromatic odour and taste of coriander fruits is due to an essential oil. The fruits are considered carminative, diuretic, tonic, stomachic, anti bilious, refrigerant and aphrodisiac. An infusion of the seeds is useful in flatulence, indigestion, vomiting and other intestinal disorders; it is also used in bleeding piles, rheumatism, neuralgia, caphalagia, and locally, in eye-infection. The dried seeds are reported to possess diuretic and aphrodisiac properties.
Three Leaved Caper, वरुण, Varun :: It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithontriptic, demulcent and tonic properties. It is useful in disorders of urinary organs, urinary tract infections, pain and burning micturition, renal and vesical calculi.
Saffron केसर, कुमकुम, Kesar, Kumkum :: It is used as a nervine sedative and emmenogogue and in fevers, melancholia and enlargement of the liver. It also has stimulant and stomachic properties. It has an essential oil, the active ingredient of which is aphrodisiac in nature. The mechanism of its sex-stimulating activity is effected by a slight stimulation of the central nervous system.
Cucumber खीरा, त्रपुष, सुकेस, Trapusha, Sukas :: It helps to keep the facial skin soft, has healing and soothing effect on the damaged skin and exerts a natural sunscreen. It acts as a toner and lightens the facial skin. The seeds are reported to be cooling, tonic and diuretic. The seed kernel (forming 75% of the seeds) is edible and used in confectionery.
Cumin जीरीक, स्वेतजीरक, Jeeraka, Svetajirak :: It is stimulant and carminative, stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhea and dyspepsia; improves appetite and taste. They are now chiefly used in veterinary medicine. It has been credited with aphrodisiac properties.
Turmeric, हरिद्रा, निशा, रजनी, Haridra, Nisha, Rajani :: It's used to some extent as a stomachic, tonic and blood purifier. It is also prescribed as an antiperiodic alterative. Externally, it is applied to indolent ulcers. A decoction of the rhizome is said to relieve the pain of purulent ophthalmia. Oil of turmeric, distilled from the dried rhizomes, has feeble antiseptic properties. It is an antacid, and, in small doses, acts as a carminative, stomachic, appetizer and tonic. In large doses, however, it appears to act as an antispasmodic inhibiting excessive peristaltic movements of the intestines. Turmeric also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
Zedoary, शती, Shati :: Its prescribed as a stomachic. It has a local effect on the digestive organs and has been employed as a gastro-intestinal stimulant in flatulent colic. It also prevents stress ulceration.
Dhub Grass, Couch Grass, Bermuda Grass, Bahama Grass, दूर्व, Durv :: A decoction of the plant is diuretic, and considered useful in dropsy and anasarca. The expressed juice is astringent and is applied to bleeding cuts and wounds. The rhizomes and roots are used as adulterants and substitutes for couch grass (Agropyron repens Beauv.) rhizomes that are used in genito-urinary disorders.
Nut Grass, मस्त, Must :: The tubers contain an essential oil. The tubers are diaphoretic and astringent. They are also credited with diuretic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, stomachic, emmenagogue and stimulant properties.
Convolvulus microphyllus, शंख पुष्पी, Shankh Pushpi :: The plant is reported to be a memory-improving drug. It is used as a psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer.
Indian Laburnum, अर्गवद्ध, अमलतास,कॉन्ट्री, Aragvadh, Amaltas, Kontrai :: It is a safe purgative given even to pregnant women. The pulp is also given for biliousness and in disorders of the liver. It is applied in gout and rheumatism. It is utilized in blood-poisoning, anthrax and dysentery, also given in leprosy and diabetes and for the removal of abdominal obstructions. It is used in the treatment of varicose veins. It helps in shrinking engorged veins and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
Umbrella's Edge, भद्र मस्त, नगर मस्तक, Bhadr Must, Nagar Mustak :: Its principle constituents are the tubers which are astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, desiccant, cordial and stomachic properties. A decoction of the tuber is used for washing hair, treating gonorrhea and syphilis. It is also given in diarrhea and for general weakness.
Thistles, भृंग राज, केश राज, Bhrang Raj, Kesh Raj :: The herb is used as a tonic and deobstruent in hepatic and splenic enlargements and in skin diseases. The plant juice is administered in combination with aromatics for catarrhal jaundice. The fresh juice leaves is applied on the scalp for promoting hair growth. The plant possesses anti hepatotoxic and anti inflammatory activities. The fresh plant is considered anodyne and absorbent.
Cardamom, इला, इलायची, Ela, Elaychi :: It is used as an adjuvant to carminative drugs. It is used as an aromatic stimulant, carminative and flavouring agent. Its aroma and therapeutic properties are due to the volatile oil present in the seeds. Volatile components of cardamom exhibit activity. The oil has anti-aflatoxin substances. It is chewed slowly to sweeten the breath, as aphrodisiac, to soothe digestion, stimulate the appetite, used against flatulence, colic and disorders of the body, often combined with purgatives to offset griping. It possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cardiotonic properties as well.
False Black Pepper, False Pepper, क्रिमिघ्न, तंदुल, विडंग, Krimighn, Tandul, Vidang :: The dried fruit is considered anthelmintic, astringent, carminative, alterative and stimulant. It is effective in the treatment of ascariasis. The dried fruits are used in decoction for fevers and for diseases of the chest and skin. The fruit also shows anti-bacterial activity.
Indian Gooseberry, अम्लाकी, आमला, Amalaki, Amla :: Its fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative and used in the preparation of hair dyes. A fixed oil extracted from the fruits is reported to have the property of promoting hair growth. The dried fruit is useful in haemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It has anabolic, antibacterial, expectorant, cardiotonic, antipyretic, antioxidative, antiviral, anti-emetic and resistance building properties and used in the treatment of leucorrhea and artherosclerosis. It is antibacterial and its astringent properties prevent infection and help in the healing of ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles.
Blue Gum Tree, तेल पर्ण, नील गिरी तेल, Tail Parn, Nil Giri Tail :: Eucalyptus oil is used locally as an antiseptic, especially in the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract and in certain skin diseases. It is found to have potent pain relieving and anti-inflammatory action. Mixed with an equal amount of olive oil, it is useful as a rubefacient for rheumatism, which help in reducing joint swelling. It is also used in ointments for burns. Internally it is used as a stimulating expectorant in chronic bronchitis and asthma. It is frequently given by inhalation.
Evolvulus alsinoides, विष्णु कंठ, विष्णुकंठी, शंख पुष्पी, Vishnu Kanth, Vishnu Kanthi, Shankh Pushpi :: The plant is bitter and is used as a tonic and febrifuge.
Banyan Tree, वट, बरगद, अलमारम, Vat, Bargad, Alamaram :: The milky juice is externally applied for pains and bruises and as an anodyne in rheumatism and lumbago. It is also used as a remedy for toothache. The leaves are heated and applied as poultice to abcesses. The bark is tonic, astringent and cooling. The seeds are also considered as cooling and tonic.
Fennel, शाट पुष्प, मधुरिका, सौंफ, Shat Pushp, Madhurica, Saunf :: The fruits are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are useful in diseases of the chest, spleen and kidney. Its oil is mildly carminative and is useful in infantile colic and flatulence. It relieves griping abdominal pain and distension.
Garcinia, वृक्ष आमला, कंकुष्ठ, Vraksh Amla, Kankushth :: A decoction of the fruit rind is given in rheumatism and bowel complaints. The resin possesses purgative properties.
Indian Winter Green, गंदापुर, Gandapur :: The principal constituent of the oil is methyl salicylate. It is stimulant, carminative and antiseptic. It is applied externally in the form of liniment or ointment in rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia.
Licorice, Liquorice, यष्टि-मधु, मुलहटी, Yashti-madhu, Mulethi :: It is used for the treatment of asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis and chronic cough. It modulates the immune system and has shown remarkable immuno-stimulant properties. It has an anti-oxidant activity. It is a mild anti-inflammatory for arthritis and rheumatism and is used to treat gastric, duodenal and esophageal ulceration or inflammation, heartburn and mouth ulcers. It alleviates irritable conditions of the mucus membrane and strengthens the immune system and provides resistance in recurring infections.
Coomb Teak, गंभरी, Gambhari :: The bark is a bitter tonic and stomachic and is considered useful in fever and indigestion.
