वर्णसङ्कर संतान
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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व्यवधान रहित अपने से निम्न वर्ण की स्त्रियों में द्विजातियों से उत्पन्न हुए पुत्र माता के हीन जातीय होने से निन्दित और पिता के सदृश होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.6]
The son born out of a relation between an upper caste male and lower caste woman is depraved and like the father.
Hindu Dharm do not advocate inter religion or inter caste marriages. Marriages amongest the same title, surname, Gotr should never be solemnised and sub divisions should be checked-traced, like Main title Bhardwaj, Branches :- Gaur, Sandhily, Sub branches :- Dubey, Chobe etc. then Shashan and Nikas.
Ravan was the son of a Brahman Rishi Vishrava, from a demon woman-Kaekasi, Mahrishi Ved Vyas is the son of Mahrishi Parashar born out of Saty Wati a woman born out of a fish nourished by a Mallah-boats man. These are the two cases of divine interventions. Ved Vyas is titled Bhagwan, an incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu and Ravan was Jay, his care taker-gate keeper in Vaekunth Lok.
The son born out of a relation between an upper caste male and lower caste woman is depraved and like the father.
Hindu Dharm do not advocate inter religion or inter caste marriages. Marriages amongest the same title, surname, Gotr should never be solemnised and sub divisions should be checked-traced, like Main title Bhardwaj, Branches :- Gaur, Sandhily, Sub branches :- Dubey, Chobe etc. then Shashan and Nikas.
Ravan was the son of a Brahman Rishi Vishrava, from a demon woman-Kaekasi, Mahrishi Ved Vyas is the son of Mahrishi Parashar born out of Saty Wati a woman born out of a fish nourished by a Mallah-boats man. These are the two cases of divine interventions. Ved Vyas is titled Bhagwan, an incarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu and Ravan was Jay, his care taker-gate keeper in Vaekunth Lok.
Kuber & Kans were the result of inter caste, inter species sex.
अनन्तरासु जातानां विधिरेष सनातनः।
द्वयेकान्तरासु जातानां धर्म्यं विद्यादिमं विधिम्॥
यह व्यवधान रहित अपने से हीन जाति की स्त्रियों से उत्पन्न पुत्रों की यह सनातन विधि कही। अब दो अथवा एक वर्ण के अन्तर वाली स्त्रियों उत्पन्न यह नियम है।[मनुस्मृति 10.7] The uninterrupted procedure continuing ever since (eternal) for producing sons from the women of lower Varn-castes has been described. Now, the rule for the sons obtained from the women belonging to castes lower by one, of the two Varn is being described.
ब्राह्मणाद्वैश्यकन्यायामम्बष्ठो नाम जायते।
निषादः शूद्रकन्यायां यः पारशव उच्यते॥
ब्राह्मण से वैश्य कन्या से उत्पन्न पुत्र को अम्बष्ठ कहते हैं और शूद्र कन्या से उत्पन्न पुत्र को निषाद या पार्शव कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.8] The son produced by a Brahman from Vaeshy woman is termed Ambashth and the one produced from a Shudr woman is called Nishad or Parshav.
क्षत्रियात्शूद्रकन्यायां क्रूराचारविहारवान्।
क्षत्रशूद्रवपुर्जन्तुरुग्रो नाम प्रजायते॥
क्षत्रिय से शूद्र कन्या में उत्पन्न पुत्र क्रूर आचार और विहार करने वाला होता है। उसकी प्रकृति क्षत्रिय और शूद्र दोनों के जैसी होती है और उसे उग्र कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.9] The son produced by a Kshatriy from a Shudr woman is ferocious & cruel. His nature is a combination of both the Kshatriy and Shudr and is termed as Ugr.
विप्रस्य त्रिषु वर्णेषु नृपतेर्वर्णयोर्द्वयोः।
वैश्यस्य वर्णे चैकस्मिन् षडेतेऽपसदाः स्मृताः॥
ब्राह्मण से अन्य तीन वर्णवाली (क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र) स्त्रियों से उत्पन्न पुत्र और वैश्य से केवल शूद्र वर्ण की स्त्री से उत्पन्न पुत्र, ये छः प्रकार के पुत्र अपसद कहलाते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.10] The six category of sons born out of the Kshatriy, Vaeshy & Shudr women by a Brahman and the ones born out of Shudr woman by a Vaeshy are termed Apsad.
क्षत्रियाद्विप्रकन्यायां सूतो भवति जातितः।
वैश्यान्मागधवैदेहौ राजविप्राङ्गनासुतौ॥
ब्राह्मण की कन्या से क्षत्रिय द्वारा उत्पन्न हुए पुत्र की जाति सूत होती है। क्षत्रिय और ब्राह्मण की कन्या से वैश्य द्वारा उत्पन्न हुए पुत्र क्रमशः मागध और वैदेह जाति के होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.11] The sons born out of Kshatriy and Vaeshy women by a Brahman belong to Sut caste and the sons born out of a Kshatriy woman by a Vaeshy are Called Magadh and those born out of Brahman woman by a Vaeshy are termed Vaedeh.
