Wednesday, July 6, 2016

XXX Ee, ee, ई, ी

Ee, ee, ई, ी
BY :: PT. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
ELAN VITAL :: जीवन शक्ति, जीवन प्रवाह; vitality, vital-force.
ENLIGHTENMENT :: क्षेत्रज्ञ के रुप में स्वयं ब्रह्म-परमात्मा ही मनुष्य-प्राणी में विद्यमान हैं। क्षेत्र-क्षेत्रज्ञ का यही ज्ञान यथार्थ ज्ञान है; The knowledge of both the soul-Kshetragy and Kshetr-bodies; is transcendental knowledge-enlightenment in the opinion of the Almighty. 
EQUANIMITY :: स्वभाव की समभाव, समवृत्ति, समता, स्वाभाव, गम्भीरता, धैर्य, धीरज, समभाव, धृति, समचित्‍तता (सभी प्राणियों, परिस्थितियों, अवसरों में एक समान भाव-परमात्मा को देखना); One who remains balanced-neutral towards friend or foe, in honour or insult-disgrace, in hot or cold (conditions adverse or favourable to the body), in pleasure or pain (conditions to favourable or adverse to heart and intelligence); has attained equanimity. Considering pleasure-pain, humans, deities-demons, all organism at par.
Weigh success & failure equally. Do not rejoin in success, do not feel sad in failure. Treat every organism as the component of the Almighty. Do not distinguish as poor or rich, upper caster or lower caste.
EQUANIMITY समता-साम्यावस्था :: The Ultimate (brightest, enlightened, excellent) amongest the humans, one-the stable (calm, steadfast, resolute, bold, patient, persevering, lasting, self possessed, sedate, solemn, grave, deep) who has acquired-attained equanimity between the pleasure and pains, sensuality-sexuality, passions and association with the worldly objects-affairs, is not troubled by these; qualifies for immortality (and ultimately he is entitled for Salvation-assimilation in the Ultimate i.e., me). 
धीर-धैर्यवान को सुख और दुःख एक समान लगते हैं; ना सावन हरे ना भादौं सूखे। सुख और दुःख मानने से होते हैं। एक ही जैसी घटना किसी एक को प्रसन्न करती है, तो किसी दूसरे या अन्य लोगों को रुलाती है। दोनों में कोई भी स्थाई नहीं है। अनुकूल स्थिति आनन्द दायक है और प्रतिकूल कष्टदायक। न तो आनन्द-सुख और न ही कष्ट-परेशानी स्थाई हैं। 
साम्यावस्था (सम की स्थिति, अपने स्वरूप होना, स्थित होना), ही सत्ता, सत्, सत्य है। इस अवस्था में सभी प्रकार के बन्धन, कष्ट, परेशानियों, बुराइयों से मुक्ति है। जो इसमें लिप्त है, उसका नर्क में पतन निश्चित है। जबकि विपरीत परिस्थितियों से सम भाव से ऊपर उठने वाले का अमरत्व-मोक्ष तय है। 
Self possessed weighs the pleasures and pain, unfavourable or opposite conditions with ease-normally without losing control over his mind. He comes out of the difficult situation ultimately and moves ahead towards the God. There are people who do not find interest in the activities, which may be extremely pleasant for some. They remain neutral towards them-indifferent. Equanimity with trouble & ease, happiness & distress, pleasure & pain raises-moves a person towards the Ultimate. 
Stabilisation in self, is equanimity, state of equilibrium, creation of balance, truth-the Ultimate. This state is free from tensions, troubles, pains, disorders, defects. Experiencing-indulging in grief-sorrow may move the individual (soul) to hells, while rising over the situation will result in up gradation to immortality-assimilation. 
Equanimity is the state attained by a human being in which he stop discriminating between inferior or superior organism, pain or pleasure. He do not desire higher abodes or Salvation. He just want to remain devoted to the Almighty. 
Its not possible to remain aloof-neutral to the happening around, but one can restrict himself from unwanted, undue-unnecessary involvement. More one involves himself, more trouble he create for himself & his family. One should concentrate in business, duty along with remembering the God. If he gets time, he should render his services for social cause-welfare.
EQUANIMOUS :: गम्भीर, धीरज, धैर्य, संतुलन, समता, समबुद्धि, समभाव, समवृत्ति, धृति; Steadiness of mind under stress, calm, calmness, composure, in full control of one's faculties, perfectly poised and sure of himself, more self-contained and more dependable than many of the early frontiersmen, strong and self-possessed in the face of trouble.
EMANCIPATION :: मुक्त होना; freeing, liberation, liberating, setting free, release, releasing, letting loose out, setting loose free, discharge.  
ENDEAVOUR :: प्रयास, प्रयत्न, कोशिश; effort, attempt.
ENDOWED :: संपन्न; blessed with. 
ENGROSS :: मोटे अक्षरों में लिखा क़ानूनी दस्तावेज़; legal document in bold letters, format.
ENVISAGE :: परिकल्पना-कल्पना-विचार करना; imagine, dream, conceive, visualise, foresee, predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate, expect.
ENVY ::  ईर्ष्या, द्वेष;  malice. 
EXCEL :: बढ़ जाना, उत्तमतर होना, श्रेष्ठ होना, अन्यों से बढ़कर होना, विशिष्ट होना, अग्रगण्य होना।
EXHILARATION :: रसिकता, ज़िंदादिली; jocundity, sentimentality.
ETERNAL :: शाश्वत; in perpetuity, never changing, fixed, permanent.
EXPEDITE :: जल्दी करना, झटपट करना, शीघ्र कार्रवाई करना, शीघ्र निबटाना; expeditious, fast, immediate, prompt, hasten, exigent,  terminable, hurry, rush, hurry up. 
EXPIATION :: atonement, redemption, redress, reparation, restitution, recompense, requital, purgation, penance, amends.
EVOLUTION :: Appearance of Brahma Ji-The creator out of the placenta of the nurturer-Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu  is evolution.
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