Indian Cotton Plant, कपास, कर्पासा, Kapas, Karpasa :: Cotton seed is demulcent, laxative, expectorant and galactogogue. It is used as a nervine tonic in headaches and brain affections and decoctions of the seed are given in dysentery and intermittent fevers.
Lime Silicate Calx, हजरुल यहूद भस्म, बद्राश्म भस्म, Hajrul yahood bhasm (Badrashm Bhasm) :: It is a fossilised stone primarily containing silicate of lime. It is used as a diuretic and lithontriptic. It is prescribed in the retention of urine and in diseases of the urinary organs. It has a useful application as a dusting powder in vesicular eruptions in children, for itching, ringworm and other skin diseases.
Indian Sarsaparilla, श्वेत सृव,आनंद मूल, Shwet Sarav, Anand Mul :: The drug has long enjoyed a reputation as a tonic, alternative, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and blood purifier. It is employed in nutritional disorders, syphilis, gonorrhea, chronic rheumatism, gravel and other urinary diseases and skin affections.
Coneru, Tellicherry Bark, कूटज, वत्सक, कूर्ची, Kutaj, Vatsak, Kurchi :: The bark has astringent, antidysenteric, anthelmintic, stomachic, febrifugal and tonic properties. It is used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery and diarrhea.
Hydrophilia, कोकि लक्ष, Koki Laksh :: It is used in disorders of the genitourinary system and is helpful in the cases of impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.
Henbane, पर्सिक यवनी, खोर्सानी अजवाइन, Parasika Yavani, Khorasani Ajwain :: It has anodyne, narcotic, mydriatic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is principally employed as a sedative in nervous affections. Its leaves have been employed externally to relieve pain.
Hyssop, जूफा, Jufa :: It is a stimulant, carminative and pectoral; the oil promotes expectoration in bronchial catarrh and asthma.
Gymnema sylvestre, गुमार, माह श्रृंगी, Gurmar, Meshashringi :: The plant is stomachic, stimulant, laxative and diuretic. It abolishes the taste of sugar and is believed to neutralize excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. It has also been shown to have a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulinotropic.
Indian kudju, विदारी, Vidari :: It is considered as tonic, alternative, aphrodisiac, demulcent, lactagogue and cholagogue. It is recommended for emaciation in children. It enters into the composition of a compound decoction, which is nutritive, diuretic and expectorant, and useful in fevers and bronchitis. Powdered root is given for diseases of the spleen and liver, for menorrhagia, debility and fat accumulation.
Spanish Jasmine, चमेली, Chameli :: Traditionally it is used as a high-class perfume. It is used for its cooling effect. Also used for various skin diseases and headache.
Walnut, अक्सचौता, Akschota :: Walnut shell, acts as exfoliating micro-particles, & contains organic acids that are astringent and antiseptic. The leaves and bark are tonic, anthelmintic, alternative and detergent; they are used in herpes, eczema, scrofula and syphilis; the fruit is reported to be used as alternative in rheumatism. The vinegar of the pickled young fruit is used as a gargle for sore throat. Green hull and unripe shell are anti-syphilitic and vermifugal. The expressed oil of the fruit is considered useful against tapeworm and as a laxative injection. Its kernels are recommended in colic and dysentery. The finely powdered bark can be used as an ingredient for the treatment of bleeding gums and as mouth rinse. It can also be used in cosmetics for dentifrices, tooth powders, mouth rinses, deodorants and chewing gums.
Ferrous Sulphate & Gypsum, लौह भस्म, Louh Bhasm:: It is a valuable hematinic, tonic and astringent.
क्षार पर्पटी, Kshar Parpati :: It is a compound preparation made by dehydrated homogeneous blending of ammonium chloride, potash alum and potassium nitrate. It is diuretic, lithontriptic, febrifuge and anti-flatulent. It is used in disuria, oliguria, colic, urinary tract infections, urinary calculi and hyper acidity.
Lettuce, सलाद पत्ता, काहु, Salad Patta, Vany Kahu :: The seeds are used for coughs and as a decoction for insomnia. The seeds are also reported to possess hypnotic and antipyretic properties
Lentil, मसूर, Masur :: The paste of the seeds is a cleansing application on the face.
Image result for jivanti herbLeptadenia reticulata, जीवनी, जीवन्ति, Jivani, Jivanti :: It nourishing property for every part of the body. It adds to the living force and specially corrects the metabolism and enhance the nutritive status of the body and corrects the digestive system. It specially nourishes the eyes and the reproductive system. It cures all the three Dosh-disorders in the body. It especially pacifies the Vat & Pitt Dosh.
Ras रस Gun गुण Viry वीर्य Vipak विपाक
Laghu, Snigdh, Madhur, लघु, स्निग्ध, मधुर Madhur, मधुर sweet-Madhur, मधुर Cold-Sheet, शीत
The plant is stimulant and restorative and shows anti-bacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
White Lily, कसिरककोली, Ksirakakoli :: It has soothing, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The bulbs are sweet, bitter, refrigerant, galactagogue, expectorant, aphrodisiac, diuretic, antipyretic and tonic. They are useful in agalactia (अल्पदुग्धता), cough, bronchitis, vitiated conditions of pitta, seminal weakness, strangury, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, intermittent fevers, hematemesis, rheumatalgia and general disability.
Iron Calx, लौह भस्म, Louh Bhasm :: A special process makes the iron readily assimilable for the elderly. A powerful hematinic indicated in anaemia, it stimulates the appetite and has a general vitalising effect.
Tomato, रक्तमसि, टमाटर, Raktamaci, Tamatar :: It contains general tonic, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin K and inhibitols which are related to vitamin E. The alcoholic extract of tomato has central depressant and analgesic property.
Maharasnadi quath, महारास्नादि क्वाथ :: It is a decoction, which contains Rasna (Vanda roxburghii) as the main component. It has analgesic, antiphlogistic and antipyretic properties and is used for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. It is used in Vat disorders like Kampavat (Parkinson’s disease), hemiplegia, paraplegia, Neck pain, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bloating disease, knee pain, hip pain. It is also used in the treatment of infertility of both male and female. Yog Raj guggulu is traditionally co prescribed along with this medicine.
Pathy :: Avoid body movements, especially hard work and journeys. Bathe every 3rd or 4th day in water boiled with Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bala (Sida rhombifolia) or pepper leaves. Better use Dhanwantaram tailam for the head and Kuzhumpu for the body.
Maharasnadi Kashayam Ingredients :: Rasna-Pluchea lanceolata, Dhanvayasa-Alhagi pseudalhagi, Bala-Sida cordifolia, Erandamoola-root of castor, Devadaru-Cedrus deodara, Shati-Hedychium spicatum, Vacha-Acorus calamus, Vasa-Adhatoda vasica, Nagara-Ginger, Pathya-Terminalia chebula, Chavya-Piper chaba, Musta-Cyperus rotundus, Punarnava-Boerhaavia diffusa, Guduchi-Tinospora cordifolia, Vriddhadaru-Argyria speciosa, Shatapushpa-Anethum sowa, Gokshura-Tribulus terrestris, Ashwagandha-Withania somnifera, Prativisha-Aconitum heterophyllum, Kritamala-Cassia fistula, Shatavari-Asparagus racemosus, Krishna-Long pepper, Sahachara-Barleria prionitis, Kantakari-Solanum xanthocarpum, Dhanyaka-Coriander seed, Brihati-Solanum indicum. It is added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to quarter part, filtered. [Sharangdhara Samhita Madhyamakhanda 2.89.95, Sahasrayogam.]
Maha Yog Raj Guggul, महा गुग्गुल :: It is a multi-ingredient preparation, the main constituent of which is Commiphora wightii (Indian bdellium, Guggul). It contains volatile oils that have astringent and antiseptic properties. It increases the leukocyte count, stimulates phagocytosis and is used in the treatment of rheumatism that has affected the joints and bones.
Makardhwaj मकर ध्वज :: It is red sulphide of mercury and gold in uncombined form. It is a sublimed product made from pure mercury, sulphur and gold. Eight parts of mercury and one part of gold leaf are mixed together to form an amalgam. To this mixture 16 parts of sublimed sulphur are added and the resulting mixture is ground very thoroughly in a stone mortar for 24 hrs or more until the whole is converted to a lustreless, fine, impalpable powder of uniform consistence. This mixture is then placed in a narrow mouthed bottle and is gradually heated on a sand bath. On heating, the bottle is filled with reddish fumes of various hues. On cooling Makar Dhwaj is found deposited in the inner surface of the neck of the bottle.