शूद्रादायोगवः क्षत्ता चण्डालश्चाधमो नृणाम्।
वैश्यराजन्यविप्रासु जायन्ते वर्णसङ्कराः॥
ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय और वैश्य की कन्या से शूद्र द्वारा उत्पन्न हुए लड़के क्रम से अयोगव, क्षत्ता और अधम चाण्डाल, वर्णसंकर होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.12] The son born out of a Brahman woman by a Shudr is called Ayogav, a son born out of a Kshatriy woman by a Shudr is called Kshatta and the son born out of a Vaeshy woman by a Shudr is called Adham Chandal and are Varn Sankar i.e., hybrid-mixed blood.
एकान्तरे त्वानुलोम्यादम्बष्ठोग्रौ यथा स्मृतौ ।
क्षत्तृ वैदेहकौ तद्वत्प्रातिलोम्येऽपि जन्मनि॥
अनुलोम से एकान्तर में जैसे अम्बष्ठ और उग्र हैं वैसे ही प्रतिलोम रीति से एकान्तर वर्ण में उत्पन्न क्षत्ता और वैदेह हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.13] The manner in which Ambashth & Ugr are born through Anulom process in Ekantar, similarly by the Pratilom-reverse process Kshatta & Vaedeh are born in Ekantar Varn.
The children born out of lower castes by the upper castes man, are addressed by the lower caste to which the woman belongs to.
Such cross breeds-hybrids are titled by the names of their mother's titles.
पुत्रा येऽनन्तरस्त्रीजाः क्रमेणोक्ता द्विजन्मनाम्।
ताननन्तरनाम्नस्तु मातृदोषात्प्रचक्षते॥
द्विजातियों के अनन्तर स्त्रियों से जो सन्तानें पैदा होती हैं, वे माता के दोष से (अर्थात माता से भिन्न जाति होने से) उसी जाति के पुकारे जाते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.14] The children born out of lower castes by the upper castes man, are addressed by the lower caste to which the woman belongs to.
Such cross breeds-hybrids are titled by the names of their mother's titles.
Ravan and Kuber were the sons of Pulasty Rishi & were titled Rakshas and Yaksh respectively.
ब्राह्मणादुग्रकन्यायामावृतो नाम जायते।
आभीरोऽम्बष्ठकन्यायामायोगव्यां तु धिग्वणः॥
उग्र कन्या (क्षत्रिय से शूद्रा में उत्पन्न कन्या को उग्रा कहते हैं) में ब्राह्मण से उत्पन्न बालक को आवृत, अम्बष्ठ (ब्राह्मण से वैश्य स्त्री से उत्पन्न कन्या) कन्या में ब्राह्मण से उत्पन्न पुत्र आभीर और आयोगवी कन्या (शूद्र से वैश्य स्त्री से उत्पन्न कन्या) से उत्पन्न पुत्र को धिग्व्रण कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.15] The son born out of a Ugr (the girl born out of relation between a Kshatriy and a Shudr woman) by a Brahman is termed as Avrat, the son born out of a Ambashth girl (born out of a relation between a Brahman and Vaeshy woman) by a Brahman is called Abhir and the son born out of a girl called Ayogwati (the girl born out of a relation between a Shudr and Vaeshy woman) by a Brahman is called Dhigvran.
आयोगवश्च क्षत्ता च चण्डालश्चाधमो नृणाम्।
प्रातिलोम्येन जायन्ते शूद्रादपसदास्त्रयः॥
प्रतिलोम रीति से उत्पन्न आयोगव, क्षत्ता और मनुष्यों में अधम चाण्डाल, ये तीनों सर्वदा शूद्र से भी नीच होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.16] Ayogav, Kshatta produced in adverse order and the Chandal are more depraved as compared to Shudr amongest the humans.
वैश्यान् मागधवैदेहौ क्षत्रियात् सूत एव तु।
प्रतीपमेते जायन्ते परेऽप्यपसदास्त्रयः॥
वैश्य द्वारा प्रतिलोम रीति से उत्पन्न (अर्थात क्षत्रिय और ब्राह्मण की कन्या से) पुत्र क्रम से मागध और वैदेह तथा क्षत्रिय से उत्पन्न (ब्राह्मण की कन्या से) सूत पुत्र रूप; ये तीनों सर्वदा भ्रष्ट होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.17] Progeny obtained from Kshatriy and Brahman girl in adverse order by a Vaeshy called Magadh and Vaedeh respectively & the Sut obtained from a Brahmn girls are absolutely depraved.
