काम वासना
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
dharmvidya.wordpress.com hindutv.wordpress.com santoshhastrekhashastr.wordpress.com bhagwatkathamrat.wordpress.com jagatgurusantosh.wordpress.com santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com santoshkathasagar.blogspot.com bhartiyshiksha.blogspot.com santoshhindukosh.blogspot.com
उद्भूतं ज्ञानदुर्मित्रम वधार्यातिदुर्बलः।
आश्चर्यं काममाकाङ्क्षेत् कालमन्तमनुश्रितः॥
अंत समय के निकट पहुँच चुके व्यक्ति का उत्पन्न ज्ञान के अमित्र काम की इच्छा रखना, जिसको धारण करने में वह अत्यंत अशक्त है, आश्चर्य ही है।[अष्टावक्र गीता 3.7]
Its surprising if an enlightened who is approaching death, desires for passion-sex.
Desire for sex is the enemy of enlightenment-wisdom is astonishing. One will end all his earned piousness, virtues, righteousness if he still possesses such desires.
Sex is harmful even for a normal person beyond limits, social norms. One should be content with his wife only. Sex with other woman will invite incurable diseases to him.
स्त्रीणाम् दिव्गुण आहारो लज्जा चापि चतुर्गुणा:।
साहसं षड्गुणं चैव क़ामश्चाष्टगुण: स्मृत:॥
महिलाओं में पुरुषों की अपेक्षा भूख दो गुना, लज्जा चार गुना, साहस छः गुना और कामेच्छा-वासना आठ गुना होती है।[चाणक्य नीति 1.17] Its stated that the women eat twice, are 4 times shy, 6 times bold (courageous, independent, vigorous, spirited, resolute) and 8 times sexy (possessed with lust-desire for sex, sensuality, sexuality, passions) as compared to the men.
One may observe the women eating one or the other thing all over the day. They are the master of the kitchen and prepare food for the family. Now, the time has come, when the women are becoming beauty-health conscious. A women, who is employed and busy through the day may not have time to eat properly. She may not be aware of cooking at all. Still there are the women who, gain weight continuously, complain of pain in knees and continue eating as usual. Women in the harem-palaces housing queens, had no work except eating and gaining weight.
Obese-fat, disfigured women are quite common these days.
There is no doubt that the girls are shy by nature, but again the time is changing fast. Impact of TV, internet, media, news papers magazines shows that the women of today is quite different. In fact the things are quite contrary. Nudity is on the rise. Indian actresses gives nude poses in the name of bold scenes.
One may accept that women are more bold as compared to men, since prudence also plays its role in this phenomenon. She should think about the situation 8 times before becoming dare devil. How so ever bold a woman may be, the poachers are always ready to over power her, as soon as they get an opportunity.
Western culture has affected-polluted the Indian minds. The Indian films controlled-dominated by Muslims are polluting the minds of young women. One may find the scantly clad women roaming on the streets at night or enjoying in a night club. There are millions of porn web sites, which are sufficient to high light this shoddy state of affairs. Breaking families-lack of moral education in schools, poverty, encouragement by men for exploitation, are some of the factors which needs elaboration. A man is not capable of intercourse with 2 women simultaneously, but a woman can have sex with many as per her wish, needs, desire one after another. During world war (2) Japanese Army converted Korean women to sex slaves and forced them to have sex with 24 soldiers every night. Prostitutes may be found to have intimate sex relations with as many men.
One may observe the women eating one or the other thing all over the day. They are the master of the kitchen and prepare food for the family. Now, the time has come, when the women are becoming beauty-health conscious. A women, who is employed and busy through the day may not have time to eat properly. She may not be aware of cooking at all. Still there are the women who, gain weight continuously, complain of pain in knees and continue eating as usual. Women in the harem-palaces housing queens, had no work except eating and gaining weight.
Obese-fat, disfigured women are quite common these days.
There is no doubt that the girls are shy by nature, but again the time is changing fast. Impact of TV, internet, media, news papers magazines shows that the women of today is quite different. In fact the things are quite contrary. Nudity is on the rise. Indian actresses gives nude poses in the name of bold scenes.
