By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
नश्वरता दु:ख का कारण है। संसार आवागमन, जन्म-मरण और नश्वरता का केंद्र हैं। इस अविद्याकृत प्रपंच से मुक्ति पाना ही मोक्ष है।
संसार के दु:ख मय स्वभाव से मुक्त होने के लिये योग-समाधि, कर्म, ज्ञान या भक्ति मार्ग अपनाया जाता है। मोक्ष जीवन की अंतिम परिणति है। अज्ञान, दु:ख से मुक्त हो सकता है। इसे जीवनमुक्ति कहते हैं।
विदेह मुक्ति में सुख-दु:ख के भावों का विनाश हो जाता है। मनुष्य देह त्यागने के बाद आवागमन के चक्र से सर्वदा के लिये मुक्त हो जाता है।
परमानन्द की स्थिति ही मोक्ष है। इसमें सारे द्वंद्वों का अंत हो जाता है। यह अद्वैतानुभूति की स्थिति है। अद्वेत से जो मोक्ष होता है, उसमें जड़ता-संसार से सम्बन्ध विच्छेद की मुख्यता रहती है और भक्ति से जो मोक्ष होता है, उसमें चिन्मय तत्त्व के साथ एकता की मुख्यता होती है।
मुमुक्षु को श्रवण, मनन एवं निधिध्यासन, ये तीन प्रकार की मानसिक क्रियाएँ करनी पड़ती हैं। इस प्रक्रिया में नानात्व, का जो अविद्याकृत है, विनाश होता है और आत्मा, जो ब्रह्मस्वरूप है, उसका साक्षात्कार होता है। मुमुक्षु तत्वमसि से अहंब्रह्यास्मि की ओर बढ़ता है। यहाँ आत्म साक्षात्कार ही मोक्ष है।
जीवन मुक्ति की स्थिति में आत्मा ब्रह्म में लीन हो जाती है।
भेदान्तर के बाद प्रकृति शाँत हो जाती है और पुरुष मुक्त होकर निर्गुण रूप में समा जाता है। इसे ही कैवल्य-केवलता, अकेला रहना कहते है। जीवन के लक्ष्य में प्रकृति और पुरुष को अलग कर देना ही कैवल्य अर्थात मोक्ष है।
प्रकृति-ब्रह्म की अपरा प्रकृति है। जीव ब्रह्म का अंश है। ज्ञान होने के बाद ब्रह्म की तरफ आरोहण होता है। विवेक उत्पन्न होने पर औपाधिक दुख सुखादि, अहंकार, प्रारब्ध, कर्म और संस्कार के लोप हो जाने से आत्मा के चितस्वरूप होकर आवागमन से मुक्त हो जाने की स्थिति ही कैवल्य है।
चित् द्वारा आत्मा के साक्षात्कार से जब उसके कर्त्तृत्त्व आदि अभिमान छूटकर कर्म की निवृत्ति हो जाती है, तब विवेक-ज्ञान के उदय होने पर मुक्ति की ओर अग्रसारित आत्मा के चित्स्वरूप में जो स्थिति उत्पन्न होती है, उसकी संज्ञा कैवल्य है।
परामात्मा में आत्मा की लीनता और न्याय के अनुसार अदृष्ट के नाश होने के फलस्वरूप आत्मा की जन्म-मरण से मुक्तावस्था को कैवल्य कहा गया है।
जिन्होंने कर्मबंधन से मुक्त होकर कैवल्य प्राप्त किया है, उन्हें केवली कहा जाता है। बुद्धि आदि गुणों से रहित निर्मल ज्योति वाले केवली आत्म रूप में स्थिर रहते हैं। शुक देव जी, विदेह राजा जनक आदि जीवन्मुक्त थे, जो जल में कमल की भाँति, संसार में रहते हुए भी मुक्त जीवों के समान निर्लेप जीवनयापन करते थे।
मुक्ति के प्रकार ::
(1). सालोक्य :- इससे भगवद धाम की प्राप्ति होती है। वहाँ सुख-दु:ख से अतीत, अनंत काल के लिए है, अनंत असीम आनंद है।
(2). सामीप्य :- इसमें भक्त भगवान् के समीप, उनके ही लोक में रहता है।
(3). सारूप्य :- इसमें भक्त का रूप भगवान् के समान हो जाता है और वह भगवान् के तीन चिन्ह :- श्री वत्स, भृगु-लता और कोस्तुभ मणी, को छोड़कर शेष चिन्ह शंख, चक्र, गदा और पद्म आदि से युक्त हो जाता है।
(4). सायुज्य :- इसका अर्थ है एकत्व। इसमें भक्त भगवान् से अभिन्न हो जाता है। यह ज्ञानियों को तथा भगवान् द्वारा मारे जाने वाले असुरों प्राप्त होती है।
सार्ष्टि भी मोक्ष का ही एक अन्य रूप है, जिसमें भक्त को परम धाम में ईश्वर के समान ऐश्वर्य प्राप्त हो जाता हैं। सम्पूर्ण ऐश्वर्य, धर्म, यश, श्री, ज्ञान और वैराग्य, ये सभी भक्त को प्राप्त हो जाते हैं। केवल संसार की उत्पत्ति व संहार करना भगवान् के आधीन रहता है, जिसे भक्त नहीं कर सकता।
प्रेमी-ज्ञानी भक्त भगवान् की सेवा को छोड़कर, उक्त सभी मुक्तियाँ भगवान् द्वारा दिए जाने पर भी स्वीकार नहीं करता। वह केवल भगवान् की सेवा करके, उनको सुख देना चाहता है। भक्त प्रेम का एक ही मतलब जानता है, देना, देना और देना। अपने सुख के लिए प्रेमी भक्त कोई अन्य कार्य -उपाय-उपचार नहीं करता।
इदं ज्ञानमुपाश्रित्य मम साधर्म्यमागताः।
सर्गेऽपि नोपजायन्ते प्रलये न व्यथन्ति च॥श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 14.2॥
Those who have taken refuge under enlightenment-transcendental knowledge have attained association with the God and are neither born at the time of creation, nor afflicted at the time of dissolution.
AFFLICTED :: stressed by some problem or illness, cause pain or trouble; affected adversely, troubled, bothered, burdened, distress, cause trouble to, cause suffering to, beset, harass, worry, oppress, annoy, vex, irritate, exasperate, strain, stress, tax.
The Almighty explained the distinction between HIM and the nature-creations. This is deemed to be Ultimate knowledge. It results in removal of all doubts, confusions, distractions. Understanding it, following it with firm determination-resolve, leads one to association with the God. This is the state from which one will never fall. He becomes identical to the God and never takes reincarnations. He will never face the agony of death. One who has risen above deeds and consumption, comforts, rewards, outputs; who has become defectless (untainted, unsmeared, detached, relinquished), is not subjected to rebirth during next cosmic era, even at the time of the evolution of Brahma Ji. He will not be subjected to the fire engulfing the entire earth, when the earth is burnt by the 12 Suns, leading to burning to all living beings and the drowning of the earth in water. None of the 14 abodes (heavens & the nether world) survives. All creatures-organisms perish.
एतैर्विमुक्तः कौन्तेय तमोद्वारैस्त्रिभिर्नरः।
आचरत्यात्मनः श्रेयस्ततो याति परां गतिम्॥
हे कुन्ती नन्दन! इन नरक के तीनों दरवाजों (काम, क्रोध और लोभ) से रहित हुआ जो मनुष्य अपने कल्याण का आचरण करता है, वह उससे परम् गति को प्राप्त हो जाता है।[श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता 16.22]
The Almighty addressed Arjun as Kunti Nandan and continued that one who works for his welfare, freed from the three doors to hells (Sex-Sensuality, Anger-Arrogance, Greed), attains Salvation i.e., the Ultimate abode.