XXX R, r, आर

R, r, आर
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
RASCETTE-BRACELET LINE :: मणिबन्ध रेखा। 
RATIONALITY :: तर्क संगत, तर्क युक्त, उपयुक्तता, न्याय पूर्ण न्याय संगत; logical, argument, reason, contention, argumentation, appropriateness, adequacy, appositeness,  justness. The quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
REALITY :: वास्तव में, सचमुच; verily, indeed, virtually, practically)  
REBUKE :: डाँट-फटकार, भर्त्सना, निंदा, लानत मलामत; condemn, denunciation.
RECENSION ::  पाठ, गुण-दोष-निरूपण, पाठान्तर, शुद्ध किया हुआ मूल ग्रन्थ; the revision of a text. 
RECEPTACLE :: गोदाम, संदूक; storehouse, godown, storeroom, pantry, stockroom, box, chest, log cabin.
RENOUNCER ::  It’s not possible for the embodied human beings to renounce, abandon, discard the entire Karm, therefore the one, who renounces the Karmfal, is the ultimate Tyagi–the renouncer.
RENUNCIATION ::  त्याग, संन्यास, निवृत्ति। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; self denial, the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action, abstention from, refraining from, going without, doing without, giving up of, eschewal of, rejection, express or tacit abandonment of a right or position, usually without assignment to another person, relinquishment, giving up, abandonment, resignation, abdication, surrender, signing away, waiving, forgoing. 
RELENTLESSLY :: लगातार, बगैर थके।  
RELINQUISHMENT :: त्याग, छोड़ना, संन्यास। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; to give up or abandon control of something or a claim, to put aside or desist from something practiced, professed, or intended; stop doing or adhering to, to let go; surrender, to cease holding physically. 
REPERCUSSION :: प्रतिघात, प्रतिक्रिया, विपरीत प्रभाव, प्रतिध्वनि, अनुगूंज; response, reaction, respond, impedance, rebuff, effect, impact, influence, impression, efficacy, resonance, echo, reverberation, waft, reecho.
ROTE MEMORY :: आवृत्ति, घूर्णी, दुहराव, रटना, कण्ठस्थ  करना, यंत्रवत क्रिया; cramming-mugging.