जातो निषादात्शूद्रायां जात्या भवति पुक्कसः।
शूद्राज्जातो निषाद्यां तु स वै कुक्कुटकः स्मृतः॥
शूद्र की कन्या से निषाद द्वारा उत्पन्न पुत्र पुक्कस और निषाद की कन्या से शूद्र द्वारा उत्पन्न पुत्र कुक्कुटक कहा जाता है।[मनुस्मृति 10.18] The son produced by a Nishad from a Shudr girl is called Pukkas, while the one produced by a Shudr through a Nishad girl is called Kukkutak.
क्षत्तुर्जातस्तथोग्रायां श्वापक इति कीर्त्यते।
वैदेहकेन त्वम्बष्ठ्यामुत्पन्नो वेण उच्यते॥
उग्र कन्या से क्षत्ता द्वारा उत्पन्न पुत्र को श्र्वपाक कहते हैं, अम्बष्ठ कन्या से वैदेह द्वारा उत्पन्न पुत्र को वेण कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.19] The son produced by a Kshatta through a Ugr girl is termed as Shravpak and the son produced by a Vaedeh through a Ambashth girl is called Ven.
द्विजातयः सवर्णासु जनयन्त्यव्रतांस्तु यान्।
तान्सावित्रीपरिभ्रष्टान्व्रात्यानिति विनिर्दिशेत्॥
द्विजातियों से सवर्ण स्त्रियों में जो पुत्र होते हैं, यदि उनका यज्ञोपवीत संस्कार न किया गया हो तो सावित्री से भ्रष्ट होने के कारण ब्रात्य कहे जाते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.20] If the sons produced by Upper Castes though Upper Caste woman do not undergo sacred Janeu ceremony, they will be termed as Braty being depraved-excluded of Savitri.
व्रात्यात्तु जायते विप्रात्पापात्मा भूर्जकण्टकः।
आवन्त्यवाटधानौ च पुष्पधः शैख एव च॥
ब्रात्य विप्र से पापात्मा, भूर्जकण्टक पुत्र उत्पन्न होता है, उसी को आवन्त्य, पुष्पध और शैख भी कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.21] A Braty Brahman will produce a sinner Bhurjkantak son, known as Avanty, Pushpadh and Shaekh as well.
झल्लो मल्लश्च राजन्याद् व्रात्यान् लिच्छिविरेव च।
नटश्च करणश्चैव खसो द्रविड एव च॥
क्षत्रिय वर्ण के ब्रात्य से उत्पन्न पुत्र को झल्ल, मल्ल, लिच्छिवि, नट, करण, खस और द्रविड कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.22] The son born out of Braty wing of the Kshatriy is called Jhall, Mall, Lichchhivi, Nat, Karan, Khas or Dravid.
This clearly explains the origin of Dravids inhibited in South India especially Tamil Nadu. The British unnecessarily created controversy and confusion about of the Indians and their origin.
This clearly explains the origin of Dravids inhibited in South India especially Tamil Nadu. The British unnecessarily created controversy and confusion about of the Indians and their origin.
वैश्यात्तु जायते व्रात्यात्सुधन्वाचार्य एव च।
कारुषश्च विजन्मा च मैत्रः सात्वत एव च॥
वैश्य वर्ण के ब्रात्य से स्वजातीय स्त्री से उत्पन्न पुत्र को सुधन्वाचार्य, कारुष्य, विजन्मा, मैत्र और सात्वत कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.23] The Braty son born out of a woman of the same caste of Vaeshy Varn is called Sudhanvachary, Karushy, Vijanma, Maetr or Satwat.
व्यभिचारेण वर्णानामवेद्यावेदनेन च।
स्वकर्मणां च त्यागेन जायन्ते वर्णसङ्कराः॥
विप्रादि वर्गों का परस्पर व्यभिचार करने से, स्वगोत्र में विवाह करने से और अपने-अपने कर्मों को छोड़ देने से वर्ण संकर उत्पन्न होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.20] The Varn Sankar-hybrids are born due to mutual adultery amongest the Brahmans etc., marriage in the same Gotr and deserting of own professions (family trade, caste, ancient practices) prescribed by the scriptures.
With the invasion of Muslims and the Europeans, especially the British in India, adultery increased many-many folds, since they had no culture, values, norms, ethics. Abduction, rape, sale, illicit relations, conversions amongest these communities are still prevalent and quite common. The white does not mind producing progeny without marriage.
With the invasion of Muslims and the Europeans, especially the British in India, adultery increased many-many folds, since they had no culture, values, norms, ethics. Abduction, rape, sale, illicit relations, conversions amongest these communities are still prevalent and quite common. The white does not mind producing progeny without marriage.
There are people who advocate inter caste, inter religion, inter state-country marriages. They try to honour such people. Fanatic Muslims are trying to promote marriage of Hindu girls with Muslims in the name of Jihad, which is termed as love Jihad. Such girls are exploited in all possible manner before being murdered.