काम (कामेच्छा और कामना), क्रोध तथा लोभ से मुक्त होकर मनुष्य को अपने भविष्य को सँवारना चाहिये। शास्त्र इन तीनों को तमोद्वार अर्थात नर्क का दरवाजा मानते हैं। मनुष्य सामान्यतया अपनी कमियों-बुराइयों को जानता है और वह इनसे मुक्त होने का प्रयास भी कर सकता है। इसी प्रयास के अन्तर्गत उसे परमात्मा की शरणागति लेनी चाहिये। अपनी कमियों से रुबरु मनुष्य को स्वाध्याय, भजन-कीर्तन, ध्यान (चिंतन, मनन), तपस्या, साधना, दान-पुण्य, भगवत भक्ति, तीर्थ आदि का सहारा लेना चाहिये।
शास्त्र इस बात का हामी है कि व्यक्ति केवल अपनी पत्नी के साथ ही शारीरिक सम्बन्ध रखे। उसके साथ भी सहवास केवल संतानोतपत्ति के हेतु ही करे। ऐसा व्यक्ति शास्त्र के अनुसार ब्रह्मचारी है।
Desire-need for sex, anger and greed leads one to hells. Therefore, he should make efforts to shun, get rid of them of his own. In case he is unable to control himself, he should seek asylum under the God. These three are the main gates to hells leading to his down fall. Normally, one is aware of his weaknesses. He can make efforts in this direction. Self study of scriptures, epics, history, Veds, Purans is of immense use. He may resort to social service, helping down trodden-weak and the needy. Worship, prayers, observing fast, pilgrimage too are helpful.
The scriptures ask the man to have sexual relations with his wife only. He should mate only for the sake of progeny (one or two at the most). Such a person is Brahmchari-a celibate, according to the scriptures.
Helping one does not mean depriving others of their rights. The successive governments in India have been extending reservations to those without calibre, skills, knowledge depriving the genuine, talented, qualified youth from all segments of society for the sake of votes. Last week saw a pitched bloody attack from the so called deprived-oppressed over others, stopping rails, roads, burning shops. The move was at the behest of congress and opposition parties. For obvious reasons this government too did not take timely action measures. Those who tried to save themselves too were booked by the police.
Geed for power is behind such deliberate actions.
सद्भावे साधुभावे च सदित्येतत्प्रयुज्यते।
प्रशस्ते कर्मणि तथा सच्छब्दः पार्थ युज्यते॥17.26॥
हे पार्थ! सत् :- ऐसा यह परमात्मा का नाम सत्ता मात्र में और श्रेष्ठ भाव में प्रयोग किया जाता है तथा प्रशंसनीय कर्म के साथ सत् शब्द जोड़ा जाता है।
The Almighty addressed Arjun as Parth! HE said that HIS name Sat represents HIS authority and is used as a prefix with those works-events which are superb, excellent, appreciable.
Sat represents :- Truth, Reality, Goodness, An auspicious act, Purity, Virtuousness, Righteousness.
किसी के प्रति अच्छा भाव व्यवहार रखना, सद्भाव, दया, क्षमा, साधु भाव, परमात्मा का प्रतीक है अर्थात जो व्यक्ति इन गुणों से युक्त है, उसमें भगवान् का अंश प्रकट हो रहा है। इसी प्रकार दैवी गुण, सत्य, त्याग, सत्-तत्व, सद् गुण भी अच्छाई का प्रतीक हैं। जो भी अच्छा कार्य, आचरण है यथा शास्त्र विधि के अनुरूप यज्ञ, यग्योपवीत, विवाह, संस्कार, अन्नदान, भूमिदान, गोदान, मन्दिर बनवाना, बगीचा लगवाना, कुँआ-बाबड़ी खुदवाना, धर्मशाला बनवाना श्रेष्ठ कार्य हैं।
सत्कर्म, सत्सेवा, सद् व्यवहार, आदि परमात्मा के ही रूप हैं।
Any virtuous act-quality, event, action shows Almighty's presence in the doer. Divine characteristics, donations-charity, visiting holy shrines, pilgrimages, fasting relinquishment, asceticism is Godly. Building temples, wells, reservoirs, gardens-parks, inns for the welfare of others-masses is Godly behaviour-act. Social welfare, helping poor-one in destitute, ill-diseased is Godly act. Marriage according to scriptures and its maintenance by both spouses, helping the aged-elders, weak, donation of food grain or food, land for hospital, school, Brahmans is Godly. Donation of milk yielding cows with the calf is Godly act. Speaking the truth is Godly act.
यज्ञे तपसि दाने च स्थितिः सदिति चोच्यते।
कर्म चैव तदर्थीयं सदित्येवाभिधीयते॥
यज्ञ तथा तप और दान रूप क्रिया में जो स्थित (निष्ठा रखता है) है वह भी सत् कहा जाता है और उस परमात्मा के निमित्त किया जाने वाला कर्म भी सत् कहा जाता है।[श्रीमद्भ गवद्गीता 17.27]
The performer of Yagy-Holy sacrifices in fire, Tap-ascetic practices and Dan (donations, charity) and the one who has faith in these practices do represent Sat (Purity, Austerity, Truth) and the deeds (performances, practices) selfless service for the sake-cause of the Almighty do represent Sat (Purity).
यज्ञ तथा तप और दान करना और उनमें निष्ठा, विश्वास, आस्था रखना भी सत् है। लौकिक, पारमार्थिक और दैवी सम्पदा सत् स्वरूप और मोक्ष प्रदायक हैं। मानव मात्र के कल्याण के लिये निष्काम भाव से किया गया कोई भी कर्म व्यर्थ नहीं जाता। जो परमात्मा को चाहता है, वो अपना कल्याण और मुक्ति चाहता है। भक्ति चाहने वाला भी भगवान् के हेतु ही कर्म करता है। ये सभी कर्म-क्रियाएँ सत् स्वरूप हैं।
Faith in Yagy, Tap-ascetics and Dan-charity is Sat. Anything done for the sake of the God is also Sat. Pure deeds, service of the mankind without any motive-desire for return, divine activities like devotion to God, prayers of deities-demigods as a form-representative of the God-Ultimate, do grant Salvation (emancipation, Assimilation in the God, Liberation). Selfless service of the man kind, never goes waste. One who loves God, loves Salvation. One who loves devotion, do perform for the sake of the God. These pure, uncontaminated, pious, righteous, virtuous performances-deeds meant for the God's cause, do grant Salvation.
Salvation is the Ultimate goal of the human life.
स्वे स्वे कर्मण्यभिरतः संसिद्धिं लभते नरः।
स्वकर्मनिरतः सिद्धिं यथा विन्दति तच्छृणु॥
अपने-अपने स्वाभाविक कर्मों में प्रीति पूर्वक, तत्परता से लगा हुआ मनुष्य भगवत्प्राप्ति रूप परम सिद्धि को प्राप्त हो जाता है। अपने स्वाभाविक कर्म में लगा हुआ मनुष्य, जिस प्रकार से कर्म करके परम सिद्धि को प्राप्त होता है, उस विधि को तू सुन।[श्रीमद्भागवत गीता 18.45]Listen-understand the means, method, procedure by following which, a person engage-perform his duties affectionately, religiously, piously, attains accomplishment-the Ultimate, as described by the Almighty himself.