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

XXX P, p. पी

P, p, पी
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
PAGANS :: प्रतिमा-मूर्ति पूजक, बुतपरस्त, नास्तिक, काफिर; heathen, gentile, nations, atheist, sceptic, unbeliever, disbeliever, pagan, secularist, idolatrous, Gentile, heathenish, infidel.
PARRICIDE :: माँ-बाप या किसी सम्बन्धी-मित्र का हत्यारा;  the killer of a parent or other near relative.
PASSIONATE :: उत्साही, आवेशपूर्ण, तीव्र, कामुक, तीक्ष्ण, गर्म, तामसी, क्रोधी, intense, acute, rapid, fast, sharp, passionate, sensual, sensuous, carnal, voluptuous, fervent,  pointed, drastic, fiery, angry, hot headed, ireful, lofty, warm,  resentful, ratty, quick-tempered and ardent.
PATRONISING :: संरक्षण, शरण, शरणगति; aegis, preservation, maintenance, keeping, trusteeship, ward ship, guardianship, custody, care, conservation, guardianship, patronage, protection, safeguard, mentor ship.
PATIENCE धैर्य :: धीरज, सब्र, सहनशीलता; tolerance, durability, patience, toleration, passivity, permissiveness. 
PENANCE :: प्रायश्चित; Punishment, which one impose on self on the advice of a priest. 
PENETRATING :: तीक्ष्ण, चुभनेवाला, तेज, तीव्र। 
PERK :: फुर्तीला, तेज, चञ्चल, शोख, ढीठ। 
PERCUSSION :: ठेस, टकराव, प्रहार, चोट-मार-आघात-ठोकर-टक्कर; collision, conflict, clash, friction, bump, poke, thump, jab, strike, dub, injury, damage, harm, boner, hit, percussion, planter, percussion, wallop, welt, clobber, Kick, mortification. 
PERDITION :: A state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death, damnation.
PERISHABLE :: लौकिक, अस्थायी; temporal, temporary, changeable, mutable.
PORTENTS :: पूर्वसूचना, सगुन-शकुन, लक्षण, चेतावनी, अचंभा; presage,  omen, prophet, symptom, trait, feature, sign, character, warning, alert, caveat, alarm, caution, prognostic,  augury, prognostication, marvel, phoenix, astonishment, miracle.
PUTRID :: left over by others, impure, stale, foul smelling, tasteless; सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, उग्र गंध का, बदबूदार, गला हुआ)
PRAXIS :: अमल, अभ्यास, प्रयोग, आदत, रिवाज, आचार, क्रम, रीति, दस्तूर; practice, execution, application, action, enforcement, exercises, training, drill, use, experiment, usage, habit, knack, manners, tradition, conduct, ethics, customs, ethos, arrangement, collocation, course, sequence, mode, method, diction, institution, ceremony.
PREMONITION :: अशुभ, दुर्घटना, मृत्यु की पूर्व सूचना-जानकारी; a strong feeling that something unpleasant-imminent disaster is going to happen-occur.
PRETERNATURAL :: दिग्गर्जन, भूकम्प और ग्रह-ताराओं के परस्पर टकराने-घर्षण की आवाज़; beyond what is normal or natural, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare, singular, signal, peculiar, unprecedented, outstanding, remarkable, phenomenal, abnormal, anomalous, inexplicable, unaccountable.
PROCRASTINATE :: delayed action, keep on putting off, waste time.
PROCREATION :: प्रसव, उत्पत्ति, सन्तान बढ़ाना; delivery, childbirth, childbearing, parturition, accouchement, origin, genesis, origination, provenance, produce, propagation, syngenesis, multiplication.
PROCRASTINATOR :: शिथिलक, दीर्घसूत्री, देर करने वाला; one delays action, sluggish, keep on putting off-wasting time.
PROGENITOR :: प्रजनक, अग्रगामी, पुरखा, मूल; ancestor, original, root, base, basis, ground, forefather, forbear, grand sire, predecessor, primogenitor, precursor, forbear, breeder.