These days girls seek live-in relations with any one from any religion, caste, country which just produce hybrids. Bastard is the common word used for such children.
ते चाSपि बाह्यान्सुबहूंस्ततोऽप्यधिकदूषितान्।
परस्परस्य दारेषु जनयन्ति विगर्हितान्॥
ये पूर्वोक्त वर्णसंकर परस्पर स्त्रियों में उभयक्रम से अत्यन्त निन्दित सन्तान उत्पन्न करते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.29] The hybrids-mixed blood, produce the highly depraved children as they go down the quality line i.e., upper to lower caste.
Such children do not get social approval-recognition, since they are treated as bastards-illegitimate and treated as out caste even by their own siblings from upper caste women. They do not get appropriate education-learning social environment as well.
Such children do not get social approval-recognition, since they are treated as bastards-illegitimate and treated as out caste even by their own siblings from upper caste women. They do not get appropriate education-learning social environment as well.
यथैव शूद्रो ब्राह्मण्यां बाह्यं जन्तुं प्रसूयते।
तथा बाह्यतरं बाह्यश्चातुर्वर्ण्ये प्रसूयते॥
जिस प्रकार शूद्र ब्राह्मणी से निन्दित चाण्डाल पैदा करता है, उसी प्रकार चारों चाण्डाल जातियाँ अपने से निन्दित सन्तानों को उत्पन्न करती हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.30] The way a Shudr produce a Chandal through a Brahman woman, the four castes of Chandals produce highly depraved-degraded children through mutual alliances.
The children by a Shudr through a Brahman, Kshatriy or Vaeshy woman are equal to Chandals. The children of Shudr woman produced by a Chandal too are Chandals. Its a fashion these days to marry in a lower caste by the educated upper caste girls so that they can rule the husband leading to production of depraved. Jagjivan Ram produced Meera Kumar. Ram Vilas Paswan too did that and these days millions of such women are seen standing in ques for divorce after marriage.
The children by a Shudr through a Brahman, Kshatriy or Vaeshy woman are equal to Chandals. The children of Shudr woman produced by a Chandal too are Chandals. Its a fashion these days to marry in a lower caste by the educated upper caste girls so that they can rule the husband leading to production of depraved. Jagjivan Ram produced Meera Kumar. Ram Vilas Paswan too did that and these days millions of such women are seen standing in ques for divorce after marriage.
Ram Vilas Paswan too suffered from this disease.
प्रतिकूलं वर्तमाना बाह्या बाह्यतरान्पुनः।
हीना हीनात्प्रसूयन्ते वर्णान् पञ्चदशैव तु॥
प्रतिकूल वर्तमान बाह्य हीन पुत्रों से चारों वर्णों की स्त्रियों से उत्पन्न और स्वजातीय स्त्रियों में पन्द्रह-पन्द्रह प्रकार बाह्यतर हीन जाति उत्पन्न होती हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.31] Presently adverse & excluded sons produced by the women of each of the four Varn and the women of the same caste produce 15-15 lower most-depraved castes.
प्रसाधनोपचारज्ञमदासं दासजीवनम्।
सैरिन्ध्रं वागुरावृत्तिं सूते दस्युरयोगवे॥
आयागव स्त्री से दस्यु द्वारा उत्पन्न हुए पुत्र को सैरिन्ध्र कहते हैं। वह प्रसाधनोपचार (केश रचनादि) में कुशल और जूठा न खाकर दासवृत्ति और व्याध (बहेलिये) की वृत्ति से अपना निर्वाह करता है।[मनुस्मृति 10.32] The son produced by a Dasyu through Ayagav woman is called Saerindhr who earn his livelihood through expertise & treatment of hairs without eating left over food as a slave and alternatively as a bird catcher or subsists by snaring-trapping birds or animals.
The son produced by a Vaedeh in a Ayogav woman is called Maetrey who speaks nicely (politely, softly, sweetly), rings bells in the morning and earns his livelihood by flattering-praising the people.
मैत्रेयकं तु वैदेहो माधूकं संप्रसूयते।
नॄन्प्रशंसत्यजस्रं यो घण्टाताडोऽरुणोदये॥
वैदेह से पूर्वोक्त स्त्री में उत्पन्न पुत्र को मैत्रेय कहते हैं। वह मधुर बोलने वाला और सूर्योदय में घंटा बजाकर अपनी जीविका के लिए मनुष्यों की प्रशंसा करता-फिरता है।[मनुस्मृति 10.33] The son produced by a Vaedeh in a Ayogav woman is called Maetrey who speaks nicely (politely, softly, sweetly), rings bells in the morning and earns his livelihood by flattering-praising the people.