मनुष्य को सिद्धि स्वतः ही प्राप्त हो सकती है, अगर वो अपने लिए उलझन, राग-द्वेष पैदा न करे। प्राकृतिक कर्मों को स्वार्थ-फलेच्छा को त्यागकर, तत्परतापूर्वक आचरण करने से आसक्ति का वेग पैदा नहीं होता और निर्लिप्तता उत्पन्न होती है। इससे परमात्मा की तरफ स्वाभाविक आकर्षण पैदा हो जाता है। कर्म परमात्मा से ही उत्पन्न हुए हैं और उसमें ही विलीन हो जाते हैं। अतः मनुष्य को अपने शास्त्रोचित कर्तव्य का प्रेम पूर्वक, आदर पूर्वक, नि:स्वार्थभाव से करना चाहिये। किसी भी कर्म में भाव की प्रधानता है। एक ही कर्म भाव के पृथक होने से सुखदायक अथवा दुःखदायक बन जाता है।
It’s evident that accomplishment is a natural gift to a person, who continues with his prescribed Varnashram, Righteous duties, obligations, provided, he do not create hurdles for himself through attachment, prejudices, vices etc. He should carry out all functions-obligations by discarding selfishness and involvement, happily, eagerly-earnestly, intently, readily, willingly, enthusiastically without the desire of rewards. His motto should be to help others-humanity and seek pleasure in such activities.
Performances, without attachments, lust, prejudice, desire for rewards, quenches his thirst for further natural activities and the person realises self automatically, generating attraction towards the Almighty, leading him to Salvation. At this stage all performances merge into one single stream, increasing the momentum for Salvation.
The human being should act just like a component of a machine which performs in unison with various other components without the feeling-thought of being higher-lower, big-small or greater-inferior, since all components are equally important and the machine cannot function if smallest of small of them, goes out of order. Purity of thoughts, disposition, intentions, ideas and understanding of the importance of each organ of the society, paves the way-path to assimilation in God i.e., Salvation-Moksh (emancipation, assimilation in God, liberation).
यतः प्रवृत्तिर्भूतानां येन सर्वमिदं ततम्।
स्वकर्मणा तमभ्यर्च्य सिद्धिं विन्दति मानवः॥
जिस परमेश्वर से संपूर्ण प्राणियों की उत्पत्ति हुई है और जिससे यह समस्त जगत् व्याप्त है, उस परमेश्वर की अपने स्वाभाविक कर्मों द्वारा पूजा करके, मनुष्य परमसिद्धि को प्राप्त हो जाता है।[श्रीमद्भागवत गीता 18.46] Accomplishment is attained by an individual by worshiping the Almighty, from whom all the universes, organisms, nature have evolved and by whom all the universes are pervaded, through his natural, instinctive, prescribed, Varnashram related deeds.
जिस परमात्मा से संसार पैदा-उत्पन्न हुआ है और संचालित है, जो सबका उत्पादक आधार और प्रकाशक है, जो सबमें परपूर्ण है अर्थात जो अनन्त ब्रह्माण्डों की उत्पत्ति से पहले भी था, उनके रहते हुए भी जो रहता है और जो उनके लीन होने के बाद भी रहेगा तथा जो अनन्त ब्रह्माण्डों में व्याप्त है, उसी परमात्मा का अपने-अपने, स्वभावज-वर्णोचित स्वभाविक कर्मों के द्वारा पूजन करना चाहिए।
लौकिक और पारलौकिक कर्मो के द्वारा परमात्मा का पूजन तो करना चाहिए, परन्तु उनके करणों-उपकरणों में ममता नहीं रखनी चाहिए। क्योंकि उनमें ममता होते ही वे वस्तुएँ अपवित्र हो जाती हैं। सिद्धि को प्राप्त करने का अर्थ है कि मनुष्य अपने कर्मों से परमात्मा की पूजा करने से प्रकृति से असंबद्ध होकर स्वतः अपने स्वरूप में स्थित हो जाता है। उसका प्रभु में स्वतः अनन्य प्रेम जाग्रत हो जाता है। अब उसको पाने-हासिल करने के लिए कुछ भी शेष नहीं है। किसी भी जाति, सम्प्रदाय (हिन्दु, बौद्ध, ईसाई, पारसी, यहूदी, मुसलमान), वर्ग से व्यक्ति क्यों न हो वह परमात्मा के पूजन का अधिकारी है। भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन के इस संवाद :- श्रीमद्भागवत गीता का जो अध्ययन करेगा (पढ़ना, समझना, जीवन में अपनानां) उसके द्वारा परमात्मा ज्ञान से पूजित होंगे। कर्म योगी और ज्ञान योगी अन्त में एक हो जाते हैं, क्योंकि दोनों में जड़ता का त्याग किया गया है। इसी प्रकार भक्ति मार्ग भी जड़ता को मिटाता है।
One should pray to the Almighty from whom the entire Universe has evolved, who operates the world, who is the creator, producer, founder and illuminator, administrator, organiser who alone is complete amongest all; who was present before creation of infinite universes and who will remain after assimilation of infinite universes in HIM and WHO is pervaded in infinite universes, is worshipped automatically if the individual performs his natural, prescribed, Varnashram duties. Performance of the prescribed-Varnashram duties assigned to the individual, itself is worship of the God.
Duties assigned to Brahmans are :- Acquiring knowledge-learning and training for self, educating others, performing Yagy-sacrifices, accepting and making donations-charity, piousness-purity, performing natural deeds, Satvik food habits. All of his movements should be directed towards the welfare-benefit, service of the four Varn and the mankind, in whom the Almighty is pervaded. He has to perform all his duties happily, with pleasure and devotion to the God as per his dictates, with wisdom.
Kshatriy has five natural, instinctive duties :- Protecting the people, bravery, spirited, majestic actions, donations, Yagy, studies, consumption of food, leading to worship of God pervaded in all communities, automatically.
Vaeshy worship the God by his natural instincts, such as Yagy, studies, donations, accepting interest, agriculture, protection of cows (animal husbandry) and trade-business.
Shudr should perform his prescribed, natural duties-instinctive services to worship the God, inclusive of consumption of food, sleep-awakening with the realisation of presence of God in all of the four Varn. Anyone who is getting paid for the job performed by him is considered as a Shudr.
One should not develop love, affection, attachment for the services, while performing them, though these are divine-devotional, pertaining to worship through them. He just has to act as an instrument. Love, affection, attachment for worldly possessions, services, instincts, make them impure-unfit for offerings for worship.
Creation of unlimited Bliss-Ultimate love (Permanand) for God is accomplishment and nothing is left to be acquired thereafter.
Both Karm Yog and Gyan Yog merge into one single stream Bhakti Yog-devotion, by eliminating immovability-inertness through service and worship enabling detachment, resulting in immersion in Supreme Power.
जिस परमात्मा से संसार पैदा-उत्पन्न हुआ है और संचालित है, जो सबका उत्पादक आधार और प्रकाशक है, जो सबमें परपूर्ण है अर्थात जो अनन्त ब्रह्माण्डों की उत्पत्ति से पहले भी था, उनके रहते हुए भी जो रहता है और जो उनके लीन होने के बाद भी रहेगा तथा जो अनन्त ब्रह्माण्डों में व्याप्त है, उसी परमात्मा का अपने-अपने, स्वभावज-वर्णोचित स्वभाविक कर्मों के द्वारा पूजन करना चाहिए।
लौकिक और पारलौकिक कर्मो के द्वारा परमात्मा का पूजन तो करना चाहिए, परन्तु उनके करणों-उपकरणों में ममता नहीं रखनी चाहिए। क्योंकि उनमें ममता होते ही वे वस्तुएँ अपवित्र हो जाती हैं। सिद्धि को प्राप्त करने का अर्थ है कि मनुष्य अपने कर्मों से परमात्मा की पूजा करने से प्रकृति से असंबद्ध होकर स्वतः अपने स्वरूप में स्थित हो जाता है। उसका प्रभु में स्वतः अनन्य प्रेम जाग्रत हो जाता है। अब उसको पाने-हासिल करने के लिए कुछ भी शेष नहीं है। किसी भी जाति, सम्प्रदाय (हिन्दु, बौद्ध, ईसाई, पारसी, यहूदी, मुसलमान), वर्ग से व्यक्ति क्यों न हो वह परमात्मा के पूजन का अधिकारी है। भगवान् श्री कृष्ण और अर्जुन के इस संवाद :- श्रीमद्भागवत गीता का जो अध्ययन करेगा (पढ़ना, समझना, जीवन में अपनानां) उसके द्वारा परमात्मा ज्ञान से पूजित होंगे। कर्म योगी और ज्ञान योगी अन्त में एक हो जाते हैं, क्योंकि दोनों में जड़ता का त्याग किया गया है। इसी प्रकार भक्ति मार्ग भी जड़ता को मिटाता है।
One should pray to the Almighty from whom the entire Universe has evolved, who operates the world, who is the creator, producer, founder and illuminator, administrator, organiser who alone is complete amongest all; who was present before creation of infinite universes and who will remain after assimilation of infinite universes in HIM and WHO is pervaded in infinite universes, is worshipped automatically if the individual performs his natural, prescribed, Varnashram duties. Performance of the prescribed-Varnashram duties assigned to the individual, itself is worship of the God.
