By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
SANCTIFY :: पवित्रीकरण, पुण्य करने का कार्य, पापमोचन, शुद्धीकरण, धार्मिक बनाना; shrift, purification, turning towards religion.
SACRAMENTS :: प्रतिज्ञा, प्रसाद, संस्कार, परम प्रसाद, परम संस्कार, धार्मिक उत्सव, विलक्षण बात, विलक्षण वस्तु, संस्कार-रूप।
SALESMANSHIP :: विक्रेता, बिक्री का कार्य, बेचने का काम, विक्रय कला, फ़रोख़्त; marketing.
SAUCY :: तेज, तीक्ष्ण। SACRAMENTS :: प्रतिज्ञा, प्रसाद, संस्कार, परम प्रसाद, परम संस्कार, धार्मिक उत्सव, विलक्षण बात, विलक्षण वस्तु, संस्कार-रूप।
SCORNFUL :: अवज्ञा सूचक, घृणापूर्ण, उपेक्षा, निंदा, तिरस्कार, नफ़रत, घिन, घृणा के लायक; contemptuous, sardonic, reproachful, disgusting, supercilious, disdainful, condemnatory, blasphemous, disapprobative, disapprobatory, maledictory, scornful, disdainful, contemnor.
SCRUPULOUS :: careful, meticulous, painstaking, thorough, assiduous, sedulous, attentive, diligent, conscientious, ultra-careful, punctilious, searching, close, elaborate, minute, studious, rigorous, particular, very concerned to avoid doing wrong, honest, honourable, upright, upstanding, high-minded, righteous, right-minded, moral, ethical, good, virtuous, principled, proper, correct, just, noble, incorruptible, anti-corruption, conscientious, respectable, decent.
SCRUTINY :: छानबीन, सूक्ष्म परीक्षण,अनुसंधान, मतपत्रों की जाँच, समीक्षा, छान-बीन; review, screening, probe, dissection, analysis, rummage, commentary, research, investigation, quest, finding, disquisition, intelligence.
SEER :: संत, पैग़ंबर, पैग़ंबर, सिद्ध पुरुष; ascetic, saint, prophet.
SCORNFUL :: अवज्ञा सूचक, घृणापूर्ण, उपेक्षा, निंदा, तिरस्कार, नफ़रत, घिन, घृणा के लायक; contemptuous, sardonic, reproachful, disgusting, supercilious, disdainful, condemnatory, blasphemous, disapprobative, disapprobatory, maledictory, scornful, disdainful, contemnor.
SCRUPULOUS :: careful, meticulous, painstaking, thorough, assiduous, sedulous, attentive, diligent, conscientious, ultra-careful, punctilious, searching, close, elaborate, minute, studious, rigorous, particular, very concerned to avoid doing wrong, honest, honourable, upright, upstanding, high-minded, righteous, right-minded, moral, ethical, good, virtuous, principled, proper, correct, just, noble, incorruptible, anti-corruption, conscientious, respectable, decent.
SCRUTINY :: छानबीन, सूक्ष्म परीक्षण,अनुसंधान, मतपत्रों की जाँच, समीक्षा, छान-बीन; review, screening, probe, dissection, analysis, rummage, commentary, research, investigation, quest, finding, disquisition, intelligence.
SEER :: संत, पैग़ंबर, पैग़ंबर, सिद्ध पुरुष; ascetic, saint, prophet.
SEVERANCE :: पृथक्करण, विच्छेद, विभाजन; dissolution, decomposable, caesura, Disruption, disunion.
SHRILL :: कर्णवेधी, महीन आवाज का, तेज।
SLENDER :: पतली, बारीक, महीन; slim, lean, willowy, sylphlike, svelte, lissom, graceful, snake-hipped, rangy, meagre, limited, slight, modest, scanty, scant, sparse, small, little, paltry, inconsiderable, insubstantial, inadequate, insufficient, deficient, negligible, trifling.
SHRILL :: कर्णवेधी, महीन आवाज का, तेज।
SLENDER :: पतली, बारीक, महीन; slim, lean, willowy, sylphlike, svelte, lissom, graceful, snake-hipped, rangy, meagre, limited, slight, modest, scanty, scant, sparse, small, little, paltry, inconsiderable, insubstantial, inadequate, insufficient, deficient, negligible, trifling.
SLANDARD :: बदनाम, झूठी निंदा करना, कलंक लगाना, अपयश फैलाना; denigrate, asperse, stain, traduce, slur, calumniate.
SLIGHT :: तिरस्कार; scorn, contempt, taunt, ignominy.
SLIGHT :: तिरस्कार; scorn, contempt, taunt, ignominy.
SLOTH :: सुस्ती, आलस्य, काहिली, ढिलाई, निष्क्रियता, मंदता; slowness, sluggishness, dullness, laziness, indolence, lethargy, idleness, idle, idling, heaviness, laxity, slackness, indolence, relaxation, dimness, inactivity, inaction, quiescence.
SMEAR :: चिकनाई का दाग।
SMEARED :: दाग-धब्बा-कलंक लगना; stained, sullied, discredit, attached, engrossed.
SOLDIER :: सिपाही; fighter, serviceman-woman, comrade-in-arms, warrior, trooper.
SORCERY :: तंत्र-मंत्र, काला जादू, टोना-टोटका, मरण-उच्चाटन; use of black magic. the black arts, witchcraft, wizardry, the occult, occultism, enchantment, spell, incantation, necromancy, divination, voodooism, voodoo, hoodoo.
SOUL :: आत्मा, प्राण, जी, जीव, व्यक्ति, तेज।
SPLENDOUR :: वैभव, भव्यता, तेज, प्रताप, शान, चमक।
SOLDIER :: सिपाही; fighter, serviceman-woman, comrade-in-arms, warrior, trooper.
SORCERY :: तंत्र-मंत्र, काला जादू, टोना-टोटका, मरण-उच्चाटन; use of black magic. the black arts, witchcraft, wizardry, the occult, occultism, enchantment, spell, incantation, necromancy, divination, voodooism, voodoo, hoodoo.
SOUL :: आत्मा, प्राण, जी, जीव, व्यक्ति, तेज।
SPLENDOUR :: वैभव, भव्यता, तेज, प्रताप, शान, चमक।
STEEDS :: घोड़ा, लड़ाई का घोड़ा; horse, equine, gee, stud horse.
SUN IN SPLENDOUR :: शोभा, तेज, दीप्ति, प्रभा।
SUBTLE :: अति सूक्ष्म; too thin, minute, microscopic.
SUN IN SPLENDOUR :: शोभा, तेज, दीप्ति, प्रभा।
SUBTLE :: अति सूक्ष्म; too thin, minute, microscopic.

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा
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