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RATIONALITY :: तर्क संगत, तर्क युक्त, उपयुक्तता, न्याय पूर्ण न्याय संगत; logical, argument, reason, contention, argumentation, appropriateness, adequacy, appositeness, justness. The quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
REALITY :: वास्तव में, सचमुच; verily, indeed, virtually, practically)
REBUKE :: डाँट-फटकार, भर्त्सना, निंदा, लानत मलामत; condemn, denunciation.
RECENSION :: पाठ, गुण-दोष-निरूपण, पाठान्तर, शुद्ध किया हुआ मूल ग्रन्थ; the revision of a text.
RATIONALITY :: तर्क संगत, तर्क युक्त, उपयुक्तता, न्याय पूर्ण न्याय संगत; logical, argument, reason, contention, argumentation, appropriateness, adequacy, appositeness, justness. The quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
REALITY :: वास्तव में, सचमुच; verily, indeed, virtually, practically)
REBUKE :: डाँट-फटकार, भर्त्सना, निंदा, लानत मलामत; condemn, denunciation.
RECENSION :: पाठ, गुण-दोष-निरूपण, पाठान्तर, शुद्ध किया हुआ मूल ग्रन्थ; the revision of a text.
RECEPTACLE :: गोदाम, संदूक; storehouse, godown, storeroom, pantry, stockroom, box, chest, log cabin.
RENOUNCER :: It’s not possible for the embodied human beings to renounce, abandon, discard the entire Karm, therefore the one, who renounces the Karmfal, is the ultimate Tyagi–the renouncer.
RENUNCIATION :: त्याग, संन्यास, निवृत्ति। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; self denial, the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action, abstention from, refraining from, going without, doing without, giving up of, eschewal of, rejection, express or tacit abandonment of a right or position, usually without assignment to another person, relinquishment, giving up, abandonment, resignation, abdication, surrender, signing away, waiving, forgoing.
RELENTLESSLY :: लगातार, बगैर थके।
RELINQUISHMENT :: त्याग, छोड़ना, संन्यास। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; to give up or abandon control of something or a claim, to put aside or desist from something practiced, professed, or intended; stop doing or adhering to, to let go; surrender, to cease holding physically.
REPERCUSSION :: प्रतिघात, प्रतिक्रिया, विपरीत प्रभाव, प्रतिध्वनि, अनुगूंज; response, reaction, respond, impedance, rebuff, effect, impact, influence, impression, efficacy, resonance, echo, reverberation, waft, reecho.
ROTE MEMORY :: आवृत्ति, घूर्णी, दुहराव, रटना, कण्ठस्थ करना, यंत्रवत क्रिया; cramming-mugging.
RENOUNCER :: It’s not possible for the embodied human beings to renounce, abandon, discard the entire Karm, therefore the one, who renounces the Karmfal, is the ultimate Tyagi–the renouncer.
RENUNCIATION :: त्याग, संन्यास, निवृत्ति। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; self denial, the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action, abstention from, refraining from, going without, doing without, giving up of, eschewal of, rejection, express or tacit abandonment of a right or position, usually without assignment to another person, relinquishment, giving up, abandonment, resignation, abdication, surrender, signing away, waiving, forgoing.
RELENTLESSLY :: लगातार, बगैर थके।
RELINQUISHMENT :: त्याग, छोड़ना, संन्यास। संसार को जीते जी छोड़ना, सम भाव की प्राप्ति; to give up or abandon control of something or a claim, to put aside or desist from something practiced, professed, or intended; stop doing or adhering to, to let go; surrender, to cease holding physically.
REPERCUSSION :: प्रतिघात, प्रतिक्रिया, विपरीत प्रभाव, प्रतिध्वनि, अनुगूंज; response, reaction, respond, impedance, rebuff, effect, impact, influence, impression, efficacy, resonance, echo, reverberation, waft, reecho.
ROTE MEMORY :: आवृत्ति, घूर्णी, दुहराव, रटना, कण्ठस्थ करना, यंत्रवत क्रिया; cramming-mugging.

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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
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