Duties assigned to Brahmans are :- Acquiring knowledge-learning and training for self, educating others, performing Yagy-sacrifices, accepting and making donations-charity, piousness-purity, performing natural deeds, Satvik food habits. All of his movements should be directed towards the welfare-benefit, service of the four Varn and the mankind, in whom the Almighty is pervaded. He has to perform all his duties happily, with pleasure and devotion to the God as per his dictates, with wisdom.
Kshatriy has five natural, instinctive duties :- Protecting the people, bravery, spirited, majestic actions, donations, Yagy, studies, consumption of food, leading to worship of God pervaded in all communities, automatically.
Vaeshy worship the God by his natural instincts, such as Yagy, studies, donations, accepting interest, agriculture, protection of cows (animal husbandry) and trade-business.
Shudr should perform his prescribed, natural duties-instinctive services to worship the God, inclusive of consumption of food, sleep-awakening with the realisation of presence of God in all of the four Varn. Anyone who is getting paid for the job performed by him is considered as a Shudr.
One should not develop love, affection, attachment for the services, while performing them, though these are divine-devotional, pertaining to worship through them. He just has to act as an instrument. Love, affection, attachment for worldly possessions, services, instincts, make them impure-unfit for offerings for worship.
Creation of unlimited Bliss-Ultimate love (Permanand) for God is accomplishment and nothing is left to be acquired thereafter.
Both Karm Yog and Gyan Yog merge into one single stream Bhakti Yog-devotion, by eliminating immovability-inertness through service and worship enabling detachment, resulting in immersion in Supreme Power.
बुद्ध्या विशुद्ध्या युक्तो धृत्यात्मानं नियम्य च।
शब्दादीन्विषयांस्त्यक्त्वा रागद्वेषौ व्युदस्य च॥
विविक्तसेवी लघ्वाशी यतवाक्कायमानसः।
ध्यानयोगपरो नित्यं वैराग्यं समुपाश्रितः॥
अहंकारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं परिग्रहम्।
विमुच्य निर्ममः शान्तो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते॥
विशुद्ध-सात्विक बुद्धि से युक्त तथा हलका, सात्त्विक और नियमित भोजन करने वाला, शब्दादि विषयों का त्याग करके एकांत और शुद्ध देश का सेवन करने वाला, सात्त्विक धारण शक्ति के द्वारा-धैर्य पूर्वक अंतःकरण और इंद्रियों का संयम करके मन, वाणी और शरीर को वश में कर लेने वाला, राग-द्वेष को सर्वथा नष्ट करके भली-भाँति दृढ़ वैराग्य का आश्रय लेने वाला तथा अहंकार, बल, घमंड, काम, क्रोध और परिग्रह का त्याग करके निरंतर ध्यान योग के परायण रहने वाला, ममता रहित और शांति युक्त पुरुष, सच्चिदानन्द घन ब्रह्म में अभिन्न भाव से स्थित होने का पात्र होता है।[श्रीमद्भागवत गीता 18.51-53] जो ज्ञानी-साँख्य योगी परमात्मा को प्राप्त करना चाहता है, उसकी बुद्धि विशुद्ध और सात्विक हो, ताकि वह जड़ता का त्याग कर दे। साँख्य योगी का आश्रय वैराग्य है। लौकिक और पारलौकिक भोगों से उसका वैराग्य है। उसकी निर्लिप्तता कायम है। उसमें एकांत सेवन, सिद्धि असिद्धि में साम्यावस्था, अन्तःकरण, मन की निर्मलता, बनी रहती है।
वह केवल उतना ही शुद्ध-पवित्र भोजन करता है, जितना कि शरीर के निर्वाह के लिए आवश्यक है। दुनिया के प्रलोभन उसे त्रस्त नहीं कर पाते। उसकी घृति शुद्ध सात्विक है। उसकी इन्द्रियाँ नियमित-काबू-मर्यादा में हैं। शरीर, मन, वाणी संयत हैं और वह वृथा नहीं घूमता। असत्य भाषण, निंदा, चुगली से बचे। मन से राग पूर्वक संसार का चिंतन न करके केवल परमात्मा का ही चिंतन करे। ध्यानावस्था में शब्द, रस, स्पर्श, रूप, गन्ध विषय रूप-संयोग जन्य सुखों का त्याग करे। राग-द्वेष से बचे। नित्य ही ध्यान योग परायण रहे। अहंकार-हठ, बल, दर्प, मनमानी, घमण्ड, भोग-काम, स्वार्थ-अभिमान के परिग्रह-संग्रह से बचे-त्याग करे। अपने शरीर, वस्तु, प्रिय, उपयोगी-चीजों के बने रहने की इच्छा न रखे अर्थात उनके प्रति निर्मम बने। अशांति, जड़ता, हलचल से असम्बद्ध हो जाये। ममता रहित, शांत, असत् को त्यागने वाला मनुष्य ब्रह्मप्राप्ति-परमात्म प्राप्ति का अधिकारी हो जाता है।
Endued with pure intelligence (prudence, reason), associated with Satvik-Pious, strong patience-firm determination, the devotee should set aside all attachments, hatred-prejudices and control-stabilise his innerself and sensuality (abandoning sound and other objects and laying aside love & hatred).
Sankhy Yogi-the devotee, who wishes to attain the essence of Almighty, should have clear-clean, pure intelligence (mind). The prudence essential for Sankhy Yogi, appears through intelligence-meditation, by rejecting stability-immovability.
Possession of strong Satvik patience, does not allow the Sankhy Yogi to move away from the essence of Almighty. During meditation, he controls-rejects all allurements, attachments, prejudices, sensuality by stabilising-fixing his innerself in the memory, recitation,, meditation, remembering God. Repulsion-detachment with the worldly possessions, development of attachment-love for meditation-concentration bring him close to the Almighty.
Sankhy Yogi (devotee), prefers to live alone in solitude (isolated, away from worldly hustle and bustle), engaged in transcendental meditation, he consumes little Satvik food essential for survival, controls body, mind and speech, assert himself in profound meditation, through detachment.
He intends to remain aloof, undisturbed by the presence of people or the noises. His innerself is firmly under his control. Isolation helps him in concentration and meditation, producing happiness-bliss in him. He does not crave for appreciation from the people for his solitude, lack of sleep or comforts. He is not disheartened by the absence of comforts-luxuries. Absence of disturbances is of immense help to him.
During meditation, devotee accepts pure Satvik, light, regular food, suitable & sufficient for the body, neither in excess nor deficient, sufficient for survival, like a medicine-to satisfy hunger in such a manner that do not obstruct meditation.
It’s essential to control body, mind and speech. He should not romp purposelessly and avoid unnecessary travel. He should not utter senseless-useless words, refrain from back biting and abusive-foul language. He should speak the truth. He should speak only when it’s essential. His mind should be free from worldly affairs-problems, during meditation. He should remember the God and all of his energies should be channelized into the Almighty only. He should be cautious and aware that nothing is independent, except the God HIMSELF.