निषादो मार्गवं सूते दासं नौकर्मजीविनम्।
कैवर्तमिति यं प्राहुरार्यावर्तनिवासिनः॥
निषाद से पूर्वोक्त स्त्री में उत्पन्न पुत्र को मार्गव या दास कहते हैं, जो कि नौका के द्वारा जीवन निर्वाह करता है, जिसे आर्यावर्त में रहने वाले कैवर्त-केवट कहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.34] The son produced from a Ayagav woman by a Nishad is termed as Margav or Das who earns his livelihood through boating; addressed as Kaevart-Kevat by the inhabitants of Aryavart.
कारावरो निषादात्तु चर्मकारः प्रसूयते।
वैदेहिकादन्ध्रमेदौ बहिर्ग्रामप्रतिश्रयौ॥
निषाद जाति से वैदेह पत्नी में उत्पन्न पुत्र करावर नाम की चमार जाति उत्पन्न होती है और वैदेहिक जाति से पूर्वोक्त पत्नियों में अन्ध्र और मेद क्रम से उत्पन्न होते हैं; जो ग्राम से बाहर घर बनाकर रहते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.36] The Nishads produce the sons termed as Karawar, nick named Chamar who deal in leather. The Vaedehik produce Andhr and Med out of Vaedeh women who live out side the village by building houses.
The Chamar traditionally dealt in leather ever since. Removing the skin of the dead animal, disposing the dead animal away from the village, making of shoes & Chappals and hundreds of items out of leather and trading of these goods. This caste has gained the most due to reservations financially in spite of low intelligence, lack of capability. These people have reached high echelons of power. They are cruel and torture the upper castes junior-subordinates and exploit their women who work under them sexually.
The Chamar traditionally dealt in leather ever since. Removing the skin of the dead animal, disposing the dead animal away from the village, making of shoes & Chappals and hundreds of items out of leather and trading of these goods. This caste has gained the most due to reservations financially in spite of low intelligence, lack of capability. These people have reached high echelons of power. They are cruel and torture the upper castes junior-subordinates and exploit their women who work under them sexually.
Maya Wati though gets the benefits of reservation due to her birth in Chamar community but hates being reminded of her caste. She incite people to file cases against the Swarn.
आहिण्डिका निषादेन वैदेह्यामेव जायते॥
चाण्डाल से वैदेहिक स्त्री द्वारा पाण्डु लोपाक नामक जाति का पुत्र उत्पन्न होता है, जो कि बाँस से जीविका चलाने वाला होता है। निषाद से वैदेहिक पत्नी में अहिन्डक जाति का पुत्र उत्पन्न होता है।[मनुस्मृति 10.37] A Chandal produces a son through a Vaedehik wife known by Pandu Lopak caste, who deals in bamboo-cane. A Nishad produces a son from a Vaedehik wife known by the caste named Ahindak.
चण्डालेन तु सोपाको मूलव्यसनवृत्तिमान्।
पुक्कस्यां जायते पापः सदा सज्जनगर्हितः॥10.38॥
चाण्डाल से पुक्कसी स्त्री से सोपाक जाति के पुत्र उत्पन्न होते हैं, जो अपने मूल व्यवसाय बधिक वृत्ति, को करने वाले होते हैं। हमेशा पाप करने वाले ये लोग सज्जनों से निन्दित होते हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.38] The Chandal produces sons of Sopak caste from a Pukkasi wife who carry on their main trade of killing. Being involved in sinful activities they are despised by the virtuous.
DESPISE :: तिरस्कार करना, तुच्छ समझना, नफ़रत करना; hoot, dishonour, spurn, disdain, reproach, lay aside, neglect, hate, contemn, execrate, nauseate, detest.
निषादस्त्री तु चण्डालात्पुत्रमन्त्यावसायिनम्।
श्मशानगोचरं सूते बाह्यानामपि गर्हितम्॥
निषाद जाति की स्त्री चांडाल से अन्त्यावसायी पुत्र को उत्पन्न करती है, जो कि श्मशान का काम करने वाला और चाण्डाल से भी हीन होता है।[मनुस्मृति 10.39] A Nishad woman produces a son from a Chandal by the caste termed as Antyavsayi who undertake much more depraved jobs as compared to a Chandal in a cremation ground.
सङ्करे जातयस्त्वेताः पितृमातृप्रदर्शिताः।
प्रच्छन्ना वा प्रकाशा वा वेदितव्याः स्वकर्मभिः॥
वर्ण संकरों की इतनी जातियाँ पिता-माता के भेद से दिखाई गईं और जो गुप्त और प्रकाश में अन्य जातियाँ हैं, उन्हें उनके कर्म के अनुसार समझना चाहिये।[मनुस्मृति 10.40] These are the castes (races) of cross-breeds, hybrids described on the basis of their parentage and other hidden-concealed or visible castes may be identified on the basis of their activities, Karm, jobs, occupations.