It is seldom used alone. In the majority of cases, it is mixed with various drugs called ‘anupana’ or adjuvants. In cases of indigestion and diarrhea, Makar Dhwaj is mixed with powdered bael fruit (Aegle marmelos); in cases of fever and cough it is given with the juices of ginger, betel (Piper betel) and tulsi leaves (Ocimum tenuiflorum). Generally, honey is used in the absence of proper adjuvants. The medicine can be used both for adults and children, the dosage being regulated according to age. Makar Dhwaj, when taken regularly, is believed in indigenous systems of medicine to be a wonderful tonic and is said to increase longevity in a patient.
A valuable tonic in debilitating conditions and convalescent patients after acute illness, in failing circulation and cardiac asthenia (शक्तिहीनता, दुर्बलता, powerlessness, impotency, debility, depression); it increases the red blood corpuscles and improves general nutritional status. It is also used as a laxative with good results particularly in those cases when there are visceroptosis and a tonic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is said to be of great value as an intestinal antiseptic and is supposed to relieve the gaseous distension of bowels due to fermentation. It is used widely as an alterative and an aphrodisiac.
Common Mallow, गुल खैर, Gul Khair :: The herb possesses demulcent, cooling, antiseptic and emollient properties. It is used in pulmonary and urinary affections and also in external applications for abscesses and inflammations. The flowers and immature fruits are used for whooping cough.
Ferric Oxide Calx, मंडुर भस्म, Mandur Bhasm :: It is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. Mandur is specially useful in anemia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, chlorosis, hepatic and splenic disorders. It is also used in diarrhea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, nervous diseases, neuralgia of the 5th nerve due to debility, kidney diseases, albuminuria, etc. It is a powerful hematinic and tonic and is valuable in the treatment of hemolytic jaundice and microcytic anemia.
Mangifera indica, Mango, आम, आम्र, Amra :: The bark is astringent; it is used in diphtheria and rheumatism; it is believed to possess a tonic action on the mucous membrane. It is astringent, anthelmintic, useful in hemoptysis, hemorrhage, nasal catarrh, diarrhea, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism and for lumbrici. The leaves are given in the treatment of burns, scalds and diabetes. Mangiferin from the leaves has been reported to possess antiinflammatory, diuretic, chloretic and cardiotonic activities and displays a high antibacterial activity against gram positive bacteria. It has been recommended as a drug in preventing dental plaques. Mangiferin shows antiviral effect against type I herpes simplex virus (HSV-I).
Cajuput Tree, Tea Tree कायपूति, Kayaputi :: It has antibacterial, anti fungal, antiseptic and anti dandruff properties. The oil is used internally as an expectorant in chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, and as carminative; overdoses cause gastro-intestinal irritation. It acts as an anthelmintic, especially against roundworms. The oil relieves toothache if introduced into hollow carious teeth. It forms a constituent of ointments and liniments and is considered efficacious as a counter-irritant in chronic rheumatism. It is valued as a mosquito repellent.
Honey शहद, Madhu :: It is generally recommended as a remedy for cold, cough, fever, sore throat, respiratory disorders, etc., by virtue of its bactericidal, antiseptic and expectorant properties. For more details please refer to :: AYUR VED (4.1) आयुर्वेद DOMESTIC-HOME REMEDIES आयुर्वेद दादी माँ के घरेलू नुख्से santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com
APHRODITE (WEAKNESS कमजोरी) :: (1). These Ayurvedic herbs-medicines help in regaining the strength of nerves and may be helpful in treating paralytic stroke as well. Weak muscles may also be strengthened-cured with their help.
(1.1). Keera is a natural Aphrodite found in the Himalyan terrains of Himachal Pradesh.
(1.2). Kesar too functions like this, though with low potency. Pomegranates are extremely good for health, vitality, vigour and as an Aphrodite, if taken regularly.
(1.3). Saphad Musli सफेद मूसली, Shtawari शतावरी, Bada Goghru बड़ा गोखरू, Jaiphal जायफल, Kaunch कौंच, Akarkara अकरकरा , Lajwanti लाजवन्ती, Smudr Soukh समुद्र सौख. and Ashw Gandha अश्व गंधा Salv Panja सल्व पन्जा, Bahman Saphed बहमन सफेद, Tal Makhana ताल मखाना are some of the herbs, which have been used in India for their Aphroditic action, since ages. These herbs should be powdered in equal proportion and used with warm full cream milk regularly for treating all sorts of defects pertaining to impotency. इन्हें दूध या पानी अथवा अवलेह बनाकर लिया जा सकता है। ये मर्दानगी सम्बन्धी सभी बीमारियों का इलाज करती हैं।
(1.4). मक्खन-मलाई मिश्री मिलाकर खाने से कमजोरी दूर होती है।
(1.5). सफेद मूसली का चूर्ण और मिश्री सुबह और रात को सोने से पहले गुनगुने दूध के साथ एक-एक चम्मच लेने से कमजोरी दूर होती है।
(1.6). सावन में गुड खावै, सो मौहर बराबर पावै॥ Consume small quantity of Jaggery-Gud (-गुड़), during rainy season for good health.
(1.7). Guggul is also an aphrodisiac and its regular intake improves sexual ability as well as it increases healthy sperm production. It promotes youthfulness with longevity.
(2). स्वस्थ, बलवान और शक्तिशाली शरीर :: शारीरिक परिश्रम करने वाले व्यक्ति को उचित आहार, व्यायाम, पर्याप्त नींद के साथ-साथ निम्न का सेवन भी करना चाहिए।
(2.1). तिल :: तिल की तासीर-प्रकृति बेहद गर्म है। लगभग 100-100 ग्राम की मात्रा में काले तिल और ढाक के बीजों को पीसकर और इनको छानकर इसमें 200 ग्राम शक्कर मिलाकर इस मिश्रण को रोजाना 10-10 ग्राम की मात्रा में सुबह और शाम पानी के साथ लेने से शरीर में मजबूती आती है।
लगभग 20 ग्राम की मात्रा में काले तिल और इतनी ही मात्रा में गोखरू को मिलाकर बारीक पीसकर चूर्ण बना लें। इस चूर्ण को बकरी के दूध में खीर की तरह बनाकर खाने से शरीर में भरपूर ताकत का विकास होता है। इसका सेवन लगातार 15 या 20 दिनों तक करने से शरीर की कमजोरी खत्म हो जाती है।इनका दोनों का ही प्रयोग केवल ठंड बढ़ने पर ही करना चाहिए।समुचित व्यायाम करें अन्यथा वजन बढ़ने लगेगा। अधिक प्रयोग से बेमौसम पसीना आता है जिससे नाक बंद हो जाती है, साँस लेने में तकलीफ होती है। जोर लगाकर सिनकने से खून आना शुरू हो जाता है। इनके प्रयोग के समय नीबू का रस का प्रयोग अवश्य करें।सर्दी के मौसम में गज्जक, तिलपट्टी, तिलकुट आदि उपलब्ध होते हैं। इनका प्रयोग भी सीमित मात्रा में करना चाहिए।
SESAME OIL तिल का तेल :: तिल का तेल सर्दियों में सेहत के लिए वरदान है। तैल शब्द की व्युत्पत्ति तिल शब्द से ही हुई है। यह एक औषधि का काम करता है। शरीर में बीमारियों से लड़ने की क्षमता विकसित करता है। इसमें बादाम की अपेक्षा छः गुना कैल्शियम है।काले और लाल तिल में लौह तत्वों की भरपूर मात्रा होती है जो कि रक्त अल्पता के इलाज़ में कारगर साबित होती है। इसमें उपस्थित लेसिथिन नामक रसायन कोलेस्ट्रोल के बहाव को रक्त नलिकाओं में बनाए रखने में मददगार होता है।