Devotee, who rejects egotism, pride, boastfulness, sensuality, force, arrogance-anger, worldly comforts-luxuries, pain, becomes calm-quite, solitude, devoid of attachments, enables-qualifies himself to sustain-realisation of Brahm.
Development of feelings of speciality-excellence regarding own characters, forcing others to own egoistic dictates, sex (passions, sensuality, sensuality, lasciviousness) anger-greed, worldly possessions acquisitions, comforts, luxuries, favourable conditions-situations, tendency to harm others, when own selfishness-egotism are struck is arrogance, which must be rejected.
One should not exert ownership in worldly acquisitions, body, senses, organs and means. With peace in the innerself, absence of disturbances-attachments-hatred and by breaking of immovability, the devotee enables-qualifies himself for realisation of Brahm.
सर्वकर्माण्यपि सदा कुर्वाणो मद्व्यपाश्रयः।
मत्प्रसादादवाप्नोति शाश्वतं पदमव्ययम्॥
मेरा आश्रय लेने वाला भक्त-कर्म योगी सदा संपूर्ण कर्मों को करता हुआ भी मेरी कृपा से सनातन-शाश्वत अविनाशी परम पद को प्राप्त हो जाता है।[श्रीमद्भागवत गीता 18.56]
The Devotee, who is under the protection-patronage of God, attains the supreme eternal imperishable status-abode, with the grace of the Almighty, while performing all of his Varnashram duties.
जो व्यक्ति सर्वथा भगवान् के परायण-शरणागत हो जाता है, अपना स्वतंत्र कुछ नहीं समझता, ऐसे भक्त का उद्धार स्वयं परमात्मा कर देते हैं। उसको अपने जीवन निर्वाह के लिए किसी बात-चीज की कमी नहीं होती। जिस धर्म परायण साँख्य योगी ने शरीर, वाणीं और मन का संयमन कर लिया है और एकांत में रहकर सदा ध्यान योग में लगा रहता है, उसको जिस पद की प्राप्ति होती है, वह लौकिक, पारलौकिक, सामाजिक, शरीरिक आदि सम्पूर्ण कर्तव्य-कर्मों को हमेशा करते हुए, प्रभु का आश्रय लेने वाला भक्त उनकी कृपा से प्राप्त कर लेता है। स्वतः सिद्ध परम पद की प्राप्ति अपने कर्मों, अपने पुरुषार्थ से अथवा अपने साधनों से नहीं, अपितु केवल भगवत्कृपा से होती है। यह परम पद भक्ति मार्ग से परम धाम, सत्य लोक, वैकुण्ठ लोक, गौलोक, साकेत लोक और ज्ञान मार्ग में विदेह, कैवल्य मुक्ति, स्वरूप स्थिति कहलाता है। उसके नाम अलग-अलग हैं। जहाँ भगवान् हैं; वहीं उनका लोक है। जब भक्त की अनन्य निष्ठा सिद्ध हो जाती है तब, परिच्छिन्नता का अत्यंत अभाव हो जाता है और वही लोक उसके सामने प्रकट हो जाता है अर्थात उसे जीते जी ही दिव्य लोक की दिव्य लीलाओं का अनुभव होने लगता है। अगर भक्त की धारणा यह है कि दिव्य लोक एक परम विशिष्ठ स्थान-जगह है तो, उसकी प्राप्ति तो मृत्यु के बाद ही होगी, जब भगवान् के पार्षद या स्वयं भगवान् उसे लेने के लिए आयेंगे।
भक्त महज अपने वर्णाश्रम धर्म का पालन सब विहित कर्मों को सदा करते हुए भी भगवत्कृपा को प्राप्त कर लेता है।
The Devotee, who has surrendered to the Almighty, is totally under his shelter, is salvaged by the God.
A meditating Sankhy-Gyan Yogi, who has controlled his body, mind, speech, heart, senses and sensuality is concentrating over the Almighty in solitude (deep woods, remote caves, high altitude tough terrains-mountains), attains the imperishable, eternal status, position, prominence, abode.
He should continue physical, social, worldly, divine functions under the refuge of God. More he depend over the God, more he experiences the divine bliss, grace, kindness-blessings. Close proximity-imperishable abodes are the result of the mercy, will, desire of the Almighty.
The God is present everywhere. His abodes too, are present everywhere. Attainment of undistinguished faith results in loss of differentiation-multiplicity of abodes. The Devotee feels the presence of the Supreme Soul all around him with the physical-material body.
तमेव शरणं गच्छ सर्वभावेन भारत।
तत्प्रसादात्परां शान्तिं स्थानं प्राप्स्यसि शाश्वतम्॥
हे भारत! तू सर्वभाव-सब प्रकार से उस परमेश्वर की ही शरण में ही चला जा। उसकी कृपा से तू परम शान्ति (संसार से सर्वथा उपरति) को और अविनाशी परम पद-सनातन परम धाम को प्राप्त हो जायेगा।[श्रीमद्भागवत गीता 18.62] Hey Bharat! You should solely-solemnly seek refuge in the Almighty by virtue of whose grace, kindness, mercy, you-the devotee will attain the highest, never ending-vanishing Supreme and Eternal abode.
लज्जा, भय, मान, बड़ाई और आसक्ति को त्यागकर एवं शरीर और संसार में अहंता, ममता से रहित होकर एक परमात्मा को ही परम आश्रय, परम गति और सर्वस्व समझना तथा अनन्य भाव से अतिशय श्रद्धा, भक्ति और प्रेम पूर्वक निरंतर भगवान् के नाम, गुण, प्रभाव और स्वरूप का चिन्तन करते रहना एवं भगवान् का भजन, स्मरण करते हुए ही, उनके आज्ञा अनुसार कर्तव्य कर्मों का निःस्वार्थ भाव से केवल परमेश्वर के लिए आचरण करना, यह सब प्रकार से परमात्मा के ही शरण होना है।
लज्जा, भय, मान, बड़ाई और आसक्ति को त्यागकर एवं शरीर और संसार में अहंता, ममता से रहित होकर एक परमात्मा को ही परम आश्रय, परम गति और सर्वस्व समझना तथा अनन्य भाव से अतिशय श्रद्धा, भक्ति और प्रेम पूर्वक निरंतर भगवान् के नाम, गुण, प्रभाव और स्वरूप का चिन्तन करते रहना एवं भगवान् का भजन, स्मरण करते हुए ही, उनके आज्ञा अनुसार कर्तव्य कर्मों का निःस्वार्थ भाव से केवल परमेश्वर के लिए आचरण करना, यह सब प्रकार से परमात्मा के ही शरण होना है।
शरीर से किंचित मात्र भी मैं-मेरापन न रखकर मनुष्य को ईश्वर की शरण में ही जाना चाहिए। मन से, शरीरिक क्रियाओं से, प्रेम पूर्वक, उसके प्रत्येक विधान में श्रद्धा रखते हुए उसका ध्यान करना चाहिए। इससे मनुष्य परमपद, पराशान्ति-शाश्वत पद को प्राप्त होता है। भगवान् श्री कृष्ण ने अर्जुन से कहा कि अगर वे उनकी शरण में नहीं आना चाहते तो उस सर्वव्यापी परमात्मा की शरण में ही चले जाएँ, जो कि वे स्वयं हैं।
A stage comes in the life of a person, when he is extremely confused, unable to take decisions. He is not in a position to decide what, when, how to do. The wise man in such condition-situation, seek the advice of elder, experienced, mature people. If the solution does not come, he should adopt solitude, meditate and seek asylum in the God-leaving everything up to HIM.