PROLIFIC :: उर्वर, उपजाऊ, फलदार, फलवान, बहुत से बच्चे जनने वाला, अनुकूल, विशाल, परिमाण में रचना करनेवाला, बहुफल दायक; fertile, genial, rich, fat, fruitful, productive,  seminal, suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, congenial.
PROPITIOUS :: अनुकूल, मेहरबान, अनुग्राही; suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, congenial, clement, complaisant, merciful, tender hearted, regardful, merciful.
PROVIDENCE :: The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power, fate, destiny, nemesis, God's will, divine intervention, predestination, predetermination, timely preparation for future eventualities, prudence, foresight, forethought, far-sightedness, judgement, judiciousness, shrewdness, circumspection, wisdom, sagacity, common sense, precaution, caution, care, carefulness.  
PRUDENCE :: विवेक; common sense, cautiousness. wisdom, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness, advisability, carefulness, far-sightedness.  
PHILOSOPHERS STONE पारस पत्थर-स्पर्श मणि :: पारस पत्थर के बारे में यह मान्यता है कि लोहे को इस पत्थर से स्पर्श कराने पर लोहा सोना बन जाता है।
PHYSIOGNOMY :: मुखाकृति, आकृति देखकर चरित्र बतलाने की विद्या, मुखलक्षण-निरूपण; describing one's character just by seeing the face.
PIERCING :: छेदने वाला, तेज, तीक्ष्ण, चुभने वाला।  
PITY :: दया, कृपा; sympathy, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence.
PIETY :: शील, धार्मिकता, पुण्यशीलता, धर्मनिष्ठा, साधुता, पुण्यात्मा होने का गुण, धर्मनिष्ठता, ईश्वर भक्ति; godliness, devotion, morality, righteousness, religiosity,  religiousness, devoutness, modesty,  politeness, humbleness, moral conduct.
PULSATE :: Beat, throb, expand, and contract, rhythmically.
PURGATIVE :: रेचक, विरेचक, शोधक, पेट साफ़ करनेवाली, दस्त लानेवाली
PUTRID :: सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, उग्र गंध का, बदबूदार, गला हुआ; rotten, foul smelling, decayed, affected by microbes, germs, bacteria, fungus, algae etc. 

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copy right and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा

xxx Q, q, क्यु

Q, q, क्यु
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
QUAFF :: ख़ाली करना, खलाना, गड़गड़ाकर पीना, एक ही साँस में पीना; deplete, deplenish, drink off, drink up, sup. 
QUITE ::  सुकून से, शान्त; undisturbed unagitated.
QUIESCENT :: मौन, स्थिर, अचल, निष्क्रिय, सुप्त, निश्चल; mute, voiceless, taciturn, stable, static, stationary, constant, stagnant, immovable, invariable, irreplaceable, unshakeable, still, idle, deed less, effortless, idle, immobile, restrained. 
QWELL :: नष्ट-समाप्त-काबु करना; put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, finish, get rid of, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, squash, quash, subdue, suppress, repress, quench, extinguish, stifle, abolish, terminate, beat, overcome, defeat, rout, destroy, demolish, annihilate, wipe out, extirpate, calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quieten, quiet, put at rest, lull, silence, put behind one, rise above, allay, appease, stay, assuage, abate, deaden, dull, tranquillise, mitigate, moderate, palliate.

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ 
(बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)