तिल के तेल में प्राकृतिक रूप में उपस्थित सिस्मोल एक ऐसा एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट है जो इसे ऊँचे तापमान पर भी बहुत जल्दी खराब नहीं होने देता। आयुर्वेद चरक संहिता में इसे पकाने के लिए सबसे अच्छा तेल माना गया है।तिल में विटामिन ए और सी छोड़ कर वे सभी आवश्यक पौष्टिक पदार्थ होते हैं जो अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए अत्यंत आवश्यक होते हैं। तिल विटामिन बी और आवश्यक फैटी एसिड्स से भरपूर है। इसमें मीथोनाइन और ट्रायप्टोफन नामक दो बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण एमिनो एसिड्स होते हैं, जो चना, मूँगफली, राजमा, चौला और सोयाबीन जैसे अधिकांश शाकाहारी खाद्य पदार्थों में नहीं होते। ट्रायोप्टोफन को शांति प्रदान करने वाला तत्व भी कहा जाता है जो गहरी नींद लाने में सक्षम है। यही त्वचा और बालों को भी स्वस्थ रखता है। मीथोनाइन लीवर को दुरुस्त रखता है और कॉलेस्ट्रोल को भी नियंत्रित रखता है।
तिल बीज स्वास्थ्यवर्द्धक वसा का बड़ा स्त्रोत है जो चयापचय को बढ़ाता है। यह कब्ज भी नहीं होने देता। तिल बीजों में उपस्थित पौष्टिक तत्व, जैसे-कैल्शियम और आयरन त्वचा को कांतिमय बनाए रखते हैं। तिल में न्यूनतम सैचुरेटेड फैट होते हैं इसलिए इससे बने खाद्य पदार्थ उच्च रक्तचाप को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।
सर्दियों में तिलपट्टी, गज्ज़क, गज्जक रोल आदि प्रचुर मात्रा में बाज़ार में उपलब्ध होते हैं, जो कि सर्दी से बचाव करते हैं। अधिक मात्रा में लेने से वज़न बढ़ना, नकसीर जैसे समस्याएँ हो सकती है।
(2.2). छुहारा :: लगभग 10 ग्राम छुहारे लेकर पीस लें। रोजाना कम से कम 2 ग्राम की मात्रा में इस छुहारे के चूर्ण को 250 मिलीलीटर हल्के गर्म दूध के साथ सोते समय लेने से शरीर मजबूत होता है। इसका सेवन केवल सर्दियों के दिनों में करना चाहिए।4 या 5 छुहारों की गुठलियों को निकालकर इसमें लगभग लगभग आधा ग्राम गुग्गल इनके अन्दर भर दें और इन छुआरों को दूध में पकायें। सुबह और शाम को रोजाना एक छुहारा दूध के साथ खाने से वात की बीमारी दूर हो जाती है और शरीर शक्तिशाली बनता है। लगभग 500 मिलीलीटर की मात्रा में दूध लेकर उसमें 2 छुआरे डाल दें। फिर दूध को आधा रह जाने तक गर्म करें। अब इस दूध में 2 चम्मच मिश्री या खांड़ लेकर मिलाकर पीयें और छुहारों को खा जायें। इसके खाने से शरीर में मांस बढ़ता है, शरीर की ताकत बढ़ती है और मनुष्य का वीर्य बल भी बढ़ता है। छुआरा खून बढ़ाता है, और शरीर के विभिन्न भागों में ताकत पहुंचाता है। इसका प्रयोग केवल सर्दी के दिनों में ही करना चाहिए। इसका सेवन करने के 2 घंटे तक पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए। एक बार में 4 से ज्यादा छुहारों का सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए। किसी मिट्टी या कांच के बर्तन में पानी लेकर इसमें 2 छुहारे शाम को भिगोकर रख दें। सुबह उठकर इन छुहारों की गुठली को निकालकर इन्हें लगभग 500 मिलीलीटर दूध में गर्म करें, और 250 मिलीलीटर दूध रह जाने तक गर्म करें। बचे हुए दूध को पीने से शरीर की कमजोरी खत्म हो जाती है और शरीर को भरपूर ताकत मिलती है। जो बच्चे बिस्तर पर पेशाब कर देते है उनको छुहारे का दूध पिलाने से वह बिस्तर पर पेशाब करना बन्द कर देते हैं। खजूर भी लगभग यही कार्य करते हैं और ऊर्जा के साथ शक्ति-स्फूर्ति-तंदरुस्ती प्रदान करते हैं।
(2.3). बेर :: बेर खाली पेट खाना ज्यादा लाभप्रद है। लगभग 15 ग्राम की मात्रा में बेर के छिलकों को छाया में सुखाकर, पीपल, काली मिर्च, सौंठ और त्रिफला के साथ पीसकर इनका चूर्ण बना लें और इसमें लगभग 75 ग्राम की मात्रा में गुग्गल को पीसकर मिला लें। इस मिश्रण को 10 ग्राम की मात्रा में सुबह के समय पानी के साथ लेने से शरीर को ताकत मिलती है और शरीर से सभी रोग दूर रहते हैं।
(2.4). हरड़ :: लगभग 100-100 ग्राम की मात्रा में हरड़ का छिलका और पिसा हुआ आंवला को लेकर इसमें 200 ग्राम की मात्रा में खांड़ मिलाकर इस चूर्ण को सुबह के समय लगभग 10 ग्राम की मात्रा में 250 मिलीलीटर हल्के गर्म दूध के साथ लेने से शरीर में मजबूती आती है। भोजन के दौरान सुबह-शाम आधा चम्मच की मात्रा में हरड़ का चूर्ण लेते रहने से बुद्धि और शारीरिक बल में वृद्धि होती है।
(2.5). तालमखाना :: लगभग 25-25 ग्राम की मात्रा में तालमखाना, असगंध, बीजबन्द, गंगेरन, बरियार, कौंच के बीजों की गिरी, काली मूसली, सफेद मूसली और गोखरू को पीसकर तथा छानकर इस चूर्ण को लगभग 100 ग्राम देसी घी में भूनकर इसमें लगभग 100 ग्राम खांड़ या शक्कर को मिलाकर रख लें। इस तैयार मिश्रण में से एक चम्मच चूर्ण रोजाना सुबह के समय दूध के साथ लेने से शरीर में ताकत आती है। इस मिश्रण का प्रयोग सर्दी के दिनों में करना चाहिए।
(2.6). जायफल :: लगभग आधा ग्राम पिसा हुआ जायफल और लगभग इतनी ही बंगभस्म को शहद के साथ मिलाकर सुबह और शाम लेने से शरीर शक्तिशाली बनता है। जायफल, मिश्री और पीपल के चूर्ण को एक साथ मिलाकर इसमें नाग भस्म मिलाकर सेवन करने से शरीर में ताकत पैदा होती है।
(2.7). चिलगोजा :: कमजोरी आने पर चिलगोजा की मिंगी और मुनक्का को लगभग 24 घंटे तक पानी में भिगोकर रख दें। इसके बाद इसमें शक्कर मिलाकर खाने से शरीर की कमजोरी के दूर होने के साथ ही साथ शरीर में ताकत आ जाती है। चिलगोजा खाने से व्यक्ति के शरीर में चुस्ती और फुर्ती के साथ ही साथ अधिक ताकत भी आती है।
(2.8). नागरबेल :: नागरबेल के पत्तों का शर्बत बनाकर पीने से शरीर को मजबूती मिलती है और ताकत में वृद्धि होती है।
(2.9). बादाम :: बादाम का सेवन बहुत ठण्ड पड़ने पर अधिक लाभप्रद है। मगर इसकी मात्रा 2-3 तक ही सिमित रखें। रात को भिगोकर रखें और सुबह नहा-धोकर लगातार चबाचबाकर खायें। यह बुद्धि और बल दोनों बढ़ता है। ज्यादा खाने पर गर्मी भी कर देता है। नाक से खून आना, गले में खराश, खाँसी तो आम बात हैं। शरीर की शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिए बादाम की गिरी और भुने हुए चनों को छीलकर रोजाना खाना चाहिए। लगभग 4 बादाम की गिरियों को पीसकर इसमें 1-1 ग्राम की मात्रा में शहद और मिश्री को मिलाकर चाटने से मनुष्य के शरीर में ताकत बढ़ जाती है। लगभग 7 बादाम की गिरी, 7 दाने कालीमिर्च, लगभग 3 ग्राम की मात्रा में सौंफ (गर्मियों के मौसम में सौंफ के स्थान पर सूखा हुआ साबुत धनिया) और 2 छोटी इलायची को लेकर शाम को सोते समय कांच या चीनी के बर्तन में भिगोकर रख दें। सुबह उठकर व्यायाम करने के बाद बादाम और इलायची के छिलके उतार लें और कालीमिर्च और सौंफ के साथ इनको पीस लें। इसके बाद इसको 250 मिलीलीटर पानी में मिलाकर कपड़े से छान लें। इसके बाद इसमें 2 चम्मच शहद या मिश्री मिलाकर धीरे-धीरे पीने से याददाश्त मजबूत होती है और आंखों की रोशनी तेज होने के साथ ही साथ शरीर की शक्ति बढ़ती है।बादाम की गिरियों से निकाला गया दूध बच्चों के लिए बहुत लाभकारी होता है। 2 बादाम की गिरियों को शाम को पानी में भिगोकर रख दें। इसके बाद सुबह इनका छिलका उतार कर बारीक पीस लें।अब इन पीसे हुए बादामों में मक्खन को मिलाकर खाने से तुतलाना और हकलाना दूर हो जाता है। इसके अलावा कमजोर शरीर भी मजबूत बनता है। इसका सेवन कुछ महीने तक करना चाहिए।शाम को सोते समय लगभग 2-3 बादाम की गिरियों को पानी में भिगोकर रख दें और सुबह इनका छिलका उतारकर बारीक पीस लें। अब इन पीसे हुए बादामों को कढ़ाई में घी डालकर हल्की आग पर भूने। इसमें लाल होने से पहले ही लगभग 150 ग्राम की मात्रा में दूध डालें। इस दूध को हल्का गर्म करके पीने से शरीर शक्तिशाली बनता है। इसके अलावा शरीर का वीर्य बल भी बढ़ता है। इसका सेवन रोजाना सुबह करना चाहिए।
(3). KAUNCH-MUCUNA (कौंच) :: Botanical Name: Mucuna pruriens, Family Name: Fabaceae, Common Name: Velvet Bean, Cowhage, Cow-itch, Buffalo bean, Kaunch, Atmagupt, Kapikacchu, Active Compounds: L Dopa
