By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
PAGANS :: प्रतिमा-मूर्ति पूजक, बुतपरस्त, नास्तिक, काफिर; heathen, gentile, nations, atheist, sceptic, unbeliever, disbeliever, pagan, secularist, idolatrous, Gentile, heathenish, infidel.
PASSIONATE :: उत्साही, आवेशपूर्ण, तीव्र, कामुक, तीक्ष्ण, गर्म, तामसी, क्रोधी, intense, acute, rapid, fast, sharp, passionate, sensual, sensuous, carnal, voluptuous, fervent, pointed, drastic, fiery, angry, hot headed, ireful, lofty, warm, resentful, ratty, quick-tempered and ardent.
PATRONISING :: संरक्षण, शरण, शरणगति; aegis, preservation, maintenance, keeping, trusteeship, ward ship, guardianship, custody, care, conservation, guardianship, patronage, protection, safeguard, mentor ship.
PATIENCE धैर्य :: धीरज, सब्र, सहनशीलता; tolerance, durability, patience, toleration, passivity, permissiveness.
PENANCE :: प्रायश्चित; Punishment, which one impose on self on the advice of a priest.
PENETRATING :: तीक्ष्ण, चुभनेवाला, तेज, तीव्र।
PERK :: फुर्तीला, तेज, चञ्चल, शोख, ढीठ।
PERCUSSION :: ठेस, टकराव, प्रहार, चोट-मार-आघात-ठोकर-टक्कर; collision, conflict, clash, friction, bump, poke, thump, jab, strike, dub, injury, damage, harm, boner, hit, percussion, planter, percussion, wallop, welt, clobber, Kick, mortification.
PERDITION :: A state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death, damnation.
PERISHABLE :: लौकिक, अस्थायी; temporal, temporary, changeable, mutable.
PORTENTS :: पूर्वसूचना, सगुन-शकुन, लक्षण, चेतावनी, अचंभा; presage, omen, prophet, symptom, trait, feature, sign, character, warning, alert, caveat, alarm, caution, prognostic, augury, prognostication, marvel, phoenix, astonishment, miracle.
PUTRID :: left over by others, impure, stale, foul smelling, tasteless; सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, उग्र गंध का, बदबूदार, गला हुआ)
PRAXIS :: अमल, अभ्यास, प्रयोग, आदत, रिवाज, आचार, क्रम, रीति, दस्तूर; practice, execution, application, action, enforcement, exercises, training, drill, use, experiment, usage, habit, knack, manners, tradition, conduct, ethics, customs, ethos, arrangement, collocation, course, sequence, mode, method, diction, institution, ceremony.
PREMONITION :: अशुभ, दुर्घटना, मृत्यु की पूर्व सूचना-जानकारी; a strong feeling that something unpleasant-imminent disaster is going to happen-occur.
PRETERNATURAL :: दिग्गर्जन, भूकम्प और ग्रह-ताराओं के परस्पर टकराने-घर्षण की आवाज़; beyond what is normal or natural, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare, singular, signal, peculiar, unprecedented, outstanding, remarkable, phenomenal, abnormal, anomalous, inexplicable, unaccountable.
PROCRASTINATE :: delayed action, keep on putting off, waste time.
PRAXIS :: अमल, अभ्यास, प्रयोग, आदत, रिवाज, आचार, क्रम, रीति, दस्तूर; practice, execution, application, action, enforcement, exercises, training, drill, use, experiment, usage, habit, knack, manners, tradition, conduct, ethics, customs, ethos, arrangement, collocation, course, sequence, mode, method, diction, institution, ceremony.
PREMONITION :: अशुभ, दुर्घटना, मृत्यु की पूर्व सूचना-जानकारी; a strong feeling that something unpleasant-imminent disaster is going to happen-occur.
PRETERNATURAL :: दिग्गर्जन, भूकम्प और ग्रह-ताराओं के परस्पर टकराने-घर्षण की आवाज़; beyond what is normal or natural, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare, singular, signal, peculiar, unprecedented, outstanding, remarkable, phenomenal, abnormal, anomalous, inexplicable, unaccountable.
PROCRASTINATE :: delayed action, keep on putting off, waste time.
PROCREATION :: प्रसव, उत्पत्ति, सन्तान बढ़ाना; delivery, childbirth, childbearing, parturition, accouchement, origin, genesis, origination, provenance, produce, propagation, syngenesis, multiplication.
PROCRASTINATOR :: शिथिलक, दीर्घसूत्री, देर करने वाला; one delays action, sluggish, keep on putting off-wasting time.
PROGENITOR :: प्रजनक, अग्रगामी, पुरखा, मूल; ancestor, original, root, base, basis, ground, forefather, forbear, grand sire, predecessor, primogenitor, precursor, forbear, breeder.