Dependence over worldly-nature oriented perishable goods, person, incidences and situations results in utter confusion and indecisiveness. Nature in itself is a component of the God and dependent over the God. Then, why don’t rely over the God!? Concentration of mind, heart, body, soul and channelization of efforts into the God, reciting his name again and again, continuance of prescribed duties, can ease most of the difficult situations. Difficulties, troubles, pains become boon-God gift as they force the individual to move to the Almighty to seek shelter in HIM. If remembrance of God occurs, at a time when the doer is happy, prosperous, hail & hearty; trouble will not dare touch him. If the human being remember God, the God too remember him. Confusions, tensions, troubles remind the human being of the existence of God. Seeking refuge solace-peace, under him, results in divine assistance and Ultimate abode. Neutrality to situations, pain, sorrow, grief, happiness brings the person out of confusion-leading him to the Supreme Lord, relieving him of all attachments-bonds.
The God is unborn, immortal, never ending, infinite, un-vanishing, embodied, without body, The Creator, The Protector & The Destroyer. All Yagy, sacrifices, offerings, ascetics, prayers, meditations are directed in to HIM. HE lives in all creatures, through HIS component-the soul, occupying heart.
One, who does not respond to the call made by the God, finds himself in the hell. God provides opportunity to each and every one, alerts them to come to HIS refuge-fold for absolute peace and highest position-status. It’s up to the human being to say yes or ignore the call. Every wish or desire is associated with its side effects as well, so beware of them, to avoid repentance later.
A stage comes in the life of a person, when he is extremely confused, unable to take decisions. He is not in a position to decide what, when, how to do. The wise man in such condition-situation, seek the advice of elder, experienced, mature people. If the solution does not come, he should adopt solitude, meditate and seek asylum in the God-leaving everything up to HIM.
Dependence over worldly-nature oriented perishable goods, person, incidences and situations results in utter confusion and indecisiveness. Nature in itself is a component of the God and dependent over the God. Then, why don’t rely over the God!? Concentration of mind, heart, body, soul and channelization of efforts into the God, reciting his name again and again, continuance of prescribed duties, can ease most of the difficult situations. Difficulties, troubles, pains become boon-God gift as they force the individual to move to the Almighty to seek shelter in HIM. If remembrance of God occurs, at a time when the doer is happy, prosperous, hail & hearty; trouble will not dare touch him. If the human being remember God, the God too remember him. Confusions, tensions, troubles remind the human being of the existence of God. Seeking refuge solace-peace, under him, results in divine assistance and Ultimate abode. Neutrality to situations, pain, sorrow, grief, happiness brings the person out of confusion-leading him to the Supreme Lord, relieving him of all attachments-bonds.
The God is unborn, immortal, never ending, infinite, un-vanishing, embodied, without body, The Creator, The Protector & The Destroyer. All Yagy, sacrifices, offerings, ascetics, prayers, meditations are directed in to HIM. HE lives in all creatures, through HIS component-the soul, occupying heart.
One, who does not respond to the call made by the God, finds himself in the hell. God provides opportunity to each and every one, alerts them to come to HIS refuge-fold for absolute peace and highest position-status. It’s up to the human being to say yes or ignore the call. Every wish or desire is associated with its side effects as well, so beware of them, to avoid repentance later.
तदा मुक्तिर्यदा चित्तं न वांछति न शोचति।
न मुंचति न गृण्हाति न हृष्यति न कुप्यति॥
तब मुक्ति है; जब मन इच्छा नहीं करता है, शोक नहीं करता है, त्याग नहीं करता है, ग्रहण नहीं करता है, प्रसन्न नहीं होता है या क्रोधित नहीं होता है।[अष्टावक्र गीता 8.2] Emancipation-liberation occurs, when there is no desire-no grief, nothing to sacrifice-reject, nothing to accept-replenish, no amusement-pleasure or anger remains.
NARAD PURAN नारद पुराण :: Attainment of Moksh-Salvation needs a teacher-Guru, who can guide and show, pave the path, which leads to assimilation in God. It’s possible through attainment of knowledge, learning, understanding and practicing the Shashtr-scriptures and Vedic literature. Self-learning (Swadhayay), does help in the absence of a Guru.
Anyone who has been dedicated to pious deeds, prayers, ascetic practices, Yog, Bhakti, devotion and service-welfare of the mankind, successfully make his senses and sensualities- pious-pure-virtuous. His inner self becomes pure, after successive rebirths making him eligible for Salvation in the very first stage of life, i.e., Brahmchary Ashram like Suck Dev Ji-son of Bhagwan Ved Vyas.
The learned-enlightened has to reject Rajsik (passionate behaviour) and Tamsik (darkness, sinful acts) defects and follow the path of Satvik Karm (goodness). He should visualize-observe-see (Sakshatkar) the soul (Parmatma-The Almighty) through consciousness, meditation and intelligence. He should identify (visualize/perceive) himself in the past and the past in himself. This will help him to analyse-reason and detach from the defects-disgrace of this world and attain the position which is ever lasting.
(1). Those people (Dwij-Brahman, Kshatriy, Vaishy), who are blessed with the knowledge-ability-capabilities of the fundamentals of Salvation, observes-understand-recognizes the visualization-glow, in their inner self and nowhere else. This glow-light is present in each and every living being in the same proportion.
(2).The one, devoted to trans-meditation, can himself experience the presence of Almighty in his inner self by controlling his mind and concentrating in this glow-light (Atm Prakash).
(3). The one, who is not afraid of any one and others are also not afraid of him, is capable of visualization of self.
(4). One who is without desires and ill-will, jealousy, rivalry, attains the stage of Brahm.
(5). When the man do not disgrace, tease any other being, through his thoughts (body, mind and speech) and actions, he attains the status of Brahm.
(6). When he rejects the envy, sex-lust, desires, greed leading to attachments and subject himself to asceticism, he experiences Brahmanand (the ultimate pleasure, extreme happiness).
(7). When the person weighs the subjects to be listened, experienced, observed, the entire living world equally (equanimity) and is not affected by pains and pleasure, he assimilates in the Brahm.
(8). Equanimity in praise (prayers) abuse (blasphemy), iron-gold, comforts-sorrow, cold-heat, gain-loss, like-dislike, life-death, success-failure, raises the man to the status of Brahm.
The one who has renounced/deserted the world should control his senses and sensualities through brain power, control of emotions and passions. The intelligence, prudence and brain power can visualize the soul. The man should stabilise his emotions, with the help of learning, knowledge, education, enlightenment and free self from greed-covets, desires and eagerness.
Firm pious-virtuous-righteous determination, helps one in attainment of the Almighty.
Freedom from attachments, lust, allurements, desires and passions makes the person imperishable, non-decaying leading to Salvation, extreme-eternal joy-happiness, peace and satisfaction.
There is no eye comparable to education and knowledge (enlightenment), no asceticism comparable to truth and no sorrow-grief comparable to passion-allurement. No comfort is comparable to detachment. One should perform pious-virtuous- sacred-auspicious deeds and desist from sins. He should always follow behaviour-manners-methods-life style, of virtuous-holy-sacred people and lead a life of high moral values-virtues. Excellence of values and merit of virtues are the carriers for the enlightened to Salvation.
The human body, which does not generate any comfort to the possessor, gets involved in worldly, sensual enjoyments, pleasures and sensuality pertaining to lust-attraction-attachments and drags him into engross, infatuation, delusion, allurement, ignorance.
Sensuality-sensual pleasures are the root cause of pains-sorrow-worries. They enhance the pains-sorrow-worries many fold. The mind-brain-intelligence of the engrossed-infatuated becomes fickle, flirtatious, inconsistent and unsteady with delusion-allurement-ignorance. The one caught in the web of delusion becomes the object of pains-worries-sorrow, in the present and the forth coming rebirths. One who, wishes his own welfare, should control sexual desires and anger. Both of them are potential enough to destroy the good fortune and credits of the possessor. One should win over his anger-fury through asceticism, discipline, self-control and protect self from envy-prejudice, insult-respect and intoxication-frenzy through education-learning.