It is an annual twinning plant. Its eaves are tri foliage, gray-silky beneath, with are long and silky petioles, measuring between 6.3 by 11.3 cm. The leaflets are membranous while terminal leaflets are smaller and lateral generally unequal sided. Dark purple flowers (6 to 30) occur in drooping racemes. The fruits are curved with 4 to 6 seeds. The longitudinally ribbed pod, is densely covered with persistent pale-golden hue-brown or grey tri-chomes that cause irritating blisters. Its seeds are black ovoid and 12 mm long.
Mucuna pruriens has been recognized as an aphrodisiac in Ayur Ved, has been shown to increase testosterone levels, helps deposition of protein in the muscles and increase muscle mass and strength. The extract is also known to enhance mental alertness and improve coordination.
GENERAL APPLICATIONS :- Dyspepsia, Arthritis-Joint Pains, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Gout, Stroke, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Cervical Spondylosis, Ankylosing, Sacroiliitis Disease, Back Pain, Slipped Disc, Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder, Constipation, Weak Digestion, Peptic ulcer, Ulcerative Colitis, Hepatitis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis of Liver, Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Piles Disease, Skin-Acne Problems, Acne Problems, Psoriasis, Hair Fall, Dandruff, Leucoderma, Urticaria, Eczema, Lichen Planus Pigmentosis, Keloid, Auto Immune Disorders, Cancer, Thyroid, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Fibromyalgia, Low immunity, Anti Ageing Treatment, Anaemia, Dark Circles & Wrinkles, Cardiac System, Hypertension,Pulmonary-Hypertension, Angina, Heart failure, High cholesterol, Nervine System, Parkinson Disease, Facial Paralysis, Paralysis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Tennis Elbow, Mental,Disorders, Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Migraine, Low Memory, Depression, Obsessive Compulsive, Respiratory System, Asthma, Allergy, ENT (eyes, nose, throat) Disorders, Sinusitis, Tinnitus, Weak eye sight, Tonsillitis, Kidney Problems, Renal Stones, Kidney Failure, Kid's Health.
As an aphrodisiac (3.1). It bound up testosterone, (3.2). increases blood circulation to the genitals, (3.3). eliminate stress and anxiety-provides relaxation and sound sleep, (3.4). strengthen and tone the sexual glands, (3.5). support the healthy production of the sex hormones, (3.6). increase stamina and sex drive and (3.7). act as a restorative nutrient for the nervous system. It boosts general health, checks infertility improves sperm count, increases sexual strength, rejuvenation, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, nightfall, penis enlargement-elongation, improves libido, corrects male hormone disorder, impotence along with helping in prostate enlargement. Its equally beneficial for the women suffering from sexual disorders.
(4). GUGGUL :: Family Name-Burseracae, Botanical Name-Commiphora Wightii, Common Name-Commiphora, Mukul, Guggul, Balsmodendron Mukul, Indian Bdellium Tree, Moql, Moql-Arzagi, Habitat :- Rocky tracks of Western India and Eastern Himalayas.
Guggul tree (a tiny, thorny Mukul myrrh tree) produces a resinous sap referred to as Guggul gum.The Guggul extract from this gum is called Guggul lipid (guggulipid or guglipid.) The active ingredient in the Guggul extract is the steroid called guggulsterones, that is believed to lower cholesterol synthesis in liver. It helps to get rid of the unwanted fat.
Guggul herb is an ushn viry (उष्ण वीर्य) herb with hot potency and Ayurvedic medicine uses it for the treatment of many diseases. Guggul is popularly known as the natural fat killer. Guggul extract is used for lowering cholesterol levels and lipids.It is a good appetiser and also grants relief from hyper acidity and belching.
Guggul improves digestive disorders and prevents indigestion and constipation. Guggul is also a very useful anti inflammatory and pain relieving herb. It is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, paralysis, hemiplegia, lymphadenopathy. Guggul herb, due to its antibiotic effects is widely used for treating infectious diseases.It is also used for treating upper respiratory tract infection.It fights asthma. Gargles with Guggul dissolved in water can treat tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, upper respiratory tract infection, throat irritation, pharyngitis and stomatitis. Guggul is also very useful herb for treating various heart problems.It is a very good blood purifier and is thus used to treat various skin diseases including leprosy and eczema. Guggul herb treats hypertension as it helps in lowering blood pressure to normal levels.
It is also an aphrodisiac and its regular intake improves sexual ability as well as it increases healthy sperm production.
Guggul herb is also beneficial for women's health because it gives relief from menstrual problems like painful menses, cramps and other related conditions.
It promotes youthfulness with longevity.
WARNING :- Ayurveda restricts everyone from taking Guggul in raw form. Guggul gum extract should always be used with milk, water or in herbal medicine preparations.
Mint, पोदिना, Putiha, Puthila :: The oil is useful in neuralgia when applied externally and a febrifuge in fevers. It is useful in treating pain and inflammation of muscles and joints due to its counter irritant actions.
Peppermint, पेपरमिंट, Paparamint :: It is considered aromatic, stimulant, stomachic and carminative and used for allaying nausea, flatulence and vomiting. Bruised leaves are employed as an external application for relieving local pains and headache. A hot infusion is taken to allay stomach ache and colicky diarrhea. Peppermint is used as an antispasmodic, diuretic, choleric and carminative and as an expectorant in bronchitis.
Spearmint, पुदीना, Pahari Pudina :: It is considered stimulant, carminative and antispasmodic. A sweetened infusion of the herb is given as a remedy for infantile troubles, vomiting in pregnancy and hysteria. The leaves are used in fevers and bronchitis. The oil is a counter irritant.
Ironwood Tree, केसर, नाग केसर, नाग पुष्प, Kesar, Nag Kesar, Nag Pushp :: It shows anti bacterial, anti fungal and anthelmintic activities. It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and styptic activity.
Touch Me Not, लाजवन्ति, लज्जालु, Laj Vanti, Lajjalu :: A decoction of the root of the plant is considered useful in gravel and other urinary complaints. A paste of the leaves is applied to glandular swellings; the juice of leaves is used in dressings for sinus and also as an application for sores and piles.