During this age, its going to be very-very difficult to establish the real caste race of a person due to inter caste, inter religious, interstate, intercontinental marriages. There are several millions of those who are produced without marriages.
During this age, its going to be very-very difficult to establish the real caste race of a person due to inter caste, inter religious, interstate, intercontinental marriages. There are several millions of those who are produced without marriages.
शनकैस्तु क्रियालोपादिमाः क्षत्रियजातयः।
वृषलत्वं गता लोके ब्राह्मणादर्शनेन च॥
ये (आगे कहे हुए) क्षत्रिय जातियाँ क्रिया के (उपनयनादि) लोप होने से ब्राह्मण का दर्शन न होने के कारण (अनध्ययनादि) इस लोक में शूद्रता को प्राप्त होती हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.43] These castes derived from Kshatriy etc. become Shudr in the absence of Sanskars (omission of the sacred rites), regard to Brahmans and education.
One should resort to prayers, worship, respect of Brahmans-learned, elders even if he is a Shudr.
One should resort to prayers, worship, respect of Brahmans-learned, elders even if he is a Shudr.
पौण्ड्रकाश्चौड्रद्रविडाः काम्बोजा यवनाः शकाः।
पारदा: पह्लवाश्चीनाः किराता दरदाः खशाः॥
पौंड्रक, औड्र, द्रविड़, कम्बोज, यवन, शक, पारद, पहलव, चीन, किरात, दरद और खश।[मनुस्मृति 10.44] These castes mentioned are Paundrak, Audr, Dravid, the Kamboj, Yavan, Shak, Parad, Pahlav, Cheen, Kirat, Darad and Khash.
It clearly shows that even the Yavan-Europeans, Chinese were Hindus.
It clearly shows that even the Yavan-Europeans, Chinese were Hindus.
One of the sons of Maharshi Kashyap, known as Mishr, had gone to present day Egypt, educated the inhabitants there and they acquired the traits of Brahmans & Kshatriy but in due course of time the impact of Islam prevailed over them as well.
मुखबाहूरुपद्जानां या लोके जातयो बहिः।
म्लेच्छवाचश्चार्यवाचः सर्वे ते दस्यवः स्मृताः॥
मुख-ब्राह्मण, बाहु-क्षत्रिय, उरू-वैश्य और पद-शूद्र की बाह्य जातियाँ हो गई हैं; वे चाहे मल्लेच्छ अथवा आर्य दोनों में चाहे जिस भाषा को बोलें, वे संसार में दस्यु-डाकू कही जाती हैं।[मनुस्मृति 10.44] All those tribes in this world, which are excluded from (the community of) those born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs and the feet (of Brahma Ji), are called Dasyu-dacoits, whether they speak the language of the Mallechchh-barbarians or that of the Aryans.
The entire region constituting of deserts is the abode of dreaded dacoits, looters, barbarians. Even today they are engaged in such activities. They want to dominate the whole world under the title of Islam or Muslim.
The entire region constituting of deserts is the abode of dreaded dacoits, looters, barbarians. Even today they are engaged in such activities. They want to dominate the whole world under the title of Islam or Muslim.
तत्समुत्थो हि लोकस्य जायते वर्णसङ्करः।
येन मूलहरोऽधर्मः सर्वनाशाय कल्पते॥
येन मूलहरोऽधर्मः सर्वनाशाय कल्पते॥
परस्त्री गमन से नाजायज, वर्णशंकर पैदा होते हैं, जो मूल का ही नाश करने वाले, अधर्म और सर्वनाश का कारण होता है।[मनुस्मृति 8.353]
As the outcome-result of adultery hybrid progeny is obtained which destroys the clan-hierarchy, causes irreligiosity and lead to turmoil-devastation ultimately.
Kans, maternal uncle of Bhagwan Shri Krashn was born out of illicit relations made by a Yaksh with the wife of king Ugra Sen of Mathura.
Most the Muslims are born out of the women who were abducted and raped. Another religion followed by millions too have identical base. These people lack culture, morals, ethics, values, virtues. One can see the large scale violence all over the world carried out by these Muslims. Another tribe proceeded to overpower the whole world and it ultimately resulted in two world wars, killing millions of people. Atrocities over the Jews are well known to the whole world by the Nazis.
संकरो नरकायैव कुलघ्नानां कुलस्य च।
पतन्ति पितरो ह्येषां लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रियाः॥
वर्णसंकर कुलघातियों को और कुल को नरक में ले जाने वाला होता है। लुप्त हुई पिण्ड और जल की क्रिया वाले अर्थात श्राद्ध और तर्पण से वंचित, इनके पितर लोग भी अधोगति को प्राप्त होते हैं।[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 1.42]The mix breed (One whose caste can not be ascertained, defined, fixed) leads the Pitre, Manes, ancestors to undefined hells, by degrading-isolating them. The PITRE-MANES (root, basic, original ancestors), from whom the clan-caste chain begun, are left without offerings-prayers for their clemency, relief, worship, leading to their downfall to difficult hells.
