By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
VALOUR :: निर्भयता, साहस, शूर-वीरता, हिम्मत; दिलेरी, निर्भयता, पराक्रम, बहादुरी, वीरता, शूरता, साहस, वीरत्व; bravery, hardihood, heroine, pluck, stoutness, valiance, chivalry, gallantry, metal, grit, stout-heart, courageousness, daring, effrontery, intrepidity, courage, fearlessness, courageousness, braveness, intrepidity, pluck, pluckiness, nerve, backbone, spine, heroism, stout-heartedness, manliness, audacity, boldness, spirit, fortitude, mettle, dauntlessness.
VANAR वानर :: Vanar is a race-species like apes which has intelligence and body like humans but the face is like monkeys. They have tail like animals. Europe has human race with red face. This race evolved as a result of the marriage of the daughters of Ravan with the Vaners who were brought back to life by Bhagwan Shri Ram. These Vaners were the incarnations of demigods from the heaven who had taken birth to participate in the war between Bhagwan Shri Ram & Ravan. Their original location is Berlin and a place still called Vanara.
VENERABLE :: आदरणीय, सम्मानित, बुज़ुर्ग, पूजित, श्रद्धेय, इज़्ज़तदार; respected, venerated, reverenced, worshipped, esteemed, hallowed, august, distinguished, acclaimed, celebrated, reputable, respectable, honourable, reputed, deserved, well-earned, elderly, aged, hallow, revered, reverenced, reverend, honoured.
VICES दोष :: बुराई, शिकंजा, शरारत, नुक़सान, हानि, खोट, दुराचार, ख़राबी, बुरा चाल चलन; blame, defect, flaw, fault, imperfection, blemish, evil, harm, bad, badness, ill, mischief, gripes, nippers, rack, press, clutch, waster, disservice, blight, loss, detriment, damage, caper, escapade, naughtiness, dido, wickedness, malformation, misconduct, mistreatment, raffia, maltreatment, malpractice, misdemeanour, vitiation, wastrel, spoilage, impairment.
VICIOUS :: भ्रष्ट, खोटा, शातिर, पापी, पतित, दोषी, सदोष, दोषपूर्ण, ख़राब, दुष्ट; unholy, corrupt, guilty, cunning, roguish, sly, mischievous, impaired, depraved, profane, delinquent, blameworthy, perverse, manifest, bad, doggerel, base, false, culpable, degenerate, fallen, retrograde, licentious, sordid, undersized, defective, wicked, addled, black hearted, desperado, faulty, amateurish, captious, backslider.
VENERABLE :: आदरणीय, सम्मानित, बुज़ुर्ग, पूजित, श्रद्धेय, इज़्ज़तदार; respected, venerated, reverenced, worshipped, esteemed, hallowed, august, distinguished, acclaimed, celebrated, reputable, respectable, honourable, reputed, deserved, well-earned, elderly, aged, hallow, revered, reverenced, reverend, honoured.
VICES दोष :: बुराई, शिकंजा, शरारत, नुक़सान, हानि, खोट, दुराचार, ख़राबी, बुरा चाल चलन; blame, defect, flaw, fault, imperfection, blemish, evil, harm, bad, badness, ill, mischief, gripes, nippers, rack, press, clutch, waster, disservice, blight, loss, detriment, damage, caper, escapade, naughtiness, dido, wickedness, malformation, misconduct, mistreatment, raffia, maltreatment, malpractice, misdemeanour, vitiation, wastrel, spoilage, impairment.
VICIOUS :: भ्रष्ट, खोटा, शातिर, पापी, पतित, दोषी, सदोष, दोषपूर्ण, ख़राब, दुष्ट; unholy, corrupt, guilty, cunning, roguish, sly, mischievous, impaired, depraved, profane, delinquent, blameworthy, perverse, manifest, bad, doggerel, base, false, culpable, degenerate, fallen, retrograde, licentious, sordid, undersized, defective, wicked, addled, black hearted, desperado, faulty, amateurish, captious, backslider.
VITAL :: लोकप्रिय, अत्याधिक, अत्यावश्यक, जिन्दादिल, जीवित, प्राणाधार, महत्वपूर्ण, मार्मिक, संबंधी, मर्मस्थान, जीवनी का, जीवनीक, जीवन का, जीवन-मरण का, ज़िंदगी का।
Vow :: कसम, वादा,प्रतिज्ञा; affirmation, promiscuity, obligation, warranty, commitment, determination, promise.

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