dharmvidya.wordpress.com hindutv.wordpress.com santoshhastrekhashastr.wordpress.com bhagwatkathamrat.wordpress.com jagatgurusantosh.wordpress.com santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com santoshkathasagar.blogspot.com bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com santoshhindukosh.blogspot.com
QUAFF :: ख़ाली करना, खलाना, गड़गड़ाकर पीना, एक ही साँस में पीना; deplete, deplenish, drink off, drink up, sup.
QUITE :: सुकून से, शान्त; undisturbed unagitated.
QUIESCENT :: मौन, स्थिर, अचल, निष्क्रिय, सुप्त, निश्चल; mute, voiceless, taciturn, stable, static, stationary, constant, stagnant, immovable, invariable, irreplaceable, unshakeable, still, idle, deed less, effortless, idle, immobile, restrained.
QUIESCENT :: मौन, स्थिर, अचल, निष्क्रिय, सुप्त, निश्चल; mute, voiceless, taciturn, stable, static, stationary, constant, stagnant, immovable, invariable, irreplaceable, unshakeable, still, idle, deed less, effortless, idle, immobile, restrained.
QWELL :: नष्ट-समाप्त-काबु करना; put an end to, stamp out, put a stop to, end, finish, get rid of, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, squash, quash, subdue, suppress, repress, quench, extinguish, stifle, abolish, terminate, beat, overcome, defeat, rout, destroy, demolish, annihilate, wipe out, extirpate, calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quieten, quiet, put at rest, lull, silence, put behind one, rise above, allay, appease, stay, assuage, abate, deaden, dull, tranquillise, mitigate, moderate, palliate.

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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ
(बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
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