Bitter Gourd, करेला, Karela :: The fruits have long been used in India as a folk remedy for diabetes mellitus. Lectins from the bitter gourd have shown significant antilipolytic and lipogenic activities.
Drumstick, Horse Radish, शिंघु, शोभंजन, Shigru, Shobhanjana :: Its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic activities of the seeds. The seeds are used as antibacterial, anti choleric and anti-viral agents.
Pearl Oyster Shell, मोतीभस्म, Moti Bhasm, Mouktik Bhasm :: It is antacid, tonic and used in acid peptic disorders.
Cow-Itch Plant, कपि कच्छु, Kapi Kachchhu :: Its an effective drug for relief in Parkinson's disease. The seed is a prophylactic against oligospermia and is useful in increasing sperm count, ovulation in women, etc. It is a good aphrodisiac and also a nervine tonic. It is used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and diseases of the genitourinary system.
Processed Pearl, मुक्त पिष्टी, Mukt Pishti :: It is a powerful cardiac tonic and mood elevator.
Mutilla occidentalis इंद्र वधि, Indr Vadhi :: It is nervine, tonic, antispasmodic and used in paralysis.
Mace, Nutmeg, जति कोष, जतिपत्र, जतिफल, Jati Kosh, Jati Patr Jati Fal :: The oil extract of the tree is used as a counter irritant and stimulates blood flow to the area applied. Nutmeg is reported to be an expectorant, vermifuge, aphrodisiac, and as a nervine used by psychiatrists. It is used in tonics and electuaries and is recommended for the treatment of inflammations of the bladder and urinary tract. Mace is used in folk medicine for the treatment of rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory, anti fungal and antibacterial properties.
Serpentine, नाग पाश भस्म, ज़हर मोहर, Nag Pashan Bhasm, Zahar Mohr :: It is processed serpentine or magnesium silicate. It is a nervine, cardiac and liver tonic, useful in palpitation and cardio-muscular debility.
Musk Root, जटामांसी, Jatamansi :: It has analgesic and stimulant properties. The oil possesses anti arrhythmic and hypertensive activity. It promotes hair growth and imparts a black colour to the hair. It brings forth a significant reduction in hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.
Cal Mint, बदरंज बोय, Badranj boy :: The plant is used in various cardiovascular complaints such as angina pectoris, cardiac thrombosis, trachycardia and weakness of the heart. Some of its other uses are in cardiac asthma, syncope, pyrexia and anxiety.
Sweet Scented Oleander, करवीर, Kar Vir :: It has anti-inflammatory and stimulant properties. The roots, bark and seeds are anti-inflammatory and stimulant, good pain relievers. A paste of the root is used as an external application in haemorrhoids, chancres and ulceration. An oil extracted from the root bark is used in skin diseases of a scaly nature. The fresh juice of leaves is dropped into the eyes for inducing lachrymation in ophthalmia.
Small Fennel, Black Cumin कलौंजी, कला जीरा, Kalonji, Kala Jira :: The seed oil showed antibacterial, insecticidal, bronchiodilatory, hypertensive, and immuno-stimulant activities. The seeds have good cleansing properties. The oil also exhibited CNS depressant and potent analgesic effects on experimental animals.
French Basil, Sweet Basil, Common Basil, वन तुलसी, Van Tulsi, Munjariki, Surasa, Varvar :: The plants are considered stomachic, anthelmintic, alexipharmic, antipyretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, carminative, stimulant and pectoral. An infusion of the plant is given for cephalalgia and gouty joints and used as a gargle for foul breath. The juice of the leaves has a slightly narcotic effect and allays irritation in the throat. The roots, bark and leaves are cyano-genetic. Alcoholic extracts of leaves and aqueous extracts of flowers possess antibacterial activity against Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus. The seeds possess demulcent, stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic and cooling properties; useful in diarrhoea and dysentry. It is also useful in various types of coughs, headaches, earaches, nasal catarrh and croup.
Holy Basil, तुलसी, विष्णु प्रिया, Tulsi, Vishnu Priya :: The leaves yield a volatile oil, which is reported to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal properties. An aqueous decoction of the whole dried plant is reported to lower blood sugar level. The juice of the leaves possesses diaphoretic, anti-periodic, stimulating and expectorant properties; it is used in catarrh and bronchitis and is applied to the skin in ringworm and other cutaneous diseases.
Onosma bracteatum, गोजिह्वः, Gojihv :: The drug is used as a tonic, alterative, demulcent, diuretic and refrigerant; it is useful as a spasmolytic.
Operculina turpethum, निशोतर, त्रिपुट, त्रिवृत, Nishotra, Triputa, Trivruth :: It is anti-inflammatory and stimulant, good pain relievers. A paste of the root is used as an external application in haemorrhoids, chancres and ulceration. An oil extracted from the root bark is used in skin diseases of a scaly nature. The fresh juice of leaves is dropped into the eyes for inducing lachrymation in ophthalmia.
Salep Orchid, सल्बमिसरी, Salabmisri :: They are used as a farinaceous food, nervine tonic and aphrodisiac. They yield a lot of mucilage with water and form a jelly that is supposed to be nutritious and useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and chronic fevers.
Oroxylum indicum, श्योनक, Shyonak :: The root bark is tonic and astringent and useful in diarrhea and dysentery; it is diaphoretic and is used in rheumatism.
Red Poppy, Corn Poppy, अफ़ीम, रक़्त पोस्त, रक़्त खस, Afim, Rakt-post, Khas-खस :: The mucilaginous and bitter petals are expectorant and have been used for cough or hoarseness; they also possess sedative and pain relieving properties. The fresh petals are used for the preparation of galenicals. Syrup or tincture made out of petals is used for colouring medicines and food materials to which they impart a red colour and a bitter flavor. The aqueous extracts of the plant exhibit antibiotic activity.
Stone Flowers, शैलेयं, Shaileyam :: The plant is astringent, bitter, acrid, cooling, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac. It is useful in sores, boils, inflammations, seminal weakness and amenorrhea.
Pavonia odorata, बलं, Balam :: The roots are aromatic and possess refrigerant, antipyretic, stomachic and astringent properties. They are used in dysentery and inflammation and hemorrhage of the intestines.
Earthworm, केंचुआ, भूनाग, Kaenchua, Bhoo Nag :: The extract of earthworm is used in various mixtures of Chinese medicine for the treatment of asthma in man and influenza in poultry.
Dates, ख़जूर, Kharjur :: Dates are considered demulcent, expectorant and laxative and are used in respiratory diseases and fever. They are rich in sugars.
Phyllanthus amarus, भूम्यामल्कि, Bhumyaamalaki :: The plant is often used in treating flu, dropsy, diabetes, jaundice, asthma, bronchial infections and diseases the liver. It is used in problems of the stomach, genito-urinary system, liver, and kidney.
Picrorhiza kurroa, कटुकः, कुटकी, Katuk, Kutki :: The plant is mainly used in the therapy for liver and lung diseases. The plant is reported to exhibit potent immuno-stimulant activity and is considered as immuno-modulatory agent. It prevents allergen and platelet activating factor-induced bronchial obstruction. It also has anti-inflammatory activity.
Chir Pine, सरल, श्रीवास, Saral, Shrivas :: The turpentine oil obtained from the Chir Pine is valued in medicine as a rubefacient in various rheumatic affections, such as lumbago, arthritis and neuralgia. The oil is also an ingredient in many ointments, liniments and lotions for treating minor aches and pains as well as colds when applied externally.
Indian Long Pepper, कण, मागधी, पिप्पली, उष्ण, Kana, Magadhi, Pippali, Ushan :: The fruits are used for diseases of the respiratory tract, viz. cough, bronchitis, coryza, asthma, hoarseness of voice, asthma, etc.; as counter-irritant and analgesic when applied locally for muscular pains and inflammation and as general tonic and hematinic. It is known to enhance the bio-availability of food and drugs as well as being a carminative.
Black Pepper, काली मिर्च, कृष्ण, Kali Mirch, Krashn:: It is much employed as an aromatic stimulant in weakness following fevers, coma, etc., as a stomachic in cholera, dyspepsia, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhoea and various other gastrointestinal ailments. It has bacteriostatic, fungistatic, anti-inflammatory and rubefacient properties.