One may accept that women are more bold as compared to men, since prudence also plays its role in this phenomenon. She should think about the situation 8 times before becoming dare devil. How so ever bold a woman may be, the poachers are always ready to over power her, as soon as they get an opportunity.
Western culture has affected-polluted the Indian minds. The Indian films controlled-dominated by Muslims are polluting the minds of young women. One may find the scantly clad women roaming on the streets at night or enjoying in a night club. There are millions of porn web sites, which are sufficient to high light this shoddy state of affairs. Breaking families-lack of moral education in schools, poverty, encouragement by men for exploitation, are some of the factors which needs elaboration. A man is not capable of intercourse with 2 women simultaneously, but a woman can have sex with many as per her wish, needs, desire one after another. During world war (2) Japanese Army converted Korean women to sex slaves and forced them to have sex with 24 soldiers every night. Prostitutes may be found to have intimate sex relations with as many men.
As many as 7,00,000 young girls were sold in the markets of Europe by the Russians facing hunger & poverty being enslaved by the communists.
As and when a leader point out the scantily clad woman, TV channels start crying foul. To some extent impact of films, internet-porn is to be blamed for ever increasing rape cases.
Its believed that the women never reveal their secrets. But once Yudhistar came to know that Karn was his elder brother, he cursed entire women race that they will never be able to keep any thing close to their heart. But, its Kali Yug and that the women may not reveal anything to anyone.
As and when a leader point out the scantily clad woman, TV channels start crying foul. To some extent impact of films, internet-porn is to be blamed for ever increasing rape cases.
Its believed that the women never reveal their secrets. But once Yudhistar came to know that Karn was his elder brother, he cursed entire women race that they will never be able to keep any thing close to their heart. But, its Kali Yug and that the women may not reveal anything to anyone.
भोज्यं भोजनशक्तिश्च रतिशक्तिर्व रांगना।
विभवो दानशक्तिश्च नाSल्पस्य॥2.2॥
भोजन के योग्य पदार्थ और भोजन करने की क्षमता, सुन्दर स्त्री और उसे भोगने के लिए काम शक्ति, पर्याप्त धनराशि तथा दान देने की भावना, ऐसे संयोगों का होना सामान्य तप का फल नहीं है।[चाणक्य नीति 2.2] Availability of quality-good food & ability to eat and digest it, beautiful woman and capability-potency to enjoy sex-mating with her, enough money to survive and desire for charity-donations, social welfare; presence of such combinations-chances are not the result-out come of asceticism, austerities, Tapasya.
Its believed that availability of eatables and capacity to eat and digest, passionate-sensual nature and libido-power to have sex along with availability of women for sex, wealth and tendency to donate are God gifts possessed by one, are either due to the deeds in previous births-incarnations or asceticism. One has to make efforts to attain these.
One comes across people in society who have plenty of every thing to eat, but they suffer either from indigestion or have no teeth.
खाना तो है, परन्तु दाँत नहीं हैं।
On the contrary one is healthy, possessed with power to digest but has nothing or very little to eat. There are people all around us, who have plenty of wealth but they either do not utilise it or are not in a position to use it. Misers keep on collecting and die without utilising.
जोड़-जोड़ मर जायेंगे माल जमाई खायेंगे।
Tendency to put the wealth to proper use or to donate for charity are blessed by the Almighty, depending upon accumulated deeds in previous births-rebirths.
One has to make endeavours to attain something and then put these to judicious use. Those who get opportunities, wealth left behind by the ancestors may not prove fit for them.
Its believed that availability of eatables and capacity to eat and digest, passionate-sensual nature and libido-power to have sex along with availability of women for sex, wealth and tendency to donate are God gifts possessed by one, are either due to the deeds in previous births-incarnations or asceticism. One has to make efforts to attain these.
One comes across people in society who have plenty of every thing to eat, but they suffer either from indigestion or have no teeth.
खाना तो है, परन्तु दाँत नहीं हैं।
On the contrary one is healthy, possessed with power to digest but has nothing or very little to eat. There are people all around us, who have plenty of wealth but they either do not utilise it or are not in a position to use it. Misers keep on collecting and die without utilising.
जोड़-जोड़ मर जायेंगे माल जमाई खायेंगे।
Tendency to put the wealth to proper use or to donate for charity are blessed by the Almighty, depending upon accumulated deeds in previous births-rebirths.