PROLIFIC :: उर्वर, उपजाऊ, फलदार, फलवान, बहुत से बच्चे जनने वाला, अनुकूल, विशाल, परिमाण में रचना करनेवाला, बहुफल दायक; fertile, genial, rich, fat, fruitful, productive, seminal, suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, congenial.
PROCRASTINATOR :: शिथिलक, दीर्घसूत्री, देर करने वाला; one delays action, sluggish, keep on putting off-wasting time.
PROGENITOR :: प्रजनक, अग्रगामी, पुरखा, मूल; ancestor, original, root, base, basis, ground, forefather, forbear, grand sire, predecessor, primogenitor, precursor, forbear, breeder.
PROLIFIC :: उर्वर, उपजाऊ, फलदार, फलवान, बहुत से बच्चे जनने वाला, अनुकूल, विशाल, परिमाण में रचना करनेवाला, बहुफल दायक; fertile, genial, rich, fat, fruitful, productive, seminal, suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, congenial.
PROPITIOUS :: अनुकूल, मेहरबान, अनुग्राही; suited, favourable, compatible, congruent, congenial, clement, complaisant, merciful, tender hearted, regardful, merciful.
PROVIDENCE :: The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power, fate, destiny, nemesis, God's will, divine intervention, predestination, predetermination, timely preparation for future eventualities, prudence, foresight, forethought, far-sightedness, judgement, judiciousness, shrewdness, circumspection, wisdom, sagacity, common sense, precaution, caution, care, carefulness.
PRUDENCE :: विवेक; common sense, cautiousness. wisdom, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness, advisability, carefulness, far-sightedness.
PHILOSOPHERS STONE पारस पत्थर-स्पर्श मणि :: पारस पत्थर के बारे में यह मान्यता है कि लोहे को इस पत्थर से स्पर्श कराने पर लोहा सोना बन जाता है।
PHYSIOGNOMY :: मुखाकृति, आकृति देखकर चरित्र बतलाने की विद्या, मुखलक्षण-निरूपण; describing one's character just by seeing the face.
PIERCING :: छेदने वाला, तेज, तीक्ष्ण, चुभने वाला।
PITY :: दया, कृपा; sympathy, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence.
PIETY :: शील, धार्मिकता, पुण्यशीलता, धर्मनिष्ठा, साधुता, पुण्यात्मा होने का गुण, धर्मनिष्ठता, ईश्वर भक्ति; godliness, devotion, morality, righteousness, religiosity, religiousness, devoutness, modesty, politeness, humbleness, moral conduct.
PULSATE :: Beat, throb, expand, and contract, rhythmically.
PURGATIVE :: रेचक, विरेचक, शोधक, पेट साफ़ करनेवाली, दस्त लानेवाली
PUTRID :: सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, उग्र गंध का, बदबूदार, गला हुआ; rotten, foul smelling, decayed, affected by microbes, germs, bacteria, fungus, algae etc.
PROVIDENCE :: The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power, fate, destiny, nemesis, God's will, divine intervention, predestination, predetermination, timely preparation for future eventualities, prudence, foresight, forethought, far-sightedness, judgement, judiciousness, shrewdness, circumspection, wisdom, sagacity, common sense, precaution, caution, care, carefulness.
PRUDENCE :: विवेक; common sense, cautiousness. wisdom, judiciousness, sagacity, shrewdness, advisability, carefulness, far-sightedness.
PHILOSOPHERS STONE पारस पत्थर-स्पर्श मणि :: पारस पत्थर के बारे में यह मान्यता है कि लोहे को इस पत्थर से स्पर्श कराने पर लोहा सोना बन जाता है।
PHYSIOGNOMY :: मुखाकृति, आकृति देखकर चरित्र बतलाने की विद्या, मुखलक्षण-निरूपण; describing one's character just by seeing the face.
PIERCING :: छेदने वाला, तेज, तीक्ष्ण, चुभने वाला।
PITY :: दया, कृपा; sympathy, fellow feeling, empathy, understanding, care, concern, solicitude, solicitousness, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, soft-heartedness, warm-heartedness, warmth, love, brotherly love, tenderness, gentleness, mercy, mercifulness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, consideration, kindness, humanity, humaneness, kind-heartedness, charity, benevolence.
PIETY :: शील, धार्मिकता, पुण्यशीलता, धर्मनिष्ठा, साधुता, पुण्यात्मा होने का गुण, धर्मनिष्ठता, ईश्वर भक्ति; godliness, devotion, morality, righteousness, religiosity, religiousness, devoutness, modesty, politeness, humbleness, moral conduct.
PULSATE :: Beat, throb, expand, and contract, rhythmically.
PURGATIVE :: रेचक, विरेचक, शोधक, पेट साफ़ करनेवाली, दस्त लानेवाली
PUTRID :: सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, उग्र गंध का, बदबूदार, गला हुआ; rotten, foul smelling, decayed, affected by microbes, germs, bacteria, fungus, algae etc.

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा
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