Pistachio, पिश्ता, मुकुलक, Pishta, Mukulak :: The kernels are considered to be digestive, sedative and tonic and contain a melting fatty oil.
Plumbago zeylanica, चित्रक, Chitrak :: It is a powerful irritant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic that is useful in rheumatism.
Coral Calx, प्रवाल भस्म, Praval Bhasm :: It is a rich, natural source of calcium and has the advantage of easy absorption in the intestine.
Processed Coral, प्रवाल पिष्टी, Praval Pishti :: It is prepared from the coral of Corallium rub-rum. It is a tonic for the heart and brain and useful in melancholia, palpitation and cough.
Almond, बादाम, वातध, Badam, Vatadh :: It is useful in skin disorders. Almond kernels are considered demulcent, lithontriptic and diuretic as well as being a nervine tonic. It is reported to improve brain functions. Use is after soaking in water over night and do not chew more than two in a day.
Psoralea corylifolia, बकुची, Bakuchi :: It has anti-inflammatory properties and it's a mild analgesic.
Indian Kino Tree, बीजक, Bijak :: An aqueous infusion of the wood is used in diabetes.
Pomegranate, अनार, दाड़िम, Anar, Dadim :: Extracts of the fruit rind and root bark showed antibacterial activity. It is valued as an astringent in cases of diarrhoea and dysentery. It is aphrodisiac and has multiple applications for good health.
Apple, सेव, Sevam :: Apple is one of the fruits with low antigen content diet and is useful in the management of immuno-mediated diseases. Apple is an anti-fungal constituent. It reduces skin inflammation and helps in removing dead skin fragments.
Radish, मुकुल क्षर, Mulak Kshar :: It is credited with refreshing and depurative properties. Radish preparations are useful in liver and gall bladder troubles. In homeopathy they are used for neuralgic headaches, sleeplessness and chronic diarrhoea. The roots are said to be useful in urinary complaints, piles and in gastrodynia. A salt extracted from roots that are dried and burnt to white ash is used in stomach troubles.
Lapis Lazuli Calx, राजवर्त भस्म, Raj Vart Bhasm :: It is the calcinated powder of Lapis lazuli, mineralogically called ‘Ultra marine’. It is a silicate of Aluminium and sodium. It is a general tonic, used in clinical conditions of diabetes, anaemia and gastro-intestinal diseases.
Rauwolfia, सर्पगंधा, Sarp Gandha :: It has been employed for centuries for the relief of various central nervous system disorders, both psychic and motor, including anxiety states, excitement, maniacal behaviour associated with psychosis, schizophrenia, insanity, insomnia and epilepsy. Extracts of the roots are valued for the treatment of intestinal disorders, particularly diarrhoea and dysentery. It is also used as an anthelmintic.
Castor, अरण्ड, गन्धर्व हस्त, Arand, Gandharv Hast :: Its oil is used externally to relieve various inflammatory conditions of the skin and mucus membrane. Small quantities of castor seed are used in the villages as a mild laxative for children. The seeds made into a paste or poultice are reported to be applied to sores, boils and gouty or rheumatic swellings. In veterinary practice, castor oil is a safe and effective purgative for most animals and may be given also to pregnant animals. Castor oil is commonly used for the preparation of hair-oils, hair fixers and aromatic perfumes. It is used as an ingredient in hair lotions and tonics in concentrations of 0.5-20 per cent.
Persian Rose, सतपत्री, Sat Patri :: The flower buds, stamens and the fruit are astringent and are used in cardiac troubles and as a tonic and aperient.
Rosemary, रुसमरि, Rusmari :: It is mildly irritant and has been used as a carminative. Internally, the oil may be taken as a stimulant in doses of a few drops: a 5 per cent tincture is used as a circulatory and cardiac stimulant. The oil is useful in headache and in tardy menstruation. It is a diaphoretic and is employed with hot water in chills and colds. An emulsion prepared from the oil is used as a gargle for sore-throat. The oil exhibits antibacterial and protistocidal activity. All parts of the plant are astringent and serve as a nervine tonic and an excellent stomachic. An infusion of the plant with borax is employed as a hair wash and is said to prevent premature baldness, treats dandruff and other scalp infections. The plant has been found useful in atonic dyspepsia. The flowering tops and leaves are considered carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, aperient, emmenagogue, stimulant and stomachic and possess a strong antibacterial action.
Indian Madder, मंजिष्ठ, समंग, Manjishth, Samang :: The roots are credited with tonic, antiseptic, astringent and deobstruent properties. They are used in rheumatism. It is useful in skin infections, ulcers, inflammation and other skin disorders. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.
Golden Dock, चुक्र भेद, Chukr Bhed :: The seeds are purgative, refrigerant and anti-pruritic.
Sandalwood Tree, चन्दन, Chandan :: It is used to alleviate itching and inflammation. It is credited with cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant properties, and sandalwood finds several applications in household remedies.
Phenila, अरिष्ट, रीठा, Arisht, Ritha :: The fruits are credited with expectorant and emetic properties and are used in the treatment of excessive salivation, epilepsy and chlorosis. The powdered seeds are said to possess insecticidal properties. They are employed in the treatment of dental caries. It cleanses the skin of oily secretion and is even used as a cleanser for washing hair and a hair tonic and forms a rich, natural lather. Its detergent action, which cleanses the hair and removes, accumulated debris and a sebaceous material further more imparting speculiar reflection and hair lustre. The fruits possess tonic and astringent properties.
Ashok Tree, अशोक, गंद पुष्प, Ashok, Gand Pushp :: The bark has a stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue, is useful in menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, in leucorrhea and in internal bleeding, where ergot is indicated. It is well established for its effectiveness in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It also has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue and may produce an oestrogen-like effect that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding.
Alum, फिटकरी, सौराष्ट्री, Saurashtri :: The trem 'alum' is applied to a group of hydrated double salts, which are characterised by easy solubility in water and a strong astringent taste. Common alum refers to potassium aluminium sulphate. It is also Known as potash alum. Medicinally, it has styptic and astringent properties. It purifies water and used after shaving to check bacterial infection.
Costus, कुष्ठ, Kushth :: The essential oil of the roots has strong antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. An alcoholic extract of the herb has been found very useful in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Tamarisk, झवुक, Jhavuk :: It is used in bleeding disorders like menorrhagia, bleeding in the rectum and epistaxis. It is used in disorders associated with hepatic insufficiency.
Sodium Biborate :: It's a chemical which is good astringent and antiseptic. It is useful in superficial infections, prickly heat, acne, ulcers, etc.
Arjun, अर्जुन :: The bark is useful as an anti-ischemic and cardio-protective agent in hypertension and in ischemic heart disease. It also has a tonic effect in cases of cirrhosis of the liver. It induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. It has been reported to possess protective cardiovascular and hypolipidemic properties. This enhances the elimination of cholesterol from the body.
Belliric Myrobalan, कालिद्रुम, कर्शफल, विभित्की, Kalidruma, Karshaphala, Vibhitaki :: It is employed in dropsy, piles and diarrhea. Encouraging results have been obtained in cases of myopia, corneal opacity, pterigium, immature cataract, chronic and acute infective conditions. The fruit possesses myocardial depressive activity.
Chebulic Myrobalan, हरीतकी, हरड़, Haritaki, Harad :: Its fruits have laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also known as an adaptogen and hepatoprotective drug. It acts as a gentle laxative and helps in smooth evacuation. It is an effective purgative and helps in removing toxins and fats from the body, resulting in their reduced absorption.
Tinospora Gulancha, गुडूची, Guduchi :: The stem is used in dyspepsia, fevers and urinary diseases. The plant is used in Ayurvedic Rasayan to improve the immune system and the body's resistance to infections. The bitter principle present shows antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It is used in general debility, digestive disturbances, loss of appetite and fever in children. It is also an effective immuno stimulant.
Bishop's Weed, लोवांग, यवनी, Lovage, Yavani :: The fruits are much valued for its antispasmodic, stimulant, tonic and carminative properties. It is administered in flatulence, atonic dyspepsia and diarrhea and often recommended for cholera. The oil from the fruits is reported to possess hypotensive and cardiac depressive activity. The drug also shows some anti-diuretic effect.