One should eliminate cruelty-brutality, from his nature as a sacred-religious-pious endeavour-task. Pardoning produces great strength in him. Identifying self, is the most meritorious-virtuous awakening.
Truth is the greatest means for the self-benefit. Conversation-advice to the listener is even more valuable-meritorious than truth. The deed-action-work, which is in favour of living organisms constitute the truth-reality.
One who has rejected his desire for new projects/endeavors, has no desires, does not collect-store-compile worldly possessions, has sacrificed everything, is enlightened-a scholar-philosopher-a Pandit.
One who experiences the senses-sensuality, without attachment- whose senses are under control, in his inner self (body, mind and heart), is always at ease-peace.
One who, is free from defects and has the concentration of mind in God, is detached.
One who is isolated from the body, senses and organs is detached, does not recognize himself with them (devoid of oneness with them).One who cuts all bonds/attachments, attains the ultimate welfare quickly and easily.
One who does not see-entangle with any organism, does not talk, touch or communicate with any one, qualify for great merit-virtues-credit.
One who does not involve in violence, behaves as a friend with all creatures, has no anonymity with anyone in the present birth, has realized self and exercise self-restraint ,does not accumulate anything, has self-satisfaction-rejected all desires, inconsistency, volatility, agility, unsteadiness, leads to the accomplishment-attainment of the Ultimate.
Those who have rejected the gratification, pleasure, enjoyment, sex and suffering are never affected- involved by the grief.
One who wish to win the God, is not defeated by any one must be ascetic, self-controlled, balanced headed, thoughtful and disinterested in all sensuality.
The Brahmn (Scholar, Learned, Philosopher, Pundit, Enlightened), who absolve himself of the multiple-threefold (Trigunatmak), sensuality always reside in solitude, attains assimilation in God quickly.
One who isolates himself, in spite of the company of people, who like, obtain pleasure in sex, identifies pleasure in isolation/solitude-away from the company of women, should be considered as the one, who is satisfied with the pleasure of enlightenment, is never affected and involved by grief.
The living being is always under the control of his deeds. Auspicious (Satvik) deeds make Demigod.
Auspicious and inauspicious (Rajsik) deeds results in birth as human beings.
Inauspicious deeds (Tamsik) results in birth in animal, bird, insect, low species.
Accumulation of goods, property, comforts are not essential in this world. They only grow, develop and strengthen bonds and attachment and great vices, defects, sins, guilt.
Family, son, wife, body, collection of goods, everything is perishable, none belongs to the soul. Nothing is forever or regular. Only thing that matters here is one’s own auspicious-virtuous deeds and sins.
The supreme target-goal is attainable through enlightenment, auspicious deeds, purity and detailed-wide-comprehensive knowledge, only which helps in accomplishment of the feat. Attainment of God means freedom of the human soul. An auspicious person cuts the bonds of sensualities, passions, attachments, infatuation and proceeds towards the Ultimate, on the divine path. The sinner fails to cut these bonds.
Beauty, desires, touch, smell, extracts-juices-elixir, are all binding and obstruct in eliminating bonds.
Pardon, religion and rejection of sensuality help in breaking of bonds/attachments. Thought of know all, conquer/conquests of everything, accomplishment, have-have not’s, have to be eliminated.
The enlightened does not allow the development of new bonds/attachments with the help of self-control and asceticism and evolve-develop, the always comfortable, unlimited accomplishment i.e., Salvation.
Listening, reading and understanding, followed by utilization of the preaching in the scriptures, evolve excellence, purity in intelligence. It produces mental comfort, peace, joy, pleasure and eternal progress.
Grief and fear are always ready to control and affect the foolish. They have no control over the learned-scholars. Only morons, duffers, idiots are pained by the joining, meeting of dislikes and loss of loved articles.
Anything, which has perished should not be remembered, regarded or praised, since it hinders in breaking of bonds. Anywhere- the increase of attraction, enhancement of inclination, should be treated as defective and cause of unforeseen trouble. Just by doing this renouncement-detachment takes place.
One who grieved over the events in the past is devoid of Dharm (religion), Arth (wealth), Yash (honour, name, fame, recognition, goodwill). He just carries over the pain of the non-availability of past. It does not fill the vacuum or return the deceased, abolished. All creatures eventually meet; depart from the excellent people, incidences. He is not the only person, who has experienced-undergone the event of grief, sorrow, pain, condolences.
The person, who does not come out of trauma of grief, faces one after another painful events, simultaneously. If one encounters a physical or mental trouble and no recourse-treatment works, it should not be taken to heart. It should not be worried. The best medicine to conquer pain is not to worry about. Stop thinking about it, repeatedly. It only enhances the pain, instead of receding it. Mental grief should be overcome by controlling self, thinking and meditation and the physical pain by medicine. It’s possible only by the knowledge of Shashtr (scriptures). One should not weep in difficult times, like children.
Beauty, youth, life, accumulated wealth, possessions, good health, company of the dear ones are momentary. They are not forever. One day or the other, they will vanish. The learned one does not feel inclination towards them. It’s not proper to grieve over the dire trouble-danger-mistake or misfortune. In case no way out, let it be seen-observed, quietly. One should persist, continue to find a way out, instead of grieving over it.
There is no doubt that the life is associated with more of pains, than pleasures. Yet the pain caused by old age and death, are above all. It's therefore advised to ameliorate the loving soul from it.
The perishable person pained and worried by thirst, desires, longings, compulsions; still with the desire for long life-longevity, is deteriorating each and every moment.
One who stops worrying about pains and pleasures, attains the state of imperishable Brahm and Ultimate pleasure (Permanand, Bliss).
Enlightened, is always satisfied-content with whatever, he has. He does not find thirst-longing for wealth-money. Desires-longings-thirsts have no limit-end.
Those people who experience the presence of the Almighty, in all organism-living beings-creatures and always meditate about him, assimilate in him-The Almighty, after the completion of the journey of the present life. The Almighty is in front of them and they come over all grief. The person who considers comfort as pain and pain as comfort, intelligence, good policies and all endeavours fail to protect him. It’s therefore essential to seek enlightenment, since the enlightened, Pandit, scholar, learned, never lands in pain, sorrow-grief.
SHRIMAD DEVI BHAGWAT MAHA PURAN श्रीमद्देवी भागवत महा पुराण :: Entire Universe exhibits dual character. Human beings too show dual character. First ones are those who have attachment, belonging passion, desire and love for this world and are called Ragi. The second type of person is one, who is free from all sorts of desires and is called the Vaeragi-detached, relinquished. The Ragi, who is attached with world, experiences and undergoes all sorts of pleasures and pains. Pleasures symbolize heavens and the pains symbolize hell. Acquisition of wealth, property, riches, prosperity, conveniences, children, wife, honour reputation, success, victory etc. by the Ragi; gives him happiness, while the non- availability of these and like, fills the desirous person with pain and unhappiness.
Efforts are made by the Ragi to acquire goods, commodities and valuables, which give him comforts. Anyone, who obstructs the collection of luxuries, by him is considered to be a foe or an enemy. The person, who adds to the comforts and pleasures of the Ragi, is considered to be a friend. A clever or sagacious person keeps himself free from infatuations, attachments, possessions, allurements or compassion But the ignorant, imprudent, foolish or the stupid, always experiences great love, affection, attachment and desire for the worldly possessions, which are immaterial.
Unattached person, sages, spirituals, Yogis obtain pleasure and happiness through solitude and followings of Vedant Shastr (preaching of Ved, Puran, Upnishad, Ramayan, Bhagwat, Mahabharat, Geeta etc.). Thoughts, discussions pertaining to worldly or sensual enjoyment, sensuality gives them pain, sadness dejection, depression and melancholy. Any one who wishes to have salvation finds many enemies like lust, anger, pride, greed, allurement, attachment etc. The real friend or the well wisher is self satisfaction, contentment and none other than these.