आज के युग में नौजवान लड़कों और लड़कियों को यह समझाना बहुत मुश्किल है, क्योंकि यह कलयुग है और फिर उनमें ऐसों की सँख्या बहुत है, जो स्वयं इस तरह से पैदा हुए होंगे। वर्णसंकर (अवैध, हरामी, हरामजादा, मुसलमान) में धार्मिक बुद्धि का नितान्त अभाव होता है। मर्यादा, कुलधर्म, धर्म वे ना तो जानते हैं और ना ही समझना चाहते हैं। उन्हें ऐसा कुलघाती कहा जा सकता है, जो पितरों को पिण्ड दान-तर्पण श्राद्ध और पानी तक अर्पित नहीं करेगा और वे अधोगति को प्राप्त होंगे। पितृ गण दो प्रकार के हैं :- आजान और मर्त्य। आजान पितृलोक में हैं, परन्तु मृत्युलोक से मर कर गए पितर-पितृ मर्त्य हैं; जिनका पतन होता है। कुटुंब-सन्तान से सम्बन्ध रहने के कारण, उनको श्राद्ध-तर्पण-पिण्ड दान-पानी की आशा होती है।
Its extremely difficult to explain-elaborate, to the young generation, the importance of rituals like :- holding of Shanti path [clemency rituals], prayers for the peace of the deceased, Shraddh, terahveen (thirteenth day, Barsi-annual ceremonies, offerings to Brahmans, poor, needy, after the death of the parents-grand parents, since they are born in Kali Yug & they may not be aware of the family tradition. Still this postulate is meant for those who are born out of illicit relations, between the parents from two diversified castes, religions, regions, countries in the name of love affair-marriage (leading to divorce sooner or later) or those who produce children by living together, without marriage and illicit-forced relations.
The cross breed is (bastard, scoundrel, illegitimate, Muslims) without piousness, virtues, religiosity, family norms, traditions. They are generally termed as those, who lead their family tree to termination-fatal end. They will not hold prayers, make offerings, visit holy places for the peace, liberty, Salvation of their ancestors, fore fathers, Manes, unaware of the facts-traditions, scriptures. Their ancestors-Pitre are sure to lead to hells.
Pitre are of two categories :- First one are present in the divine abodes and next are those who deceased over the earth. The second category will be the victim of the absence of these proceedings by their off springs. Whether one is born normally or through illegitimate relations; must hold prayers for the liberation-peace of the deceased soul, of their departed parents-grand parents.
The fashion of live in relation is on the rise. The child born out of this relation is generally socially unacceptable and lacks virtues, morals, ethics. He is mentally imbalanced. A new group is appearing in the society by the name of cosmopolitan, as a consequence of this.
Bastard, scoundrel, illegitimate born as an outcome of rape, illicit relations is always dangerous for those who are intentionally involved in it; since, they will have to remain in hells for a very long period of time as a consequence of it. Majority of Muslims all over the world born out of the illicit relations will led to abolition of Islam sooner or later. The impact is seen clearly in their large scale migration to Europe and else where. But the countries which are giving them shelter and allowing to build mosques and worship Islam are committing a grate blunder for which they will have to repent sooner or later.
दोषैरेतैः कुलघ्नानां वर्णसंकरकारकैः।
उत्साद्यन्ते जातिधर्माः कुलधर्माश्च शाश्वताः॥श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 1.43॥
इन वर्णसंकर कारक-पैदा करने वाले दोषों से कुलघातियों के सनातन-सदा से चलते आये, कुल-धर्म और जाति-धर्म नष्ट हो जाते हैं।The defects which create these cross breeds, distort the ancient Varnashram Dharm of clans-descendants-segregating the populations leading to the diminishing-vanishing-loss of varied casts-groups traits, practices.
वर्ण और जाति प्रथा मानव जाति की उत्पत्ति से ही जारी है। कश्यप ऋषि से मैथुनी सृष्टि: समस्त प्राणियों और मनुष्यों का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। इसका वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण और आधार है। मनुष्यों में 23 जोड़े गुणसूत्र-क्रोमोसोम्स पाये जाते हैं, जिनको परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है, जिससे नई जातियाँ-जीव उत्पन्न हो सकते हैं। इसके प्रमाण उपलब्ध हैं। मनुष्यों के व्यवहार को क्रोमोसोम्स पर पाये जाने वाले जीन्स के आधार पर तय किया जा सकता है।
समूह का व्यवहार और उसमें रहने वालों का बहुत गहरा सम्बन्ध है। जाति-वर्ण, काम-धन्धे का मूलाधार है। किसी भी जाति और परिवार में पैदा हुए बच्चे अपने पैतृक कार्य को अधिक आसानी से सीख और अधिक कुशलता से कर सकते हैं।
The caste system is ancient-since the beginning of evolution on earth by Kashyap Rishi through intercourse. It is perfect and has a scientific basis. Number of chromosomes and the genes present over them, determine the characteristics of a species. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, which can be altered to create new species-living beings. It can be proved-demonstrated that human behaviour too has its seeds in the genetic structure over the chromosomes.
Traits of various individuals can be analysed by studying the group behaviour. Behaviour of different people belonging to various castes and sub castes, too show remarkable similarities. There are practical advantages of this system as the progeny of one caste learns the parental skills much quicker-with remarkable ease.
A person born out of illicit relations, inter caste marriages do not follow the cultural values, ethics. He is not recognised as a member of either of the two sides-communities of marriage partners. Scientifically, there is a mutation in genes found over the chromosomes. New features are seen in him physically. There may be sizeable changes in intelligence level as well. Normally, such progeny do not command any respect in the society. Family norms, etiquette are lost completely. Indians are quick in following western style of living together without marriage. Majority of people in Australia do not accept wed lock. The results are obvious.
Wife of king of Mathura Ugr Sen, went to her father in spite of refusal to allow her to go. She was seen on her way, by a Yaksh. He established sexual relations with her, as a result of which Kans was born & the whole world knows his story. He was later killed by Bhagwan Shri Krashn.
मकर ध्वज :: लँका युद्ध में जब लक्ष्मण जी मूर्छित हो गये तो, वैद्य सुषेण ने संजीवनी बूटी लाने को कहा। हनुमान जी संजीवनी बूटी को पहचान नहीं पाये, अतः पूरा द्रोणागिरी पर्वत ही रण-भूमि में उठा लाये जिससे लक्ष्मण जी के प्राणों की रक्षा हो सकी। भावुक होकर प्रभु श्री राम ने हनुमान को ह्रदय से लगा लिया और बोले कि हनुमान तुम मुझे भ्राता भरत की भांति ही प्रिय हो।
अहिरावण तंत्र का ज्ञाता और मायावी था। उसने भगवान् श्री राम और लक्ष्मण जी का सोते समय हरण कर लिया और उन्हें पाताल-लोक में ले गया। उनकी खोज में हनुमान जी भी पाताल लोक पहुँच गये। मुख्य द्वार पर उन्हें मकर ध्वज पहरा देता मिला उसका आधा शरीर मछली का और आधा शरीर वानर का था। लँका दहन के पश्चात जब हनुमान पूँछ में लगी आग को बुझाने समुद्र में गये तो उनके पसीने की बूँद समुद्र में गिर गई। उस बूँद को एक मछली ने निगल लिया और वो गर्भवती हो गई। जब उस मछली को पकड़कर अहिरावण की रसोई में लाया तो उसके पेट में से जीवित बचे उस विचित्र प्राणी को निकाला गया। अहिरावण ने उसे पाल-पोस कर बड़ा किया और उसे पाताल पुरी के द्वार का रक्षक बना दिया। हनुमान इन सभी बातों से अनिभिज्ञ थे। यद्यपि मकर ध्वज को पता था कि हनुमान उसके पिता हैं, फिर भी वो उन्हें पहचान नहीं पाया, क्योंकि उसने पहले कभी उन्हें देखा नहीं था।
जब हनुमान ने अपना परिचय दिया तो वो जान गया कि ये मेरे पिता हैं, मगर फिर भी उसने हनुमान जी के साथ युद्ध करने का निश्चय किया, क्योंकि पाताल पुरी के द्वार की रक्षा करना उसका प्रथम कर्तव्य था। हनुमान जी ने बड़ी आसानी से उसे अपने आधीन कर लिया और पाताल पुरी के मुख्य द्वार पर बाँध दिया।
पाताल पुरी में प्रवेश करने के पश्चात हनुमान जी ने पता लगा लिया कि अहिरावण का वध करने के लिये उन्हें पाँच दीपकों को एक साथ बुझाना पड़ेगा। अतः उन्होंने पन्चमुखी रूप (श्री वराह, श्री नरसिम्हा, श्री गरुण, श्री हयग्रिव और स्वयं) ग्रहण किया किया और एक साथ में पाँचों दीपकों को बुझाकर अहिरावण का अन्त कर किया। अहिरावण का वध होने के पश्चात हनुमान जी ने प्रभु श्री राम के आदेशानुसार मकरध्वज को पाताल पुऱी का नरेश बना दिया।
रावण :- पिता मनुष्य ब्राह्मण और माता राक्षसी। उसका रंग काला था।
पाण्डव :- देवगण और मनुष्य।
घटोत्कच :- भीम पवन देव और कुन्ती के पुत्र माता राक्षसी।

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा
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