One has to make endeavours to attain something and then put these to judicious use. Those who get opportunities, wealth left behind by the ancestors may not prove fit for them.
नास्ति कामसमो व्याधिर्नास्ति मोहसमो रिपु:।
नास्ति कोपसमो व्हिर्नास्ति ज्ञानात्परं सुखम्॥
वासना के समान दुष्कर कोई रोग नहीं, मोह के समान कोई शत्रु नहीं, क्रोध के समान अग्नि नहीं, स्वरूप ज्ञान के समान कोई बोध नहीं।[चाणक्य नीति 5.12]No disease is as dangerous as the Lasciviousness (sexuality, sensuality, passion, infatuation); attachment (bonding, ties) is the greatest enemy, no fire is as fierce as anger (furiosity, arrogance) & self realisation is Ultimate.
Please refer to :: (1). santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com
(2). santoshsuvichar.blogspot.com
Self restraint relives one from all sorts of vices. Sexuality lies in the mind. Ignorance provokes one to lust and immorality which, makes one incompetent, weak and fragile. Attachment to such wicked actions is the worst possible-dreaded enemy, one can have. It leads to anger-frustration, which engulfs and destroys the possessor. Prudence-enlightenment helps one overcoming-over powering them all.
Bad company-companions are the root cause of various evils-wicked acts-actions. One must desert them. Its better to be aloof as compared to the people, who lure one to sexuality. One must control his passions to be on the safe side. He should not be furious and maintain his cool-calm, in such situations.
काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः।
महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्ध्येनमिह वैरिणम्॥
श्री भगवान् बोले :- रजोगुण से उत्पन्न हुआ यह काम (कामना, इच्छा) ही पाप का कारण है। यह काम ही क्रोध में परिणित होता है। बहुत खाने वाला अर्थात भोगों से कभी न अघानेवाला और बड़ा पापी है। इसको ही तू इस विषय में वैरी-दुश्मन समझ।[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता कर्म योग 3.37]
Bhagwan Shri Krashn said that the Kam (desires & sex, passions, sexuality, sensuality, Lasciviousness), which develop, evolve from Rajo Gun, is behind the sins. The unfulfilled desires turn into anger. One who utilise too much of it and still remain dissatisfied is the greatest-utmost sinner. Therefore, it is the greatest enemy, for of an individual.
वस्तु, क्रिया और व्यक्ति से सुख की चाहत का नाम काम है। इनका फल केवल अनिष्ट ही है। किसी भी चीज के प्रति बहुत ज्यादा लगाव-राग कामना, तृष्णा, आसक्ति जैसे रजोगुण उत्पन्न करते हैं। चाहत, इच्छाओं, वस्तुओं अथवा काम के प्रति जरूरत से ज्यादा लगाव, पाप को जन्म देता है, क्योंकि उनको प्राप्त करने के लिए मनुष्य हर प्रकार के छल-छंद करता है। उन कामनाओं की इच्छा पूर्ति न होने पर क्रोध उत्पन्न होता है। क्रोध भी पाप का जनक है। एक कामना की पूर्ति, दूसरी, फिर तीसरी और इसी प्रकार लोभ बढ़ता जाता है। कामनाएँ अन्तहीन हैं। इससे केवल पाप ही नहीं अपितु सन्ताप और दुःख-विषाद भी उत्पन्न होता है।
Desire of comfort through acquisition of goods, (property, possessions, fun-frolic, actions and interaction) with humans is Kam (function & sexuality, sensuality, passions). The result is always disastrous. Extreme attachment for something, leads to defects pertaining to Rajo Gun, the characteristics that leads to never ending process of birth & rebirth as a human being. One commit all types of crimes resulting into sin. They leads to greed as well. If desires remain unfulfilled, success is not achieved, it leads to anger and pains (sorrow, grief).
People of all ages commit sex related crimes like rape and spoil their life. In societies like Europe, America & Australia people are more liberal but rape is a crime there as well. Manu Smrati recommend swear punishment for this crime.
People of all ages commit sex related crimes like rape and spoil their life. In societies like Europe, America & Australia people are more liberal but rape is a crime there as well. Manu Smrati recommend swear punishment for this crime.

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
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