By Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
CAVIL :: कमी, वितण्डा, दोष ढूँढना, छिद्रान्वेषक करना, नुक्ताचीनी करना, बाल की खाल निकलना, छेद ढूँढ़ना, अवगुण ढूँढ़ना, हुज्जत करना, मीन मेख निकालना, खोट निकालना, झूँठा-इलज़ाम आक्षेप; make petty or unnecessary, objections, complain, carp, grumble, moan, grouse, grouch, whine, bleat, find fault with, quibble about, niggle about, finding weaknesses.
CESSATION :: अंत, रोक, प्रतिबंध; end, ending, termination, stopping, halting, ceasing, finish, finishing, stoppage, closing, closure, close, conclusion, winding up, discontinuation, discontinuance, breaking off, abandonment, interruption, suspension, cutting short.
CESSATION :: अंत, रोक, प्रतिबंध; end, ending, termination, stopping, halting, ceasing, finish, finishing, stoppage, closing, closure, close, conclusion, winding up, discontinuation, discontinuance, breaking off, abandonment, interruption, suspension, cutting short.
CHARY :: एहतियाती, खबरदार, घुन्ना, रूखा, लजीला, संकोची, संयमी, सावधान, होशियार, दूरंदेश; wary, cautious, circumspect, heedful, careful, on one's guard, guarded, mindful, watchful.
CHASTITY :: virtuous in thoughts and deeds, abstaining from promiscuous or all sexual intercourse, simple without ornaments, pure.
CONNEXIONS :: संसर्ग, समास, कड़ी, जोड़, मेल, लगाव, संबंध, संयोग, संयोजन, संश्रय; alliance, relations.
CONDIMENTS :: चटनी, छौंक, बघार, मसाला।
CONDIMENTS :: चटनी, छौंक, बघार, मसाला।
CONSCIENCE :: One's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to his behaviour. Sense of right and wrong, sense of right, moral sense, still small voice, inner voice.
CONSCIOUSNESS :: समझ, होश, आपा, भान, अभिज्ञता, चेतना, चैतन्य, जानकारी, ज्ञान, बोध, संज्ञा।
CONTEMPLATION :: चिंतन, मनन,अवलोकन, विचार, ध्यान।
Conscientiousness :: कर्त्तव्य निष्ठा, ईमानदारी, शुध्द अन्तःकरण, धर्म शीलता-परायणता; honesty, integrity, justice, probity, righteousness, saintliness.
COMA :: बेहोशी, निश्चेतावस्था; prolonged unconsciousness.
CRAMS :: ठूँस-ठूँस कर खाना; eating without restriction.
COLLYRIUM :: अंजन, काजल, सुरमा।
CYNIC :: निंदक, मानवद्वेषी, चुगलखोर, आक्षेपक, निन्दोपाख्यान करने वाला; detractor, backbiter, denigrator, satirist and such a person is an atheist.
COLLYRIUM :: अंजन, काजल, सुरमा।
CYNIC :: निंदक, मानवद्वेषी, चुगलखोर, आक्षेपक, निन्दोपाख्यान करने वाला; detractor, backbiter, denigrator, satirist and such a person is an atheist.

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