A person desirous of salvation should discharge his social, ancestral, cultural, moral, religious duties and responsibilities faithfully, with devotion, dedication and honesty. He should not run away from these, since the family life is considered to be the greatest and easiest means to attain salvation. He should be content with the money earned by honest, just, genuine and proper means. He should not desire /expect anything from anyone else, must be pious- free from sins. He should perform daily routines like chores, rituals, prayers, Agnihotr-Haven-offerings and sacrifices made in the fire, offering/pouring water to the Sun and Tulsi in the morning-facing east, regularly and north while performing evening prayers. He should offer water and food to the guests. He must speak the truth, which is neither bitter nor harmful to an innocent person. He must be pious and pure at heart, through his actions and deeds .One should crave for Sanyas - Sainthood, only after fulfilment of all of his duties, desires, contentment, and satisfaction of all his worldly gratifications, attainment of peace and purity of heart, otherwise not.
First thing to be done by the person seeking Moksh-Salvation, is to be blessed with the Janeu Ceremony, performed with the sacred thread by the parents, elders, holy persons and the family Priest, on some auspicious Muhurt-occasion, to be initiated into Brahmchary- Asceticism (-initiation/beginning of education). He will stay with the Guru-the teacher having abode in forests away from city life, help him in all daily chores, agriculture, animal husbandry and learn to discipline the body, mind and soul, in addition to learning Veds, Vedant and various other faculties. He has to undertake eight essential sanctifying, purification rites, like Shum (-absence of passion, peace of mind), Dum (self control, restraint, mortification, repression of feelings).
Having completed studies, learning, education, the Brahmchari should get married and enter Grahasth Ashram- family way, i.e., into the second stage of life.
Mumukshu-the emancipation seeker, has to move from one stage to another i.e., Vanprasth and Sanyas slowly and gradually. Senses are very powerful. They can’t be controlled or subdued easily. They create all sorts of abnormalities and disorders in the Man (innerself, mind, brain, thoughts, heart) of the immature. The Sanyasi should be free from all desires such as food, sleep, pleasure, lust or the son. The strings of lust and desires are extremely strong and powerful. Their web can’t be cut easily. The consolation of desires can be discarded, one by one only. The Sanyasi, mislead or corrupted once, has no other approach, path, means to Salvation. He has no place in the society as well.
One who has realized self; is intelligent, quite, neither happy nor repentant, assess gain or loss at par, performs his duties and responsibilities, as per the dictates of the Shashtr, is free from all liabilities and mental tensions, is content/satisfied, analyses the self and attains Salvation gradually.
Videh Raja Janak, a Nirlipt (not involved) and Jeevan-Mukt (detached, free from sorrow, rejoice, attachments, pain, anonymity), isolated/detached himself, while performing the responsibilities, duties/functions of state, having all sorts of luxuries and amenities; advised Suk Dev Ji (Son of Bhagwan Ved Vyas)-who was spiritually pure, pious and free from sins, to get married.
The world which itself is visible, can’t hold the invisible soul. The soul is invisible, immaterial and notional. It has certain characteristics like earth, water, fire, air, sky, smell, extracts-juices/elixir, figure, touch, feeling, experience and sound. The Soul-Brahm, which in itself- is a segment of The Almighty, is always pure and free, can never be tied or bonded with the material world.
It’s the Man, which craves for pleasures, comforts, desires, charms, lust, companions and luxuries. It’s inconsistent with unbound speeds. Man is solely responsible for the ties/bonds or salvation. Man-innerself is the sole factor behind pain or pleasure. Everything becomes pure with its purification. Seizure or salvation lies in the Man only. Solace, peace or tranquility is associated with the Mun and brings the individual close to emancipation. Differentiation like anonymity, friendship, neutrality, reside in the mind (Man).
The feeling/thought of dualness of soul with the God arises from the ties and bonds with the perishable world. The main reason behind this is Avidya (negative/repulsive thoughts, crime, intoxication of brain, cruelty, egotism, destruction, torture, vandalism, lust etc.). Without the essence of Avidya, Vidya can’t be experienced. It’s Vidya, which enlightens the individual and leads him to the analysis of Dharm and emancipation, ultimately. Oneness of the soul with the almighty, eliminates the dualness-differentiation.
The Karm-deeds, responsibilities, performances, attachments, egotism, impact, ties, or the bonds, without involvement of the self, qualifies for the ultimate Moksh-Salvation, since it is considered to be the Karm not done. Purity of thoughts and actions, detachment from the world, duties performed without involvement, grants emancipation.
Dharm-Vidya, discipline of the Body, Mind and Soul helps in the attainment of the ultimate i.e., Salvation-assimilation of the soul with the Brahm-The Almighty.
Extract from: Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Maha Puran (Suk Dev Ji visits Videh Raja Janak on the advice of Bhagwan Ved Vyas-his father). Identical text is present in Narad Puran, with other details as well.
मुक्तिमिच्छसि चेत्तात! विषयान् विषवत् त्यज।
क्षमार्जवंदया शौचं सत्यं पीयूषवत्॥
यदि जन्म-मरण के चक्र से मुक्त होना चाहते हो तो इन्द्रियों की संतुष्टि के लिए विषयों को उसी तरह त्याग दो, जैसे विष को त्याग देते हो। इन सब को छोड़कर तितिक्षा, ईमानदारी का आचरण, दया, शुचिता और सत्य इसका अमृत पियो।[चाणक्य नीति 9.1] One who is desirous of attaining Salvation (renunciation, Liberation) should reject-discard sensualities, sexuality, lust, passions like poison. One should accept forgiveness, prayers-asceticism, truth, pity, purity (piousness, righteousness, virtuousness) as nectar-elixir.
Religion means faith in God. Faith is a factor which always keeps one tied to the welfare of others. The Ultimate goal of a faithful is assimilation in the Almighty-Permanand (extreme pleasure). Nothing is left to be attained once one tastes the Ultimate Pleasure-bliss. Salvation is the core of religion.
Religion means faith in God. Faith is a factor which always keeps one tied to the welfare of others. The Ultimate goal of a faithful is assimilation in the Almighty-Permanand (extreme pleasure). Nothing is left to be attained once one tastes the Ultimate Pleasure-bliss. Salvation is the core of religion.
धर्माSSख्याने श्मशाने च रोगिणां या मतिर्भवेत्।
सा सर्वदैव तिष्ठेच्चेत् को न मुच्येत बन्धनात्॥
मनुष्य के मन में धर्मोपदेश, श्मशान घाट में मोहभंग और बीमारी के वक्त भगवान् का ध्यान कायम रहे तो वह मोक्ष प्राप्त कर सकता है।[चाणक्य नीति 14.6] If the pious thoughts which evolve in the mind while listening to religious discourses, sermons-preachings, thoughts in the cremation ground-graveyard and on being ill persists, a person can achieve liberation-relinquish this world easily.
Virtuous, righteous, pious thoughts-ideas which evolve in the mind should be retained-preserved, stored in the mind and one must decide to act accordingly. Understanding-application and rigorous practice-meditation yield the desired results pertaining to renunciation-assimilation in the Almighty. Illusions, desires, passions, sensualities can be controlled through practice. One who has a strong will power aided by devotion is very close to Salvation. There is the need to analyse and identify the self.
Virtuous, righteous, pious thoughts-ideas which evolve in the mind should be retained-preserved, stored in the mind and one must decide to act accordingly. Understanding-application and rigorous practice-meditation yield the desired results pertaining to renunciation-assimilation in the Almighty. Illusions, desires, passions, sensualities can be controlled through practice. One who has a strong will power aided by devotion is very close to Salvation. There is the need to analyse and identify the self.

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संतोष महादेव-सिद्ध व्यास पीठ, बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा