By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ABLUTION :: हस्त प्रक्षालन; धार्मिक कार्य में शरीर, हाथ या पवित्र पात्रों का शुद्ध करना; Cleansing of hands while performing rites in Hinduism.
ACACIA :: बबूल, कीकर।
ACRIMONIOUS :: कटु, तीखा, तीक्ष्ण, तेज।
ADHARM :: Use of position-status for inauspicious acts, selfishness, teasing, paining others, cruelty, torture, terrorism, vices, wickedness, snatching others belongings, murder etc. is Adharm. It creates bonds, ties and hurdles for the doer. Scriptures have prescribed-described the various acts an individual should do, depending upon Vern, Ashram, Country, social decorum, convention, dignity and the situation.
ADORABLE :: प्यारे,आराध्य, पूजनीय, प्यारा, आराधना योग्य, अति आकर्षक; Placable, asthore, idol, love worthy, true-love, sacred.
AFFLICTED :: stressed by some problem or illness, cause pain or trouble; affected adversely, troubled, bothered, burdened, distress, cause trouble to, cause suffering to, beset, harass, worry, oppress, annoy, vex, irritate, exasperate, strain, stress, tax.
ALIENATED :: अलग-थलग; aloof.
AGILE :: फुर्तीला, चालाक, तेज।
ALLUREMENT :: प्रलोभन, लालच, आकर्षण, रिझाव, खिंचाव, लुभाव, खिंचाव; temptation, bait, seduction, inducement, decoy, greed, seduction, gluttony, greediness, solicitation, charm, attraction, affinity, enchantment, magic, pull, exhaustion, gravitation, scrape, suction, enticement.
ALMIGHTY :: भगवान्, ईश्वर, खुदा, अल्लाह, रब; Allah, Khuda, God.
ARBITRARILY :: बगैर अंकुश या रुकावट के, निरंकुश, अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार, मन मर्जी; without restriction, contingent, solely upon one's discretion.
AMBITION :: craving, eagerness, desire, covetousness.
AMBUSIA-AMBROSIA :: अमृत; elixir, nectar, Amrat, the food of the demigods, which grants immortality for one cosmic era.
ASTERISM :: a prominent pattern or group of stars that is smaller than a constellation.
ANNIHILATE :: मिटा देना, लोप करना, भूनना, संहार करना, सर्वनाश करना; deprive, destruct, vanish, eliminate, quash, liquidate, rub out, sweep away, fry, roast, scorch, parch, broil.
ASTOUND :: विमूढ़; beguiled, foolish, bewildered, infatuated, stupid, silly.
ASSERT :: जोर देना, अधिकार जताना; stress upon.
ATHEISM :: criticism, condemnation, censure, cavilling.
APTITUDE :: योग्यता, कौशल, उपयुक्तता; qualification, merit, ability, eligibility, talent, skill, art, mastership, suitability, conveniences, fitness, aptness, propriety.
ATTITUDE :: अभिवृत्ति, मनोदृष्टि; aptitude, attitude.

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