ENVY ईर्ष्या
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
dharmvidya.wordpress.com hindutv.wordpress.com santoshhastrekhashastr.wordpress.com bhagwatkathamrat.wordpress.com jagatgurusantosh.wordpress.com santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com santoshkathasagar.blogspot.com bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com santoshhindukosh.blogspot.com
मूढ़ लोग बुद्धिमानों से ईर्ष्या करते हैं, गरीब अमीर से ईर्ष्या करता है, गलत मार्ग पर चलने वाली औरत पवित्र स्त्री से ईर्ष्या करती है और बदसूरत औरत खूबसूरत औरत से ईर्ष्या करती है।[चाणक्य नीति 5.6]
The learned are envied by the foolish; rich men by the poor; chaste women by adulteresses and beautiful ladies by ugly ones.
Traditionally, by virtue of their nature, the idiot, imprudent, duffer envies the scholar, the poor envies the wealthy, the prostitutes, whore, socialites, wretched women envies the women devoted to their husband and the widows envy the women having their husband.
Jealousy, rivalry & envy are inborn tendencies of a human being. They always obstruct material & spiritual the progress.
Inferiority complex engulfs the person who has some thing missing in him or who has lost it. Such people find fault with others and their luck. Women looses their sovereignty-fidelity, if they are too bold, negligent or imprudent.
Traditionally, by virtue of their nature, the idiot, imprudent, duffer envies the scholar, the poor envies the wealthy, the prostitutes, whore, socialites, wretched women envies the women devoted to their husband and the widows envy the women having their husband.
Jealousy, rivalry & envy are inborn tendencies of a human being. They always obstruct material & spiritual the progress.
Inferiority complex engulfs the person who has some thing missing in him or who has lost it. Such people find fault with others and their luck. Women looses their sovereignty-fidelity, if they are too bold, negligent or imprudent.

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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)