Small Caltrops, गोक्षुर, Gokshur :: It is a diuretic drug useful in urolithiasis, dysurea, impotence and kidney dysfunction. It has tonic and aphrodisiac properties. It is known to increase the quantity of semen and is useful in diseases of the genitourinary tract. The plant and seeds have spasmolytic and cardiotonic activity.
Fenugreek, मेधिका, चन्द्रिका, Medhika, Chandrika :: They are used externally in poultices for boils, abscesses and ulcers and internally as emollient for inflammations of the intestinal tract. They find application also in veterinary medicine and are used in poultices, ointments and plasters and form a constituent of 'condition powders' for cattle, horses and sheep.
Trikatu, त्रिकुट, त्रिकटु (Indian Long Pepper, Black Pepper and Ginger; Pippali, Kali Mirch, and Sunthi) :: It is a diuretic drug useful in urolithiasis, dysurea, impotence and kidney dysfunction. It has tonic and aphrodisiac properties. It is known to increase the quantity of semen and is useful in diseases of the genitourinary tract. The plant and seeds have spasmolytic and cardio-tonic activity.
त्रिफला, Triphala :: It is a composite herbal preparation containing equal proportions of the fruits of अमलकी (आंवला (Emblica officinalis)), बिभीतक (बहेडा) (Terminalia bellirica) और हरितकी (हरड़ Terminalia chebula) को बीज निकाल कर समान मात्रा में लिया जाता है। त्रिफला शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है "तीन फल"। This preparation is known to be a safe hypoglycemic agent.
Wheat, गेहूँ, Genhun :: This is the main food content of majority of Indians & is a good source of mineral nutrients. It contains significant amounts of iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc; iodine and cobalt are present in trace amounts. Whole wheat is a good source of thiamine and nicotinic acid. Wheat is a rich source of tocopherols with high vitamin-E potency that nourishes and prevents loss of moisture from the skin. The oil is used to tone and soften the lips and has a potent antioxidant activity. This protect the skin from scavenging free-radicals, prevents premature ageing and reduces ultra violet rays induced damage. It helps in proper drainage of secretions from the sebaceous and other glands of the skin and thereby helps in preventing black heads.
त्रिवंग भस्म, Trivang Bhasm :: It is a calcinated product containing शीशा (naga, lead), टिन (vang, tin) and जस्ता (yasad, zinc) in equal quantities. It is widely used in for the treatment of impotence and nervous disorders and as a tonic in genitourinary diseases.
Indian Valerian, तगर, Tagar :: It is prescribed as a remedy for hysteria, hypochondriasis, nervous unrest and emotional troubles. It is also used as a carminative and forms an ingredient of a number of recipes. The drug contains a group of iridoid or monoterpenic derivatives, known as valepotriates which are useful as tranquilizers and sedatives. The essential oil of the root and rhizome is having anti-bacterial property.
Vanda roxburghii, रसना, Rasna :: The leaves are pounded and the paste is applied to the body to bring down fever; their juice is dropped in the ear for the treatment of otitis (कान की सूजन, कर्णशोथ) and other inflammatory conditions. The roots are used in dyspepsia, bronchitis rheumatism and also in fever; they are reported to possess antibacterial and anti-tubercular properties. The roots enter into the preparation of medicated oils, used externally in rheumatism and nervous troubles. The herb is also used for sciatica.
Tin Calx, वांग भस्म, Vang Bhasm :: It is prepared from tin metal and has a wide range of therapeutic uses with special reference to the diseases of the genito-urinary tract. It improves digestion, is useful in wasting diseases and cures all ‘pramehas’ (A prameha is a urinary tract disease characterised by poly-urea and turbid urine).
Cowrie Shell Calx, वर्तिका भस्म, Varatika Bhasm :: It is prepared from the shells of Cyprea moneta called cowrie shells and is well known for its antacid and digestive properties. It is useful in the treatment of gastritis, duodenitis and otorrhea.
Purple Fleabane, सहदेवी, Sah Devi :: The seeds yield a fatty oil and are used as an anthelmintic and alexipharmic; they are said to be quite effective against roundworms and thread worms. They are also given for coughs, flatulence, intestinal colic and dysuria and for leucoderma, psoriasis and other chronic skin-diseases. The seeds are made into a paste with lime juice and used for destroying pediculi.
Vetiver, खस-खस, Khus-Khus :: The oil is reported to be used as a carminative in flatulence, colic and obstinate vomiting. It is regarded as a stimulant, diaphoretic, refrigerant and antibacterial and when applied externally, it removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect. A decoction of the leaves is recommended as a diaphoretic.
विडंगादि लौहम, Vidangadi Lauham :: It is herbo-mineral powder consisting of Embelia ribes, Cyperus rotundus, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Emblica officinalis, Cedrus deodara, Piper longum, Piper chaba, Plumbago zeylanica, Zingiber officinalis, Piper nigrum and Iron calx. It is indicated in obesity, liver disorders, and anaemia.
Sweet Violet, नील पुष्प, Neel Pushp :: The herb is valued as an expectorant, diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic and as a laxative in bilious affections. It is used for catarrhal and pulmonary troubles and for calculous affections. Also used as a remedy for coughs and sore throat, hoarseness, and ailments of infants.
Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, निगुण्डी, सेफली, Nirgundi, Sephali :: The leaves possess discutient properties and are applied to rheumatic swellings of the joints and in sprains. It can be applied locally in rheumatic arthritis and sprains. The juice of the leaves is used for the treatment of fetid discharges. They show anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal and analgesic activities. It is useful in the treatment of superficial bruises, injuries, sores and skin infections.
Grapes, अँगूर, द्राक्ष, Angur, Draksh :: Grapes are a good source of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), which are known to be useful in such conditions as purpura, capillary bleeding in diabetes, edema and inflammation from injury, radiation damage and atherosclerosis. Grapes are considered laxative, stomachic, diuretic, demulcent and cooling and are used as an astringent in throat affections.
Winter cherry, अश्वगंधा, Ashw Gandha :: It is used in asthma and as a uterine sedative. Its alkaloids showed relaxant and antispasmodic effects against several spasmogens on intestinal, uterine, bronchial, tracheal and blood vascular muscles. It is a Rasayan agent. It helps in increasing the sense of well being and improves sexual performance.
Fire flame bush, धातकी, Dhataki :: They are used in bowel complaints and haemorrhages and administered in menorrhagia and seminal weakness. An extract of the plant was found to stimulate the contraction of the intestinal loop and investigations have corroborated the clinical use of the drug in bowel complaints. The drug also shows antipyretic action which compares favourably with that of Acetyl Salicylic acid. The dried flowers are powdered and sprinkled over ulcers and wounds to diminish discharge and promote granulation.
Barley, इन्द्र जौ, स्त्री कूटज, Indra Jao, Stri Kutaj :: It is effective in psoriasis and non-specific dermatitis. The leaves are used in various skin disorders including herpes. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory activities, used as an antibacterial in several skin disorders. It has anti-dandruff activity and is used in the treatment of various scalp and skin disorders.
Processed ruby, याकूत-माणिक पिष्टी, Yakut-Maniky Pishti :: Generally a cardiac tonic it allays palpitation of the heart.
Zinc Calx, यसद भस्म, Yashad Bhasm :: It is specially processed zinc. Zinc plays a significant role in protein synthesis, in cell division and in wound healing. It has shown beneficial effects in acne and is known to have antiseptic and astringent properties. Animals fed zinc deficient diets show anorexia, weight loss, growth retardation, various skin dystrophies and impaired glucose metabolism. These have also been observed in man. With age the zinc content of the abdominal aorta decreases. It is administered in spruce, diabetes, leukorrhea and hyper-hydrosis.
Processed jade, यशब-यवोमेषम पिष्टी, Yeshab, Vyomashm Pishti :: A cardiac tonic it allays palpitation of the heart.
Ginger, अदरक-शुण्ठी, Ardrak, Sunthi :: Ginger is valued in medicine as a carminative and stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much in vogue as a household remedy for indigestion, relieves dyspepsia, flatulence and colic. Ginger is reported to contain an anti-histaminic factor. It is included among anti-depressants and it forms an ingredient of some anti-narcotic preparations. It is soothing for cough, colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

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