F, f, एफ़
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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FETTERS :: बेड़ी, जंजीर, shackle.
FIDELITY :: निष्ठा, विश्वस्तता, वफादारी; adherence, devotion, faith, reliability.
FIEND :: शैतान, चुड़ैल, भूत-प्रेत, राक्षस, पशुवृत्ति का व्यक्ति; Shaetan; the devil, any evil spirit, demon, a diabolically cruel or wicked, person, monster, savage, brute, beast, a person or thing that causes mischief or annoyance, a person who is extremely addicted to some pernicious habit, a person who is excessively interested in some game, sport, etc., fan, a bridge fiend, a person who is highly skilled or gifted in something.
FIRE-THREE KINDS OF FIRE तीन प्रकार की अग्नि :: दावानल (jungle fire), बड़वानल fire in the ocean) और जठराग्नि (fire in the stomach)। बड़वानल-जल में उपस्थित अग्नि; fire present in water.
FLUENTLY :: धाराप्रवाह, धड़ल्ले से, तेज।
FORMIDABLE :: दुर्जेय, विकट, भयंकर, घोर, दारूण, भयावह, डरावना; knotty, inextricable, acute, monstrous, grim, fierce, awful, hideous, horrid, frightful, atrocious, terrible, eerie, awful, horrible, doleful, ghastful, God-forsaken, macabre, terrifically, alarming, Fearsome, grisly, gruesome.
FORSOOTH :: सत्य, सचमुच, वास्तव में, वस्तुतः, निस्सन्देह; in truth, in fact, certainly, in reality, very well; formerly it was used as an expression of deference or respect, especially to woman, now it is used ironically or contemptuously, veritable, fact, literally, indeed, of truth, to be sure, actually, concretely, in facto, practicably.
FORTITUDE :: दृढ़ता, धीरता, धैर्य, साहस, सहन शक्ति, पौरुष; patience, tolerance, courage, valour, bravery.
FOUNDATION :: बुनियाद, आधार; basis-substratum.

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